Mads Solgaard Thomsen
Mads Solgaard Thomsen
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Marine heatwaves threaten global biodiversity and the provision of ecosystem services
DA Smale, T Wernberg, ECJ Oliver, MS Thomsen, BP Harvey, SC Straub, ...
Nature Climate Change 9, 306–312, 2019
Climate-driven regime shift of a temperate marine ecosystem
T Wernberg, S Bennett, RC Babcock, T De Bettignies, K Cure, ...
Science 353 (6295), 169-172, 2016
An extreme climatic event alters marine ecosystem structure in a global biodiversity hotspot
T Wernberg, DA Smale, F Tuya, MS Thomsen, TJ Langlois, ...
Nature Climate Change 3 (1), 78-82, 2013
Categorizing and Naming Marine Heatwaves
AJ Hobday, ECJ Oliver, AS Gupta, JA Benthuysen, MT Burrows, ...
Oceanography 31, 63-73, 2018
Projected marine heatwaves in the 21st century and the potential for ecological impact
ECJ Oliver, MT Burrows, MG Donat, A Sen Gupta, LV Alexander, ...
Frontiers in Marine Science 6, 734, 2019
A decade of climate change experiments on marine organisms: procedures, patterns and problems
T Wernberg, DA Smale, MS Thomsen
Global Change Biology 18 (5), 1491-1498, 2012
Seaweed Communities in Retreat from Ocean Warming
T Wernberg, BD Russell, MS Thomsen, CFD Gurgel, CJA Bradshaw, ...
Current Biology 21, 1828-1832, 2011
Decreasing resilience of kelp beds along a latitudinal temperature gradient: potential implications for a warmer future
T Wernberg, MS Thomsen, F Tuya, GA Kendrick, PA Staehr, BD Toohey
Ecology letters 13 (6), 685-694, 2010
Biological impacts of marine heatwaves
KE Smith, MT Burrows, AJ Hobday, NG King, PJ Moore, A Sen Gupta, ...
Annual review of marine science 15 (1), 119-145, 2023
Drivers and impacts of the most extreme marine heatwave events
A Sen Gupta, M Thomsen, JA Benthuysen, AJ Hobday, E Oliver, ...
Scientific reports 10 (1), 19359, 2020
Habitat cascades: the conceptual context and global relevance of facilitation cascades via habitat formation and modification
MS Thomsen, T Wernberg, A Altieri, F Tuya, D Gulbransen, KJ McGlathery, ...
Integrative and Comparative Biology 50 (2), 158-175, 2010
Local Extinction of Bull Kelp (Durvillaea spp.) Due to a Marine Heatwave
MS Thomsen, L Mondardini, T Alestra, S Gerrity, L Tait, PM South, ...
Frontiers in Marine Science 6, 84, 2019
Socioeconomic impacts of marine heatwaves: Global issues and opportunities
KE Smith, MT Burrows, AJ Hobday, A Sen Gupta, PJ Moore, M Thomsen, ...
Science 374 (6566), eabj3593, 2021
Invasion of Sargassum muticum in Limfjorden (Denmark) and its possible impact on the indigenous macroalgal community
PA Stæhr, MF Pedersen, MS Thomsen, T Wernberg, D Krause-Jensen
Marine Ecology Progress Series 207, 79-88, 2000
Genetic diversity and kelp forest vulnerability to climatic stress
T Wernberg, MA Coleman, S Bennett, MS Thomsen, F Tuya, BP Kelaher
Scientific Reports 8 (1), 1851, 2018
Distribution models predict large contractions of habitat‐forming seaweeds in response to ocean warming
B Martínez, B Radford, MS Thomsen, SD Connell, F Carreño, ...
Diversity and Distributions 24 (10), 1350-1366, 2018
Impacts of marine invaders on biodiversity depend on trophic position and functional similarity
MS Thomsen, JE Byers, DR Schiel, JF Bruno, JD Olden, T Wernberg, ...
Marine Ecology Progress Series 495, 39-47, 2014
Resistance, extinction, and everything in between–The diverse responses of seaweeds to marine heatwaves
SC Straub, T Wernberg, MS Thomsen, PJ Moore, MT Burrows, BP Harvey, ...
Frontiers in Marine Science 6, 763, 2019
Evidence for impacts of non-indigenous macroalgae: a meta-analysis of experimental field studies
MS Thomsen, T Wernberg, F Tuya, BR Silliman
Journal of Phycology 45 (4), 812-819, 2009
Biology and ecology of the globally significant kelp Ecklonia radiata
T Wernberg, MA Coleman, RC Babcock, SY Bell, JJ Bolton, SD Connell, ...
Oceanography and Marine Biology: An Annual Review 57, 263–320, 2019
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