Ester Silveira Ramos
Ester Silveira Ramos
Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto-Universidade de São Paulo
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Abnormal methylation at the KvDMR1 imprinting control region in clinically normal children conceived by assisted reproductive technologies
MV Gomes, J Huber, RA Ferriani, AM Amaral Neto, ES Ramos
Molecular human reproduction 15 (8), 471-477, 2009
eNOS Haplotypes Associated with Gestational Hypertension or Preeclampsia
VC Sandrim, ACT Palei, RC Cavalli, FM Araújo, ES Ramos, G Duarte, ...
Pharmacogenomics 9 (10), 1467-1473, 2008
Why do older women have poor implantation rates? A possible role of the mitochondria
AK Bartmann, GS Romao, E da Silveira Ramos, RA Ferriani
Journal of Assisted Reproduction and Genetics 21, 79-83, 2004
Vascular endothelial growth factor genotypes and haplotypes are associated with pre-eclampsia but not with gestational hypertension
VC Sandrim, ACT Palei, RC Cavalli, FM Araujo, ES Ramos, G Duarte, ...
Molecular human reproduction 15 (2), 115-120, 2009
Familial risk among patients with endometriosis
RM Dos Reis, MF Silva De Sá, MD De Moura, AA Nogueira, JU Ribeiro, ...
Journal of Assisted Reproduction and Genetics 16, 500-503, 1999
SRY-negative true hermaphrodites and an XX male in two generations of the same family
ES Ramos, CA Moreira-Filho, YA Vicente, MAS Llorach-Velludo, S Tucci, ...
Human genetics 97, 596-598, 1996
Recurrent 22q11. 2 deletion in a sibship suggestive of parental germline mosaicism in velocardiofacial syndrome
P Sandrin‐Garcia, C Macedo, LR Martelli, ES Ramos, ML Guion‐Almeida, ...
Clinical genetics 61 (5), 380-383, 2002
Mutations in PCYT1A cause spondylometaphyseal dysplasia with cone-rod dystrophy
GL Yamamoto, WAR Baratela, TF Almeida, M Lazar, CL Afonso, ...
The American Journal of Human Genetics 94 (1), 113-119, 2014
Association between birth weight, body mass index and IGF2/ApaI polymorphism
MVM Gomes, MR Soares, A Pasqualim-Neto, CR Marcondes, RB Lôbo, ...
Growth hormone & IGF research 15 (5), 360-362, 2005
Low levels of exosomal-miRNAs in maternal blood are associated with early pregnancy loss in cloned cattle
THC De Bem, JC Da Silveira, RV Sampaio, JR Sangalli, MLF Oliveira, ...
Scientific Reports 7 (1), 14319, 2017
Methylation pattern at the KvDMR in a child with Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome conceived by ICSI
MV Gomes, CC Gomes, W Pinto, ES Ramos
American journal of medical genetics. Part A 143 (6), 625, 2007
5meCpG Epigenetic Marks Neighboring a Primate-Conserved Core Promoter Short Tandem Repeat Indicate X-Chromosome Inactivation
FB Machado, FB Machado, MA Faria, VL Lovatel, AF Alves da Silva, ...
PloS one 9 (7), e103714, 2014
The relationship among sperm global DNA methylation, telomere length, and DNA fragmentation in varicocele: a cross-sectional study of 20 cases
VP Santana, CL Miranda-Furtado, DCC Pedroso, MC Eiras, ...
Systems biology in reproductive medicine 65 (2), 95-104, 2019
Typical phenotypic spectrum of velocardiofacial syndrome occurs independently of deletion size in chromosome 22q11. 2
P Sandrin-Garcia, DVM Abramides, LR Martelli, ES Ramos, ...
Molecular and cellular biochemistry 303, 9-17, 2007
Skewed X-chromosome inactivation and shorter telomeres associate with idiopathic premature ovarian insufficiency
CL Miranda-Furtado, HR Luchiari, DCC Pedroso, GS Kogure, ...
Fertility and Sterility 110 (3), 476-485. e1, 2018
The interactive effect of GHR-exon 3 and− 202 A/C IGFBP3 polymorphisms on rhGH responsiveness and treatment outcomes in patients with Turner syndrome
AF Braz, EF Costalonga, LR Montenegro, EB Trarbach, SRR Antonini, ...
The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism 97 (4), E671-E677, 2012
Differential expression of the MHM region and of sex-determining-related genes during gonadal development in chicken embryos.
LC Caetano, FGO Gennaro, K Coelho, FM Araújo, RA Vila, A Araújo, ...
Genetics and Molecular Research, v. 13, n. 1, p. 838-849, 2014., 2014
Bovine fetal DNA in the maternal circulation: applications and implications
DC Lemos, PL Takeuchi, ÁFL Rios, A Araujo, HC Lemos, ES Ramos
Placenta 32 (11), 912-913, 2011
Use of the TSPY gene for sexing cattle
DC Lemos, ÁFL Rios, LC Caetano, RB Lôbo, RA Vila, L Martelli, ...
Genetics and Molecular Biology 28, 117-119, 2005
Three new cases of spondylocarpotarsal synostosis syndrome: clinical and radiographic studies
KÉFA Coêlho, ES Ramos, TM Felix, L Martelli, JM de Pina‐Neto, ...
American journal of medical genetics 77 (1), 12-15, 1998
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