On language, change, and language change – or, of history, linguistics, and historical linguistics RD Janda, BD Joseph Handbook of historical linguistics, 3-180, 2003 | 880* | 2003 |
Introduction: Conceptions of grammaticalization and their problems L Campbell, R Janda Language Sciences 23, 93-112, 2000 | 819* | 2000 |
Beyond “pathways” and “unidirectionality”: On the discontinuity of language transmission and the counterability of grammaticalization RD Janda Language sciences 23 (2-3), 265-340, 2000 | 330 | 2000 |
The how and why of diachronic morphologization and demorphologization BD Joseph, RD Janda Theoretical morphology, 193-210, 1988 | 194 | 1988 |
Reconsidering the canons of sound-change: Towards a ‘Big Bang’theory RD Janda, BD Joseph Historical Linguistics 2001: Selected papers from the 15th International …, 2008 | 133 | 2008 |
Implications of process-morphology for categorial grammar J Hoeksema, RD Janda Categorial grammars and natural language structures, 199-247, 1988 | 108 | 1988 |
On the decline of declensional systems: the overall loss of OE nominal case inflections and the ME reanalysis of -es as his RD Janda Papers from the 4th international conference on historical linguistics, 243-253, 1980 | 102 | 1980 |
Quantitative evidence, qualitative hypercorrection, sociolinguistic variables – and French speakers' 'eadhaches with English h/Ø RD Janda, J Auger Language & Communication 12 (3), 195-236, 1992 | 98 | 1992 |
“Phonologization” as the start of dephoneticization — Or, on sound-change and its aftermath: Of extension, generalization, lexicalization, and morphologization RD Janda The handbook of historical linguistics, 401-422, 2003 | 96* | 2003 |
Note‐taking English as a simplified register RD Janda Discourse processes 8 (4), 437-454, 1985 | 90 | 1985 |
The handbook of historical linguistics J Bybee, BD Joseph, RD Janda Blackwell, 2003 | 70 | 2003 |
The Modern Greek negator mi(n)(-) as a morphological constellation RD Janda, BD Joseph Greek linguistics’ 97: Proceedings of the 3rd international conference on …, 1999 | 57 | 1999 |
Morphemes aren't something that grows on trees: Morphology as more the phonology than the syntax of words RD Janda Papers from the parasession on the interplay of phonology, morphology, and …, 1983 | 55 | 1983 |
Why morphological metathesis rules are rare: On the possibility of historical explanation in linguistics RD Janda Proceedings of the annual meeting of the Berkeley Linguistics Society (1984) 10, 2011 | 49* | 2011 |
Systematic hyperforeignisms as maximally external evidence for linguistic rules RD Janda, BD Joseph, NG Jacobs The reality of linguistic rules 26, 67-92, 1994 | 45 | 1994 |
Frequency, markedness and morphological change: On predicting the spread of noun-plural -s in Modern High German and West Germanic RD Janda Proceedings of the 7th Eastern States Conference on Linguistics 1990, 136-153, 1990 | 45 | 1990 |
On the motivation for an evolutionary typology of sound-structural rules RD Janda University of California, Los Angeles, 1987 | 44 | 1987 |
OSU WPL 34 (1986) 84-107 ONE RULE OR MANY? SANSKRIT REDUPLICATION AS FRAGMENTED AFFIXATION RD Janda, BD Joseph Working Papers in Linguistics, 84, 1986 | 43 | 1986 |
Echo-questions are evidence for WHAT? RD Janda CLS. Papers from the General Session at the Twenty-First Regional Meeting 21 …, 1985 | 42 | 1985 |
Accounts of phonemic split have been greatly exaggerated – but not enough RD Janda Proceedings of the 14th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences 1, 329-332, 1999 | 40 | 1999 |