Hanna Bae
Hanna Bae
School of Earth and Environmental Sciences & Research Institute of Oceanography, Seoul National University, Seoul 08826, Republic of Korea
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The influence of ceramic surface treatments on the tensile bond strength of composite resin to all-ceramic coping materials
BK Kim, HEK Bae, JS Shim, KW Lee
The Journal of prosthetic dentistry 94 (4), 357-362, 2005
Clinical implications of the topography and distribution of the posterior superior alveolar artery
MS Hur, JK Kim, KS Hu, HEK Bae, HS Park, HJ Kim
Journal of Craniofacial Surgery 20 (2), 551-554, 2009
Impacts of environmental and anthropogenic stresses on macrozoobenthic communities in Jinhae Bay, Korea
H Bae, JH Lee, SJ Song, J Park, BO Kwon, S Hong, J Ryu, K Choi, ...
Chemosphere 171, 681-691, 2017
Shift in polar benthic community structure in a fast retreating glacial area of Marian Cove, West Antarctica
H Bae, IY Ahn, J Park, SJ Song, J Noh, H Kim, JS Khim
Scientific Reports 11 (1), 241, 2021
Macrozoobenthos of Korean tidal flats: A review on species assemblages and distribution
J Park, SJ Song, J Ryu, BO Kwon, S Hong, H Bae, JW Choi, JS Khim
Ocean & coastal management 102, 483-492, 2014
Marginal tissue response to different implant neck design
HEK Bae, MK Chung, IH Cha, DH Han
The Journal of Korean Academy of Prosthodontics 46 (6), 602-609, 2008
Spatiotemporal variations in macrofaunal assemblages linked to site-specific environmental factors in two contrasting nearshore habitats
H Bae, JH Lee, SJ Song, J Ryu, J Noh, BO Kwon, K Choi, JS Khim
Environmental Pollution 241, 596-606, 2018
Natural and anthropogenic impacts on long-term meiobenthic communities in two contrasting nearshore habitats
HG Kim, SJ Song, H Bae, J Noh, C Lee, BO Kwon, JH Lee, J Ryu, ...
Environment international 134, 105200, 2020
Marine biodiversity in Korea: A review of macrozoobenthic assemblages, their distributions, and long-term community changes from human impacts
JS Khim, C Lee, SJ Song, H Bae, J Noh, J Lee, HG Kim, JW Choi
Oceanography and Marine Biology, 483-532, 2021
Shift in benthic diatom community structure and salinity thresholds in a hypersaline environment of solar saltern, Korea
H Bae, J Park, H Ahn, JS Khim, H Bae, J Park, H Ahn, JS Khim
Algae 35 (4), 361-373, 2020
Spatiotemporal variation of extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) associated with the microphytobenthos of tidal flats in the Yellow Sea
B Kim, J Lee, J Noh, H Bae, C Lee, HJ Ha, K Hwang, DU Kim, BO Kwon, ...
Marine Pollution Bulletin 171, 112780, 2021
First reliable record of the blue-lined octopus, Hapalochlaena fasciata (Hoyle, 1886)(Cephalopoda: Octopodidae), from Jeju Island, Korea
HS Kim, HJ Kwun, H Bae, J Park
Journal of Asia-Pacific Biodiversity 11 (1), 21-24, 2018
Rehabilitation of a patient with a post radiotherapy trismus with an obturator and a maxillary denture using magnet attachments
HEK Bae, JH Jeon, MK Chung
The Journal of Korean Academy of Prosthodontics 46 (6), 586-590, 2008
Preliminary report on fish diversity in the tidal pools of Jeju Island, Korea
HJ Kwun, J Park, HS Kim, H Bae
Marine Biodiversity 47 (3), 957-963, 2017
Analysis of current nursing homes in Korea and to assess the role and prospect of dentists in comparison to Japanese long term care insurance system
RH Shin, HEK Bae, SH Choi, II Park, T Ohyama, MK Chung
The Journal of Korean Academy of Prosthodontics 46 (1), 83-91, 2008
First record of the banded sergeant, Abudefduf septemfasciatus (Perciformes: Pomacentridae) from Jeju Island, Korea
HJ Kwun, J Park, HS Kim, H Bae
Korean Journal of Ichthyology 28 (1), 47-51, 2016
Best available technique for the recovery of marine benthic communities in a gravel shore after the oil spill: A mesocosm-based sediment triad assessment
T Kim, C Lee, J Lee, H Bae, J Noh, S Hong, BO Kwon, JJ Kim, UH Yim, ...
Journal of hazardous materials 435, 128945, 2022
Integrated assessment of the natural purification capacity of tidal flat for persistent toxic substances and heavy metals in contaminated sediments
T Kim, C Lee, I Kwon, J Lee, SY Park, DU Kim, J Lee, G Jin, ...
Environment international 185, 108534, 2024
Dental occlusion and relationship to TMD and systemic symptoms (III)-Chirodontics, Dental Distress Syndrome (DDS), Quadrant Theorem
EJ Park, BG Choi, HEK Bae
Journal of Dental Rehabilitation and Applied Science 26 (2), 89-95, 2010
Dental Occlusion and Relationship to TMD and Systemic Symptoms (I)
HEK Bae, BG Choi, ST Kim, ES Kim, EJ Park
Journal of Dental Rehabilitation and Applied Science 25 (4), 307-317, 2009
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