Maria Mastropavlou
Maria Mastropavlou
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Feature interpretability in L2 acquisition and SLI: Greek clitics and determiners
IM Tsimpli, M Mastropavlou
The role of formal features in second language acquisition. Mahwah, NJ …, 2007
The role of phonological salience and feature interpretability in the grammar of typically developing and language impaired children
M Mastropavlou
Unpublished doctoral dissertation, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, 2006
The role of phonological salience and feature interpretability in the grammar of typically developing and language impaired children
M Mastropavlou
Unpublished doctoral dissertation, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, 2006
The role of suffixes in grammatical gender assignment in Modern Greek: A psycholinguistic study
M Mastropavlou, IM Tsimpli
Journal of Greek Linguistics 11 (1), 27-55, 2011
Complementizers and subordination in typical language acquisition and SLI
M Mastropavlou, IM Tsimpli
Lingua 121 (3), 442-462, 2011
Morphophonological salience as a compensatory means for deficits in the acquisition of past tense in SLI
M Mastropavlou
Journal of communication disorders 43 (3), 175-198, 2010
Evaluating New Approaches of Intervention in Reading Difficulties in Students with Dyslexia: The ilearnRW Software Application
V Zakopoulou, EI Toki, G Dimakopoulos, M Mastropavlou, E Drigkopoulou, ...
continuity 8 (27), 2017
Morphophonology and compensation in specific language impairment: Evidence from Standard Modern Greek and Cypriot Greek
M Mastropavlou, K Petinou, IM Tsimpli, AM Georgiou
Clinical linguistics & phonetics 33 (1-2), 95-116, 2019
Processing voice morphology and argument structure by Greek Beginning Readers and children with Reading Difficulties
M Nerantzini, M Mastropavlou, T Christou, M Lekakou, V Zakopoulou
Applied Psycholinguistics 43 (1), 125-155, 2022
The role of morpho-phonological salience in tense marking: a comparison between Greek and Cypriot-Greek SLI children
M Mastropavlou, K Petinou, IM Tsimpli
Text classification for children with dyslexia employing user modelling techniques
C Litsas, M Mastropavlou, A Symvonis
IISA 2014, The 5th International Conference on Information, Intelligence …, 2014
Motion verbs in Greek and German: Evidence from typically developing and SLI children
D Papadopoulou, M Rothweiler, I Tsimpli, S Chilla, A Fox-Boyer, ...
Selected Papers from the 18th International Symposium on Theoretical and …, 2007
Definite articles and case marking in the speech of Greek normally developing children and children with SLI
M Mastropavlou, T Marinis
Poster session presented at the EuroConference on the Syntax of Normal and …, 2002
The Design of New Digital Resources of Personalized Support of Reading Skills for Novice Readers and Children with Dyslexia: A Presentation of the iRead Software Linguistic …
M Mastropavlou, V Zakopoulou, T Christou, M Nerantzini, M Lekakou
9th International Conference on Software Development and Technologies for …, 2020
The role of definiteness in anaphora resolution
M Mastropavlou, M Katsiperi, G Fotiadou, E Fleva, E Peristeri, IM Tsimpli
Experimental Psycholinguistics, 1-3, 2014
Production of motion verbs: Evidence from L1 and L2 Greek
I Tsimpli, D Papadopoulou, K Katsika, M Mastropavlou, A Mylonaki
Proceedings of the 8th International Conference of Greek Linguistics, 532-544, 2009
The role of phonological salience in the acquisition of past tense morphology by Greek children with Specific Language Impairment
M Mastropavlou
Selected papers on theoretical and applied linguistics 17 (2), 453-463, 2007
Profile-Based Text Classification for Children with Dyslexia
C Litsas, M Mastropavlou, A Symvonis
International Journal of Monitoring and Surveillance Technologies Research …, 2015
The status of gender and agreement features in the grammar of two SLI children
M Mastropavlou
Selected papers on theoretical and applied linguistics 16, 356-373, 2005
Morphophonology and compensation in Specific Language Impairment: Evidence from Standard Modern Greek and Cypriot Greek (vol 56, pg 893, 2020)
M Mastropavlou, K Petinou, IM Tsimpli, A Georgiou
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