Adie Phillips
Adie Phillips
Associate Professor, Civil Engineering Department, Center for Biofilm Engineering, Montana State
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Engineered applications of ureolytic biomineralization: a review
AJ Phillips, R Gerlach, E Lauchnor, AC Mitchell, AB Cunningham, ...
Biofouling 29 (6), 715-733, 2013
Potential CO2 Leakage Reduction through Biofilm-Induced Calcium Carbonate Precipitation
AJ Phillips, E Lauchnor, J Eldring, R Esposito, AC Mitchell, R Gerlach, ...
Environmental science & technology 47 (1), 142-149, 2013
Fracture sealing with microbially-induced calcium carbonate precipitation: A field study
AJ Phillips, AB Cunningham, R Gerlach, R Hiebert, C Hwang, BP Lomans, ...
Environmental science & technology 50 (7), 4111-4117, 2016
Darcy‐scale modeling of microbially induced carbonate mineral precipitation in sand columns
A Ebigbo, A Phillips, R Gerlach, R Helmig, AB Cunningham, H Class, ...
Water Resources Research 48 (7), 2012
Biofilm enhanced geologic sequestration of supercritical CO2
AC Mitchell, AJ Phillips, R Hiebert, R Gerlach, LH Spangler, ...
international journal of greenhouse gas control 3 (1), 90-99, 2009
A revised model for microbially induced calcite precipitation: Improvements and new insights based on recent experiments
J Hommel, E Lauchnor, A Phillips, R Gerlach, AB Cunningham, R Helmig, ...
Water Resources Research 51 (5), 3695-3715, 2015
Enhancing wellbore cement integrity with microbially induced calcite precipitation (MICP): A field scale demonstration
AJ Phillips, E Troyer, R Hiebert, C Kirkland, R Gerlach, AB Cunningham, ...
Journal of petroleum science and engineering 171, 1141-1148, 2018
Microbially enhanced geologic containment of sequestered supercritical CO2
AB Cunningham, R Gerlach, L Spangler, AC Mitchell
Energy Procedia 1 (1), 3245-3252, 2009
Resilience of planktonic and biofilm cultures to supercritical CO2
AC Mitchell, AJ Phillips, MA Hamilton, R Gerlach, WK Hollis, JP Kaszuba, ...
The Journal of supercritical fluids 47 (2), 318-325, 2008
Reducing the risk of well bore leakage of CO2 using engineered biomineralization barriers
AB Cunningham, R Gerlach, L Spangler, AC Mitchell, S Parks, A Phillips
Energy Procedia 4, 5178-5185, 2011
Microbial CaCO3 mineral formation and stability in an experimentally simulated high pressure saline aquifer with supercritical CO2
AC Mitchell, A Phillips, L Schultz, S Parks, L Spangler, AB Cunningham, ...
International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 15, 86-96, 2013
Addressing wellbore integrity and thief zone permeability using microbially-induced calcium carbonate precipitation (MICP): A field demonstration
CM Kirkland, A Thane, R Hiebert, R Hyatt, J Kirksey, AB Cunningham, ...
Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 190, 107060, 2020
Wellbore leakage mitigation using engineered biomineralization
L Cunningham, AB, Phillips, AJ,Troyer, E, Lauchnor, E, Hiebert, R, Gerlach ...
Energy Procedia 63, 4612-4619, 2014
Field-scale modeling of microbially induced calcite precipitation
AB Cunningham, H Class, A Ebigbo, R Gerlach, AJ Phillips, J Hommel
Computational Geosciences 23, 399-414, 2019
Kinetics of calcite precipitation by ureolytic bacteria under aerobic and anaerobic conditions
AC Mitchell, EJ Espinosa-Ortiz, SL Parks, AJ Phillips, AB Cunningham, ...
Biogeosciences 16 (10), 2147-2161, 2019
Design of a meso-scale high pressure vessel for the laboratory examination of biogeochemical subsurface processes
AJ Phillips, JJ Eldring, R Hiebert, E Lauchnor, AC Mitchell, A Cunningham, ...
Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 126, 55-62, 2015
Abandoned well CO2 leakage mitigation using biologically induced mineralization: current progress and future directions
AB Cunningham, E Lauchnor, J Eldring, R Esposito, AC Mitchell, ...
Greenhouse Gases: Science and Technology 3 (1), 40-49, 2013
NMR relaxation measurements of biofouling in model and geological porous media
SL Codd, SJ Vogt, JA Hornemann, AJ Phillips, JE Maneval, ...
Organic Geochemistry 42 (8), 965-971, 2011
Detecting microbially induced calcite precipitation in a model well-bore using downhole low-field NMR
CM Kirkland, S Zanetti, E Grunewald, DO Walsh, SL Codd, AJ Phillips
Environmental Science & Technology 51 (3), 1537-1543, 2017
Visualizing MICP with X-ray μ-CT to enhance cement defect sealing
CM Kirkland, D Norton, O Firth, J Eldring, AB Cunningham, R Gerlach, ...
International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 86, 93-100, 2019
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