Konrad Kalarus
Konrad Kalarus
Institute of Technology and Life Sciences - National Research Institute, Falenty, Poland
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Factors affecting road mortality and the suitability of road verges for butterflies
P Skórka, M Lenda, D Moroń, K Kalarus, P Tryjanowski
Biological Conservation 159, 148-157, 2013
How do landscape structure, management and habitat quality drive the colonization of habitat patches by the dryad butterfly (Lepidoptera: Satyrinae) in fragmented grassland?
K Kalarus, P Nowicki
PLoS ONE 10 (9), e0138557, 2015
Railway tracks can have great value for butterflies as a new alternative habitat
K Kalarus, M Bąkowski
Italian Journal of Zoology 82 (4), 565-572, 2015
Resource use in two contrasting habitat types raises different challenges for the conservation of the dryad butterfly Minois dryas
K Kalarus, P Skórka, P Nowicki
Journal of Insect Conservation 17 (4), 777-786, 2013
Relationship between heavy metal accumulation and morphometric parameters in European hare (Lepus europaeus) inhabiting various types of landscapes in southern Poland
M Wajdzik, W Halecki, K Kalarus, M Gąsiorek, M Pająk
Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 145, 16-23, 2017
All natural habitat edges matter equally for endangered Maculinea butterflies
P Nowicki, W Halecki, K Kalarus
Journal of insect conservation 17, 139-146, 2013
How estimated ant diversity is biased by the sampling method? A case study of Crete: a Mediterranean biodiversity hotspot
S Salata, K Kalarus, L Borowiec, A Trichas, K Kujawa
Biodiversity and Conservation 29, 3031–3050, 2020
Both semi-natural and ruderal habitats matter for supporting insect functional diversity in an abandoned quarry in the city of Kraków (S Poland)
K Kalarus, W Halecki, T Skalski
Urban Ecosystems 22 (5), 943-953, 2019
Within-patch mobility and flight morphology reflect resource use and dispersal potential in the dryad butterfly Minois dryas
K Kalarus, P Skórka, W Halecki, A Jirak, J Kajzer-Bonk, P Nowicki
Journal of Insect Conservation 17 (6), 1221-1228, 2013
Resource use by the dryad butterfly is scale-dependent
K Kalarus, P Nowicki
Population Ecology 59 (2), 179–187, 2017
Wpływ materiału macierzystego na właściwości gleb wykształconych na lessie
K Kalarus
The influence of invasive alien plants on umbrella butterflies of the genus Phengaris and diversity of Heteroptera true bugs
K Kalarus
Environmental Protection and Natural Resources, 26-36, 2023
Wybrane problemy ochrony przyrody na przykładzie motyli (Lepidoptera) jako grupy modelowej (The challenges to modern nature conservation – butterflies as a model group)
K Kalarus
Kosmos 65 (3), 445-453, 2016
Habitat use by the endangered dryad butterfly in mosaic landscape
K Kalarus
Preferencje siedliskowe i mobilność zagrożonego motyla skalnika driada (Minois dryas–Scopoli, 1763)
K Kalarus
Mimikra i polimorfizm u motyla Papilio dardanus
KM Kalarus
Kosmos 61 (2), 295-303, 2012
Najczesciej spotykane motyle minujace Krakowa
KM Kalarus, WM Halecki
Wszechświat 111 (10-12), 251-256, 2010
Municipal Wastewater Quality Control: Heavy Metal Comparative Analysis—Case Study
W Halecki, T Sionkowski, K Chmielowski, A Kowalczyk, K Kalarus
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