Marcelo Renan de Deus Santos
Marcelo Renan de Deus Santos
President at Instituto Marcos Daniel
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Plasma levels of pollutants are much higher in loggerhead turtle populations from the Adriatic Sea than in those from open waters (Eastern Atlantic Ocean)
M Bucchia, M Camacho, MRD Santos, LD Boada, P Roncada, R Mateo, ...
Science of the Total Environment 523, 161-169, 2015
Health condition of juvenile Chelonia mydas related to fibropapillomatosis in southeast Brazil
MR de Deus Santos, AS Martins, C Baptistotte, TM Work
Diseases of aquatic organisms 115 (3), 193-201, 2015
Health condition of Chelonia mydas from a foraging area affected by the tailings of a collapsed dam in southeast Brazil
C Miguel, PG Costa, A Bianchini, OLP Luzardo, MRM Vianna, ...
Science of the Total Environment 821, 153353, 2022
Tartarugas marinhas de ocorrência no Brasil: hábitos e aspectos da biologia da reprodução
Revista Brasileira de Reprodução Animal 30 (1/2), 19-27, 2007
Valores hematológicos de tartarugas marinhas Chelonia mydas (Linaeus, 1758) juvenis selvagens do Arquipélago de Fernando de Noronha, Pernambuco, Brasil
MR de Deus Santos, LS Ferreira, C Batistote, A Grossman, C Bellini
Brazilian Journal of Veterinary Research and Animal Science 46 (6), 491-499, 2009
Terapia assistida por animais e sua influência nos níveis de pressão arterial de idosos institucionalizados
F de Toledo Vieira, RS Silva, VR Lemos, RRA Júnior, IVL Neto, ...
Revista de Medicina 95 (3), 122-127, 2016
Potential adverse effects of heavy metals on clinical health parameters of Caretta caretta from a nesting area affected by mining tailings in Brazil
C Miguel, MR de Deus Santos, A Bianchini, MRM Vianna
Journal of Trace Elements and Minerals 2, 100015, 2022
Purpuriocillium lilacinum infection in captive loggerhead sea turtle hatchlings
CM Arpini, YC Nóbrega, VD Castheloge, DS Neves, CE Tadokoro, ...
Medical mycology case reports 23, 8-11, 2019
Stress Response of Juvenile Green Sea Turtles (Chelonia mydas) with Different Fibropapillomatosis Scores
M Renan de Deus Santos, P Dias Ferreira Júnior, Y Cardoso Nóbrega, ...
Journal of Wildlife Diseases 53 (3), 653-656, 2017
The stress response of red piranha (Pygocentrus nattereri (Kner, 1858)) to angling and air exposure.
LC O'Reilly Sepulchro, D Nassif Pitol, C Duca, M Renan Santos, ...
Journal of Applied Ichthyology 29 (4), 2013
Roadkills of Lowland Tapir Tapirus terrestris (Mammalia: Perissodactyla: Tapiridae) in one of its last refuges in the Atlantic Forest
AB dos Santos, D de Oliveira Moreira, AS Bittencourt, MVF Silva, ...
Journal of threatened taxa 13 (13), 19921-19929, 2021
Ecotoxicological studies of metal pollution in sea turtles of Latin America
C Miguel, MR de Deus Santos
Pollution of Water Bodies in Latin America: Impact of Contaminants on …, 2019
Biological hazard associated with bacteria from nests and eggs of Caiman latirostris (Daudin, 1802)
YC Nóbrega, JS da Paz, DN Nossa, TT Silva, PQ Menezes, F Curbani, ...
Herpetology Notes 12, 905-908, 2019
Baseline data on hematological and biochemical parameters for the use of wild juvenile broad-snouted caiman (Caiman latirostris) as bioindicators in Atlantic forest …
YC Nóbrega, F Curbani, FP Alvarenga, PQ de Menezes, TT da Silva, ...
Science and Animal Health 9 (3), 230-245, 2021
Conservação de crocodilianos no Brasil: Perspectivas e possibilidades
ME Coutinho, MRD Santos, AF Barreto-Lima, YC Nóbrega
Tratado de Crocodilianos do Brasil, 622-641, 2021
Adherence to TKI in CML patients: more than reports
JO Souza, FO Busato, IDS Frota, DS Neves, MR de Deus Santos, ...
Supportive Care in Cancer 26, 325-326, 2018
Conservation medicine in Brazil: Cases Studies of Ecological Health in Practice
RP Mangini, RSP Jorge, MRD Santos
New Directions in Conservation Medicine: Applied Cases of Ecological Health …, 2012
Doce river mining tailings can be an influencing factor in loggerhead turtles reproductive success in Brazil
C Miguel, MRM Vianna, MR de Deus Santos
Marine Pollution Bulletin 196, 115601, 2023
Notes on the gross anatomy of the heart of the broad‐snouted caiman, Caiman latirostris (Daudin, 1802)
M de Oliveira Lima, YC Nóbrega, MR de Deus Santos, ...
Anatomia, Histologia, Embryologia 50 (2), 350-359, 2021
Plasma proteins and leukocyte kinetics of turtles (Podocnemis unifilis (Troschel, 1848)) inoculated with inactivated Escherichia coli
MBF Costa, RM Costa, MA Boldrin, EP Neto, PDF Júnior, ...
Comparative Clinical Pathology 29, 305-310, 2020
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