Michael C Murrell
Michael C Murrell
Retired fr. US EPA, now University of West Florida
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Acidification of subsurface coastal waters enhanced by eutrophication
WJ Cai, X Hu, WJ Huang, MC Murrell, JC Lehrter, SE Lohrenz, WC Chou, ...
Nature geoscience 4 (11), 766-770, 2011
Hypoxia in the northern Gulf of Mexico: Does the science support the plan to reduce, mitigate, and control hypoxia?
NN Rabalais, RE Turner, BK Sen Gupta, DF Boesch, P Chapman, ...
Estuaries and Coasts 30, 753-772, 2007
Phytoplankton and zooplankton seasonal dynamics in a subtropical estuary: importance of cyanobacteria
MC Murrell, EM Lores
Journal of Plankton Research 26 (3), 371-382, 2004
Similarity of particle-associated and free-living bacterial communities in northern San Francisco Bay, California
JT Hollibaugh, PS Wong, MC Murrell
Aquatic Microbial Ecology 21 (2), 103-114, 2000
Microzooplankton herbivory and phytoplankton growth in the northwestern Sargasso Sea
EJ Lessard, MC Murrell
Aquatic microbial ecology 16 (2), 173-188, 1998
Phytoplankton production and nutrient distributions in a subtropical estuary: importance of freshwater flow
MC Murrell, JD Hagy, EM Lores, RM Greene
Estuaries and Coasts 30, 390-402, 2007
Sediment and lower water column oxygen consumption in the seasonally hypoxic region of the Louisiana continental shelf
MC Murrell, JC Lehrter
Estuaries and coasts 34, 912-924, 2011
Meiofauna abundance on the Gulf of Mexico continental shelf affected by hypoxia
MC Murrell, JW Fleeger
Continental Shelf Research 9 (12), 1049-1062, 1989
Bacterioplankton dynamics in northern San Francisco Bay: Role of particle association and seasonal freshwater flow
MC Murrell, JT Hollibaugh, MW Silver, PS Wong
Limnology and Oceanography 44 (2), 295-308, 1999
Carbon dynamics and community production in the Mississippi River plume
X Guo, WJ Cai, WJ Huang, Y Wang, F Chen, MC Murrell, SE Lohrenz, ...
Limnology and Oceanography 57 (1), 1-17, 2012
Seasonal and inter-annual patterns in primary production, respiration, and net ecosystem metabolism in three estuaries in the northeast Gulf of Mexico
JM Caffrey, MC Murrell, KS Amacker, JW Harper, S Phipps, MS Woodrey
Estuaries and Coasts 37, 222-241, 2014
Acidification of subsurface coastal waters enhanced by eutrophication, Nat. Geosci., 4, 766–770
WJ Cai, X Hu, WJ Huang, MC Murrell, JC Lehrter, SE Lohrenz, WC Chou, ...
Microzooplankton grazing in northern San Francisco Bay measured by the dilution method
MC Murrell, JT Hollibaugh
Aquatic Microbial Ecology 15 (1), 53-63, 1998
Sediment-water fluxes of dissolved inorganic carbon, O2, nutrients, and N2 from the hypoxic region of the Louisiana continental shelf
JC Lehrter, DL Beddick, R Devereux, DF Yates, MC Murrell
Biogeochemistry 109, 233-252, 2012
Interactions between freshwater input, light, and phytoplankton dynamics on the Louisiana continental shelf
JC Lehrter, MC Murrell, JC Kurtz
Continental Shelf Research 29 (15), 1861-1872, 2009
The carbon dioxide system on the Mississippi River‐dominated continental shelf in the northern Gulf of Mexico: 1. Distribution and air‐sea CO2 flux
WJ Huang, WJ Cai, Y Wang, SE Lohrenz, MC Murrell
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 120 (3), 1429-1445, 2015
Susceptibility of a northern Gulf of Mexico estuary to hypoxia: An analysis using box models
JD Hagy III, MC Murrell
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 74 (1-2), 239-253, 2007
Effects of hurricane Ivan on water quality in Pensacola Bay, Florida
JD Hagy, JC Lehrter, MC Murrell
Estuaries and coasts 29, 919-925, 2006
Effects of irradiance on benthic and water column processes in a Gulf of Mexico estuary: Pensacola Bay, Florida, USA
MC Murrell, JG Campbell, JD Hagy III, JM Caffrey
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 81 (4), 501-512, 2009
Effect of nutrient loading on biogeochemical and microbial processes in a New England salt marsh
JM Caffrey, MC Murrell, C Wigand, R McKinney
Biogeochemistry 82, 251-264, 2007
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