Fátima Suleman
Fátima Suleman
Professor of Instituto Universitário de Lisboa (ISCTE-IUL)
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The employability skills of higher education graduates: insights into conceptual frameworks and methodological options
F Suleman
Higher Education 76, 263-278, 2018
Employability skills of higher education graduates: Little consensus on a much-discussed subject
F Suleman
Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 228, 169-174, 2016
Workplace abuse and harassment: the vulnerability of informal and migrant domestic workers in Portugal
M da Conceiçao Figueiredo, F Suleman, M do Carmo Botelho
Social Policy and Society 17 (1), 65-85, 2018
Estratégias empresariais e competências-chave
H Lopes, F Suleman, MPC Lima, L Pires, L Frota
Lisboa: Observatório do Emprego e Formação Profissional, 2000
The employability skills of graduates and employers’ options in Portugal: An explorative study of anticipative and remedial strategies
F Suleman, AMC Laranjeiro
Education+ Training 60 (9), 1097-1111, 2018
O valor das competências
F Suleman
Um estudo aplicado ao sector bancário. Editora Livros Horizonte, Lisboa …, 2007
La production de connaissances dans la société de la connaissance: quel rôle pour le système éducatif?
JJ Paul, F Suleman
Education et sociétés 15 (1), 19-43, 2005
A methodological contribution to measuring skill (mis) match
F Sgobbi, F Suleman
The Manchester School 81 (3), 420-437, 2013
Entering the labour market in the context of higher education reform and economic recession: young bachelor and master graduates in Portugal
F Suleman, MC Figueiredo
Journal of Youth Studies 23 (10), 1396-1417, 2020
Ranking by competence using a fuzzy approach
A Suleman, F Suleman
Quality & Quantity 46, 323-339, 2012
Higher education and employability skills: Barriers and facilitators of employer engagement at local level
F Suleman, P Videira, E Araújo
Education sciences 11 (2), 51, 2021
The employment relationship in an (almost) structureless labour market: the case of domestic work
F Suleman
Cambridge Journal of Economics 39 (3), 733-750, 2015
Empregabilidade e competências-chave: do conceito de competências às competências-chave
F Suleman
Estratégias Empresariais e Competências-Chave, Lisboa, Observatório do …, 2000
The impact of skills and performance on earnings: evidence from retail bankers in Portugal
F Suleman
The International Journal of Human Resource Management 23 (11), 2205-2220, 2012
Wage differentials within a female‐dominated occupation: Domestic workers in informal and flexible jobs in Portugal
F Suleman, MDC Figueiredo
International Labour Review 157 (1), 129-152, 2018
As competências profissionais-chave e a renovação dos perfis profissionais
F Suleman
O futuro da educação em Portugal: tendências e oportunidades. Lisboa: ME, 2001
Moving beyond supply‐side arguments to explain over‐qualification: The ability to absorb graduates in different models of capitalism
P Marques, F Suleman, JM Costa
European Journal of Education 57 (2), 342-360, 2022
Revisiting the concept of employability through economic theories: Contributions, limitations and policy implications
F Suleman
Higher Education Quarterly 75 (4), 548-561, 2021
Industry-and occupation-specific human capital: evidence from displaced workers
S Lagoa, F Suleman
International Journal of Manpower 37 (1), 44-68, 2016
A empregabilidade dos graduados: competências procuradas nos anúncios de emprego
AC Laranjeiro, F Suleman, MC Botelho
Sociologia, problemas e práticas, 49-69, 2020
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