James Nuttall
James Nuttall
Agriculture Victoria, Australia
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Simulating the impact of extreme heat and frost events on wheat crop production: A review
KM Barlow, BP Christy, GJ O’Leary, PA Riffkin, JG Nuttall
Field crops research 171, 109-119, 2015
Models of grain quality in wheat—A review
JG Nuttall, GJ O'leary, JF Panozzo, CK Walker, KM Barlow, GJ Fitzgerald
Field crops research 202, 136-145, 2017
Response of wheat growth, grain yield and water use to elevated CO2 under a Free‐Air CO2 Enrichment (FACE) experiment and modelling in a semi‐arid …
GJ O'Leary, B Christy, J Nuttall, N Huth, D Cammarano, C Stöckle, ...
Global change biology 21 (7), 2670-2686, 2015
Crop adaptation to climate change
SS Yadav, RJ Redden, JL Hatfield, H Lotze-Campen, AE Hall
John Wiley & Sons, 2011
Evaluating physicochemical constraints of Calcarosols on wheat yield in the Victorian southern Mallee
JG Nuttall, RD Armstrong, DJ Connor
Australian Journal of Agricultural Research 54 (5), 487-497, 2003
Factors affecting the potential contributions of N2 fixation by legumes in Australian pasture systems
MB Peoples, J Brockwell, JR Hunt, AD Swan, L Watson, RC Hayes, GD Li, ...
Crop and Pasture Science 63 (9), 759-786, 2012
Interrelationships between edaphic factors potentially limiting cereal growth on alkaline soils in north-western Victoria
JG Nuttall, RD Armstrong, DJ Connor, VJ Matassa
Soil Research 41 (2), 277-292, 2003
Acute high temperature response in wheat
JG Nuttall, KM Barlow, AJ Delahunty, BP Christy, GJ O’Leary
Agronomy Journal 110 (4), 1296-1308, 2018
Intercropping—evaluating the advantages to broadacre systems
U Khanal, KJ Stott, R Armstrong, JG Nuttall, F Henry, BP Christy, ...
Agriculture 11 (5), 453, 2021
Rapid estimation of canopy nitrogen of cereal crops at paddock scale using a Canopy Chlorophyll Content Index
EM Perry, GJ Fitzgerald, JG Nuttall, GJ O’Leary, U Schulthess, A Whitlock
Field Crops Research 134, 158-164, 2012
Genotypic heat tolerance in lentil
A Delahunty, J Nuttall, M Nicolas, J Brand
Proceedings of the 17th ASA Conference, 20-24, 2015
Frost response in wheat and early detection using proximal sensors
JG Nuttall, EM Perry, AJ Delahunty, GJ O'Leary, KM Barlow, AJ Wallace
Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science 205 (2), 220-234, 2019
Impact of subsoil constraints on wheat yield and gross margin on fine-textured soils of the southern Victorian Mallee
D Rodriguez, J Nuttall, VO Sadras, H Van Rees, R Armstrong
Australian Journal of Agricultural Research 57 (3), 355-365, 2006
Response of lentil to high temperature under variable water supply and carbon dioxide enrichment
A Delahunty, J Nuttall, M Nicolas, J Brand
Crop and Pasture Science 69 (11), 1103-1112, 2018
‘Haying-off’in wheat is predicted to increase under a future climate in south-eastern Australia
JG Nuttall, GJ O’Leary, N Khimashia, S Asseng, G Fitzgerald, R Norton
Crop and Pasture Science 63 (7), 593-605, 2012
Impact of subsoil physicochemical constraints on crops grown in the Wimmera and Mallee is reduced during dry seasonal conditions
JG Nuttall, RD Armstrong
Soil Research 48 (2), 125-139, 2010
Can elevated CO2 buffer the effects of heat waves on wheat in a dryland cropping system?
A Macabuhay, A Houshmandfar, J Nuttall, GJ Fitzgerald, M Tausz, ...
Environmental and Experimental Botany 155, 578-588, 2018
Effect of a Heat Wave on Lentil Grown under Free‐Air CO2 Enrichment (FACE) in a Semi‐Arid Environment
M Bourgault, M Löw, S Tausz‐Posch, JG Nuttall, AJ Delahunty, J Brand, ...
Crop Science 58 (2), 803-812, 2018
In-field methods for rapid detection of frost damage in Australian dryland wheat during the reproductive and grain-filling phase
EM Perry, JG Nuttall, AJ Wallace, GJ Fitzgerald
Crop and Pasture Science 68 (6), 516-526, 2017
Testing the primer-plant concept: wheat yields can be increased on alkaline sodic soils when an effective primer phase is used
JG Nuttall, SL Davies, RA Armstrong, MB Peoples
Australian Journal of Agricultural Research 59 (4), 331-338, 2008
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