Nico Ebert
Nico Ebert
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Where to start with SOA: Criteria for selecting SOA projects
T Hau, N Ebert, A Hochstein, W Brenner
Proceedings of the 41st Annual Hawaii International Conference on System …, 2008
Integration platform as a service
N Ebert, K Weber, S Koruna
Business & Information Systems Engineering 59, 375-379, 2017
Bolder is better: Raising user awareness through salient and concise privacy notices
N Ebert, K Alexander Ackermann, B Scheppler
Proceedings of the 2021 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems …, 2021
Does context in privacy communication really matter?—a survey on consumer concerns and preferences
N Ebert, KA Ackermann, P Heinrich
Proceedings of the 2020 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems …, 2020
Trusted execution environments: Applications and organizational challenges
T Geppert, S Deml, D Sturzenegger, N Ebert
Frontiers in Computer Science 4, 930741, 2022
A service model for the development of management systems for IT-enabled services
N Ebert, F Uebernickel, A Hochstein, W Brenner
IT-Industrialisierung: Was ist das
A Hochstein, N Ebert, F Übernickel, W Brenner
Computerwoche 15 (3), 5, 2007
Predictive Analytics im Human Capital Management: Status Quo und Potentiale
O Christ, N Ebert
HMD Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik 53, 298-309, 2016
Virtual Reality at Secondary School--First Results.
T Keller, P Glauser, N Ebert, E Brucker-Kley
International Association for Development of the Information Society, 2018
Learning from safety science: A way forward for studying cybersecurity incidents in organizations
N Ebert, T Schaltegger, B Ambuehl, L Schöni, V Zimmermann, M Knieps
Computers & Security 134, 103435, 2023
Creative beyond TikToks: Investigating Adolescents' Social Privacy Management on TikTok
N Ebert, T Geppert, J Strycharz, M Knieps, M Hönig, E Brucker-Kley
Proceedings on Privacy Enhancing Technologies, 221–235, 2023
Data protection officers: Figureheads of privacy or merely decoration
N Casutt, N Ebert
Proc. 16th Eur. Conf. Manage., Leadership Governance, 39, 2020
Sicherheit von Cloud-basierten Plattformen zur Anwendungsintegration: eine Bewertung aktueller Angebote
N Ebert, K Weber
FHWS Science Journal 3 (2), 10-22, 2016
When information security depends on font size: how the saliency of warnings affects protection behavior
N Ebert, KA Ackermann, A Bearth
Journal of risk research 26 (3), 233-255, 2023
Cloud-basierte Plattformen zur Anwendungsintegration–Angebote und Praxisbeispiel
N Ebert, K Weber
HMD Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik 52 (6), 931-944, 2015
IT-Industrialisierung: Was ist das
W Brenner, N Ebert, A Hochstein, F Übernickel
ComputerWoche, Online verfügbar unter http://www. computerwoche. de …, 2007
Production Planning for IT-Service Providers: an ERP-based concept
N Ebert, A Vogedes, F Uebernickel, W Brenner, M Heinz
ACIS 2008 Proceedings, 51, 2008
Integration platform as a service in der praxis: eine bestandsaufnahme
V Nissen, D Stelzer, S Straßburger, D Fischer
Produktionsplanung und-steuerung bei IT-Dienstleistern
N Ebert
Verlag nicht ermittelbar, 2009
QButterfly: lightweight survey extension for online user interaction studies for non-tech-savvy researchers
N Ebert, B Scheppler, KA Ackermann, T Geppert
Proceedings of the 2023 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems …, 2023
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