Environmental regime effectiveness: confronting theory with evidence EL Miles, S Andresen, EM Carlin, JB Skjærseth, A Underdal Mit Press, 2001 | 736 | 2001 |
EU emissions trading: initiation, decision-making and implementation JB Skjærseth, J Wettestad Routledge, 2016 | 345 | 2016 |
The EU as a frontrunner on greenhouse gas emissions trading: how did it happen and will the EU succeed? AC Christiansen, J Wettestad Climate Policy 3 (1), 3-18, 2003 | 292 | 2003 |
Soft law, hard law, and effective implementation of international environmental norms JB Skjærseth, OS Stokke, J Wettestad Global Environmental Politics 6 (3), 104-120, 2006 | 252 | 2006 |
Designing effective environmental regimes: The key conditions J Wettestad Edward Elgar Publishing, 1999 | 211 | 1999 |
EU climate policy: Industry, policy interaction and external environment EL Boasson, J Wettestad Routledge, 2016 | 199 | 2016 |
The making of the 2003 EU emissions trading directive: An ultra-quick process due to entrepreneurial proficiency? J Wettestad global environmental politics 5 (1), 1-23, 2005 | 193 | 2005 |
The origin, evolution and consequences of the EU emissions trading system JB Skjærseth, J Wettestad Global Environmental Politics 9 (2), 101-122, 2009 | 136 | 2009 |
Making the EU emissions trading system: the European commission as an entrepreneurial epistemic leader JB Skjærseth, J Wettestad Global Environmental Change 20 (2), 314-321, 2010 | 131 | 2010 |
EU climate and energy policy: A hesitant supranational turn? J Wettestad, PO Eikeland, M Nilsson Global Environmental Politics 12 (2), 67-86, 2012 | 124 | 2012 |
Fixing the EU emissions trading system? Understanding the post-2012 changes JB Skjærseth, J Wettestad Global Environmental Politics 10 (4), 101-123, 2010 | 111 | 2010 |
EU emissions trading: Initiation JB Skjærseth, J Wettestad Decision-Making, and Implementation. Aldershot: Ashgate Publishing Ltd, 2008 | 97 | 2008 |
Implementing EU emissions trading: success or failure? JB Skjærseth, J Wettestad International Environmental Agreements: Politics, Law and Economics 8, 275-290, 2008 | 93 | 2008 |
Clearing the air: European advances in tackling acid rain and atmospheric pollution J Wettestad Routledge, 2018 | 86 | 2018 |
Designing effective environmental regimes: the conditional keys J Wettestad Global Governance 7, 317, 2001 | 85 | 2001 |
Understanding the effectiveness of EU environmental policy: how can regime analysis contribute? JB Skjærseth, J Wettestad Environmental Politics 11 (3), 99-120, 2002 | 74 | 2002 |
Environmental regime effectiveness EL Miles, A Underdal, S Andresen, J Wettestad, JB Skjaerseth, EM Carlin Confronting Theory, 2002 | 72 | 2002 |
Is EU enlargement bad for environmental policy? Confronting gloomy expectations with evidence JB Skjærseth, J Wettestad International Environmental Agreements: Politics, Law and Economics 7, 263-280, 2007 | 69 | 2007 |
The complicated development of EU climate policy: lessons learnt J Wettestad Climate change and European leadership: a sustainable role for Europe?, 25-45, 2000 | 66 | 2000 |
Rescuing EU emissions trading: The climate policy flagship J Wettestad, T Jevnaker Springer, 2016 | 63 | 2016 |