John C. Moore
John C. Moore
Professor, CSU Distinguished Teaching Scholar, Colorado State University
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Detritus, trophic dynamics and biodiversity
JC Moore, EL Berlow, DC Coleman, PC De Ruiter, Q Dong, A Hastings, ...
Ecology letters 7 (7), 584-600, 2004
A meta‐analysis of context‐dependency in plant response to inoculation with mycorrhizal fungi
JD Hoeksema, VB Chaudhary, CA Gehring, NC Johnson, J Karst, ...
Ecology letters 13 (3), 394-407, 2010
Structural asymmetry and the stability of diverse food webs
N Rooney, K McCann, G Gellner, JC Moore
Nature 442 (7100), 265-269, 2006
The detrital food web in a shortgrass prairie
HW Hunt, DC Coleman, ER Ingham, RE Ingham, ET Elliott, JC Moore, ...
Biology and Fertility of Soils 3, 57-68, 1987
Energetics, patterns of interaction strengths, and stability in real ecosystems
PC De Ruiter, AM Neutel, JC Moore
Science 269 (5228), 1257-1260, 1995
Arthropod regulation of micro- and mesobiota in below-ground detrital food webs
JC Moore, DE Walter, HW Hunt
Annual review of Entomology 33 (1), 419-435, 1988
Home-field advantage accelerates leaf litter decomposition in forests
E Ayres, H Steltzer, BL Simmons, RT Simpson, JM Steinweg, ...
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 41 (3), 606-610, 2009
Long-term warming restructures Arctic tundra without changing net soil carbon storage
SA Sistla, JC Moore, RT Simpson, L Gough, GR Shaver, JP Schimel
Nature 497 (7451), 615-618, 2013
Resource compartmentation and the stability of real ecosystems
JC Moore, H William Hunt
Nature 333 (6170), 261-263, 1988
Interactions underground: soil biodiversity, mutualism, and ecosystem processes
DH Wall, JC Moore
BioScience 49 (2), 109-117, 1999
Simulation of nitrogen mineralization in the below-ground food webs of two winter wheat fields
PC De Ruiter, JC Moore, KB Zwart, LA Bouwman, J Hassink, J Bloem, ...
Journal of Applied Ecology, 95-106, 1993
Top‐down is bottom‐up: does predation in the rhizosphere regulate aboveground dynamics?
JC Moore, K McCann, H Setälä, PC De Ruiter
Ecology 84 (4), 846-857, 2003
Calculation of nitrogen mineralization in soil food webs
PC De Ruiter, JA Van Veen, JC Moore, L Brussaard, HW Hunt
Plant and Soil 157, 263-273, 1993
Belowground community responses to fire: meta‐analysis reveals contrasting responses of soil microorganisms and mesofauna
Y Pressler, JC Moore, MF Cotrufo
Oikos 128 (3), 309-327, 2019
A landscape theory for food web architecture
N Rooney, KS McCann, JC Moore
Ecology letters 11 (8), 867-881, 2008
Modeling trophic pathways, nutrient cycling, and dynamic stability in soils
JC Moore, K McCann, PC de Ruiter
Pedobiologia 49 (6), 499-510, 2005
Temporal and spatial heterogeneity of trophic interactions within below-ground food webs
JC Moore, PC de Ruiter
Agriculture, ecosystems & environment 34 (1-4), 371-397, 1991
Food web ecology: playing Jenga and beyond
PC de Ruiter, V Wolters, JC Moore, KO Winemiller
Science 309 (5731), 68-71, 2005
Soil bacterial community composition altered by increased nutrient availability in Arctic tundra soils
A Koyama, MD Wallenstein, RT Simpson, JC Moore
Frontiers in microbiology 5, 516, 2014
Influence of productivity on the stability of real and model ecosystems
JC Moore, PC de Ruiter, HW Hunt
Science 261 (5123), 906-908, 1993
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