Tse-Lynn Loh
Tse-Lynn Loh
Manager, Land Stewardship, BC Parks Foundation
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Chemical defenses and resource trade-offs structure sponge communities on Caribbean coral reefs
TL Loh, J Pawlik
PNAS, 2014
Indirect effects of overfishing on Caribbean reefs: sponges overgrow reef-building corals
TL Loh, SE McMurray, TP Henkel, J Vicente, JR Pawlik
PeerJ 3, e901, 2015
Sponge Communities on Caribbean Coral Reefs Are Structured by Factors That Are Top-Down, Not Bottom-Up
JR Pawlik, TL Loh, SE McMurray, CM Finelli
PLoS ONE 8 (5), e62573, 2013
Impacts of sedimentation on soft-bottom benthic communities in the southern islands of Singapore
LM Chou, JY Yu, TL Loh
Hydrobiologia 515, 91-106, 2004
Patterns of sponge recruitment and growth on a shipwreck corroborate chemical defense resource trade-off
JR Pawlik, TP Henkel, SE McMurray, S López-Legentil, TL Loh, S Rohde
Marine Ecology Progress Series 368, 137-143, 2008
A review of bottom-up vs. top-down control of sponges on Caribbean fore-reefs: what’s old, what’s new, and future directions
JR Pawlik, TL Loh, SE McMurray
PeerJ 6, e4343, 2018
Quantifying the contribution of zoos and aquariums to peer-reviewed scientific research
TL Loh, ER Larson, SR David, LS de Souza, R Gericke, M Gryzbek, ...
FACETS 3, 287–299, 2018
Bitten down to size: fish predation determines growth form of the Caribbean coral reef sponge Mycale laevis
TL Loh, JR Pawlik
Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 374 (1), 45-50, 2009
Preliminary study of community development and scleractinian recruitment on fibreglass artificial reef units in the sedimented waters of Singapore
TL Loh, JTI Tanzil, LM Chou
Phenotypic plasticity in the Caribbean sponge Callyspongia vaginalis (Porifera: Haplosclerida)
S Lopez-Legentil, PM Erwin, TP Henkel, TL Loh, JR Pawlik
Scientia Marina 74 (3), 445-453, 2010
Linking land, air and sea: potential impacts of biomass burning and the resultant haze on marine ecosystems of Southeast Asia
Z Jaafar, TL Loh
Global Change Biology 20 (9), 2701-2707, 2014
Phenotypic variability in the Caribbean Orange Icing sponge Mycale laevis (Demospongiae: Poecilosclerida)
TL Loh, S López-Legentil, B Song, JR Pawlik
Hydrobiologia 687, 205-217, 2012
Friend or foe? No evidence that association with the sponge Mycale laevis provides a benefit to corals of the genus Montastraea
TL Loh, JR Pawlik
Marine Ecology Progress Series 465, 111-117, 2012
New records of the Japanese seahorse Hippocampus mohnikei in Southeast Asia lead to updates in range, habitat and threats
L Aylesworth, JM Lawson, P Laksanawimol, P Ferber, TL Loh
Journal of Fish Biology, Early View, 2016
Monitoring program design for data‐limited marine biogenic habitats: A structured approach
TL Loh, SK Archer, A Dunham
Ecology and Evolution 9 (12), 7346-7359, 2019
Seahorses (Hippocampus spp.) as a case study for locating cryptic and data-poor marine fishes for conservation
L Aylesworth, TL Loh, W Rongrongmuang, ACJ Vincent
Animal Conservation, 2017
A review of bottom-up vs. top-down control of sponges on Caribbean fore-reefs: what’s old, what’s new, and future directions. PeerJ 6: e4343
JR Pawlik, TL Loh, SE McMurray
Species in wildlife trade: socio-economic factors influence seahorse relative abundance in Thailand
TL Loh, A Tewfik, L Aylesworth, R Phoonsawat
Biological Conservation 201, 301–308, 2016
Specificity of larval settlement of the Caribbean Orange Icing Sponge, Mycale laevis
TL Loh, JR Pawlik
Invertebrate Biology 131 (3), 155-164, 2012
Turning the tide on bottom trawling
TL Loh, Z Jaafar
Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems, 2015
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