Hamilton Farris
Hamilton Farris
Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center - New Orleans
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Rescue of hearing and vestibular function by antisense oligonucleotides in a mouse model of human deafness
JJ Lentz, FM Jodelka, AJ Hinrich, KE McCaffrey, HE Farris, MJ Spalitta, ...
Nature medicine 19 (3), 345-350, 2013
Probing the pore of the auditory hair cell mechanotransducer channel in turtle
HE Farris, CL LeBlanc, J Goswami, AJ Ricci
The Journal of physiology 558 (3), 769-792, 2004
Signal perception in frogs and bats and the evolution of mating signals
KL Akre, HE Farris, AM Lea, RA Page, MJ Ryan
science 333 (6043), 751-752, 2011
How cricket frog females deal with a noisy world: habitat-related differences in auditory tuning
K Witte, HE Farris, MJ Ryan, W Wilczynski
Behavioral Ecology 16 (3), 571-579, 2005
Deafness and retinal degeneration in a novel USH1C knock‐in mouse model
JJ Lentz, WC Gordon, HE Farris, GH MacDonald, DE Cunningham, ...
Developmental neurobiology 70 (4), 253-267, 2010
Steady-state adaptation of mechanotransduction modulates the resting potential of auditory hair cells, providing an assay for endolymph [Ca2+]
HE Farris, GB Wells, AJ Ricci
Journal of Neuroscience 26 (48), 12526-12536, 2006
The effects of spatially separated call components on phonotaxis in túngara frogs: evidence for auditory grouping
HE Farris, AS Rand, MJ Ryan
Brain, behavior and evolution 60 (3), 181-188, 2002
A tympanal hearing organ in scarab beetles.
TG Forrest, MP Read, HE Farris, RR Hoy
Journal of experimental biology 200 (3), 601-606, 1997
Ultrasound acoustic startle response in scarab beetles.
TG Forrest, HE Farris, RR Hoy
The Journal of experimental biology 198 (12), 2593-2598, 1995
The effects of time, space and spectrum on auditory grouping in túngara frogs
HE Farris, AS Rand, MJ Ryan
Journal of Comparative Physiology A 191 (12), 1173-1183, 2005
The effects of calling song spacing and intensity on the attraction of flying crickets (Orthoptera: Goryllidae: Nemobiinae)
HE Farris, TG Forrest, RR Hoy
Journal of insect behavior 10 (5), 639-653, 1997
Rescue of outer hair cells with antisense oligonucleotides in Usher mice is dependent on age of treatment
A Ponnath, FF Depreux, FM Jodelka, F Rigo, HE Farris, ML Hastings, ...
Journal of the Association for Research in Otolaryngology 19 (1), 1-16, 2018
Direct delivery of antisense oligonucleotides to the middle and inner ear improves hearing and balance in Usher mice
JJ Lentz, B Pan, A Ponnath, CM Tran, C Nist-Lund, A Galvin, H Goldberg, ...
Molecular Therapy, 2020
Relative comparisons of call parameters enable auditory grouping in frogs
HE Farris, MJ Ryan
Nature communications 2 (1), 1-8, 2011
Psychophysics in insect hearing
RA Wyttenbach, HE Farris
Microscopy research and technique 63 (6), 375-387, 2004
Auditory sensitivity of an acoustic parasitoid (Emblemasoma sp., Sarcophagidae, Diptera) and the calling behavior of potential hosts
HE Farris, ML Oshinsky, TG Forrest, RR Hoy
Brain, behavior and evolution 72 (1), 16-26, 2008
Sound-by-sound thalamic stimulation modulates midbrain auditory excitability and relative binaural sensitivity in frogs
A Ponnath, HE Farris
Frontiers in Neural Circuits 8, 85, 2014
The effect of ultrasound on the attractiveness of acoustic mating signals
HE Farris, TG Forrest, RR Hoy
Physiological entomology 23 (4), 322-328, 1998
Ultrasound sensitivity in the cricket, Eunemobius carolinus (Gryllidae, Nemobiinae)
HE Farris, RR Hoy
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 107 (3), 1727-1736, 2000
Mate searching animals as model systems for understanding perceptual grouping
HE Farris, RC Taylor
Psychological Mechanisms in Animal Communication, 89-118, 2016
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