Rachid Hedjam
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Mean deviation similarity index: Efficient and reliable full-reference image quality evaluator
HZ Nafchi, A Shahkolaei, R Hedjam, M Cheriet
Ieee Access 4, 5579-5590, 2016
Historical document image restoration using multispectral imaging system
R Hedjam, M Cheriet
Pattern Recognition 46 (8), 2297-2312, 2013
A spatially adaptive statistical method for the binarization of historical manuscripts and degraded document images
R Hedjam, RF Moghaddam, M Cheriet
Pattern Recognition 44 (9), 2184-2196, 2011
Using machine learning in business process re-engineering
Y Al-Anqoudi, A Al-Hamdani, M Al-Badawi, R Hedjam
Big Data and Cognitive Computing 5 (4), 61, 2021
A learning framework for the optimization and automation of document binarization methods
M Cheriet, RF Moghaddam, R Hedjam
Computer vision and image understanding 117 (3), 269-280, 2013
CorrC2G: Color to gray conversion by correlation
HZ Nafchi, A Shahkolaei, R Hedjam, M Cheriet
IEEE Signal Processing Letters 24 (11), 1651-1655, 2017
X-ray image based COVID-19 detection using evolutionary deep learning approach
SMJ Jalali, M Ahmadian, S Ahmadian, R Hedjam, A Khosravi, ...
Expert Systems with Applications 201, 116942, 2022
Ensemble clustering using extended fuzzy k-means for cancer data analysis
I Khan, Z Luo, AK Shaikh, R Hedjam
Expert Systems with Applications 172, 114622, 2021
Icdar 2015 contest on multispectral text extraction (ms-tex 2015)
R Hedjam, HZ Nafchi, RF Moghaddam, M Kalacska, M Cheriet
2015 13th International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition …, 2015
A hierarchical graph-based Markovian clustering approach for the unsupervised segmentation of textured color images
R Hedjam, M Mignotte
2009 16th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), 1365-1368, 2009
Autonomous robot navigation system using the evolutionary multi-verse optimizer algorithm
SMJ Jalali, A Khosravi, PM Kebria, R Hedjam, S Nahavandi
2019 IEEE international conference on systems, man and cybernetics (SMC …, 2019
Hybrid deep learning-based intrusion detection system for RPL IoT networks
Y Al Sawafi, A Touzene, R Hedjam
Journal of Sensor and Actuator Networks 12 (2), 21, 2023
Influence of color-to-gray conversion on the performance of document image binarization: Toward a novel optimization problem
R Hedjam, HZ Nafchi, M Kalacska, M Cheriet
IEEE transactions on image processing 24 (11), 3637-3651, 2015
NMF with feature relationship preservation penalty term for clustering problems
R Hedjam, A Abdesselam, F Melgani
Pattern Recognition 112, 107814, 2021
Autonomous robot navigation using moth-flame-based neuroevolution
SMJ Jalali, R Hedjam, A Khosravi, AA Heidari, S Mirjalili, S Nahavandi
Evolutionary Machine Learning Techniques: Algorithms and Applications, 67-83, 2020
Hyperspectral band selection based on graph clustering
R Hedjam, M Cheriet
2012 11th international conference on information science, signal processing …, 2012
Estimate of the HOMA-IR cut-off value for identifying subjects at risk of insulin resistance using a machine learning approach
A Abdesselam, H Zidoum, F Zadjali, R Hedjam, A Al-Ansari, R Bayoumi, ...
Sultan Qaboos University Medical Journal 21 (4), 604, 2021
Constrained energy maximization and self-referencing method for invisible ink detection from multispectral historical document images
R Hedjam, M Cheriet, M Kalacska
2014 22nd International Conference on Pattern Recognition, 3026-3031, 2014
Historical documents dating using multispectral imaging and ordinal classification
A Rahiche, R Hedjam, S Al-Maadeed, M Cheriet
Journal of Cultural Heritage 45, 71-80, 2020
Gabor filter-based texture for ancient degraded document image binarization
A Sehad, Y Chibani, R Hedjam, M Cheriet
Pattern Analysis and Applications 22, 1-22, 2019
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