Conservation biogeography: assessment and prospect RJ Whittaker, MB Araújo, P Jepson, RJ Ladle, JEM Watson, KJ Willis Diversity and distributions 11 (1), 3-23, 2005 | 1563 | 2005 |
Gas-bubble lesions in stranded cetaceans PD Jepson, M Arbelo, R Deaville, IAP Patterson, P Castro, JR Baker, ... Nature 425 (6958), 575-576, 2003 | 644 | 2003 |
Understanding the impacts of anthropogenic sound on beaked whales TM Cox, TJ Ragen, AJ Read, E Vos, RW Baird, K Balcomb, J Barlow, ... J. Cetacean Res. Manage. 7 (3), 177-187, 2005 | 619 | 2005 |
PCB pollution continues to impact populations of orcas and other dolphins in European waters PD Jepson, R Deaville, JL Barber, À Aguilar, A Borrell, S Murphy, J Barry, ... Scientific reports 6 (1), 18573, 2016 | 467 | 2016 |
Emerging infectious diseases in cetaceans worldwide and the possible role of environmental stressors MF Van Bressem, JA Raga, G Di Guardo, PD Jepson, PJ Duignan, ... Diseases of aquatic organisms 86 (2), 143-157, 2009 | 429 | 2009 |
Rewilding: science, practice, and politics J Lorimer, C Sandom, P Jepson, C Doughty, M Barua, KJ Kirby Annual Review of Environment and Resources 40 (1), 39-62, 2015 | 424 | 2015 |
Predicting global killer whale population collapse from PCB pollution JP Desforges, A Hall, B McConnell, A Rosing-Asvid, JL Barber, ... Science 361 (6409), 1373-1376, 2018 | 391 | 2018 |
The 1988 and 2002 phocine distemper virus epidemics in European harbour seals T Härkönen, R Dietz, P Reijnders, J Teilmann, K Harding, A Hall, ... Diseases of aquatic organisms 68 (2), 115-130, 2006 | 347 | 2006 |
Relationships between polychlorinated biphenyls and health status in harbor porpoises (Phocoena phocoena) stranded in the United Kingdom PD Jepson, PM Bennett, R Deaville, CR Allchin, JR Baker, RJ Law Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 24 (1), 238-248, 2005 | 339 | 2005 |
Mass die-off of Caspian seals caused by canine distemper virus S Kennedy, T Kuiken, PD Jepson, R Deaville, M Forsyth, T Barrett, ... Emerging infectious diseases 6 (6), 637, 2000 | 330 | 2000 |
Governance and accountability of environmental NGOs P Jepson Environmental Science & Policy 8 (5), 515-524, 2005 | 318 | 2005 |
Conservation culturomics RJ Ladle, RA Correia, Y Do, GJ Joo, ACM Malhado, R Proulx, ... Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 14 (5), 269-275, 2016 | 299 | 2016 |
Investing in biodiversity: a review of Indonesia's integrated conservation and development projects M Wells World Bank Publications, 1999 | 287 | 1999 |
The end for Indonesia's lowland forests? P Jepson, JK Jarvie, K MacKinnon, KA Monk Science 292 (5518), 859-861, 2001 | 285 | 2001 |
Cetacean morbillivirus: current knowledge and future directions MF Van Bressem, PJ Duignan, A Banyard, M Barbieri, KM Colegrove, ... Viruses 6 (12), 5145-5181, 2014 | 281 | 2014 |
Exposure to heavy metals and infectious disease mortality in harbour porpoises from England and Wales PM Bennett, PD Jepson, RJ Law, BR Jones, T Kuiken, JR Baker, E Rogan, ... Environmental pollution 112 (1), 33-40, 2001 | 239 | 2001 |
Investigating potential associations between chronic exposure to polychlorinated biphenyls and infectious disease mortality in harbour porpoises from England and Wales PD Jepson, PM Bennett, CR Allchin, RJ Law, T Kuiken, JR Baker, ... Science of the Total Environment 243, 339-348, 1999 | 239 | 1999 |
Phylogenomic resolution of the cetacean tree of life using target sequence capture MR McGowen, G Tsagkogeorga, S Álvarez-Carretero, M Dos Reis, ... Systematic biology 69 (3), 479-501, 2020 | 234 | 2020 |
Bird-keeping in Indonesia: conservation impacts and the potential for substitution-based conservation responses P Jepson, RJ Ladle Oryx 39 (4), 442-448, 2005 | 222 | 2005 |
Persistent pollutants, persistent threats PD Jepson, RJ Law Science 352 (6292), 1388-1389, 2016 | 212 | 2016 |