Faruk Djodjic
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Phosphorus leaching in relation to soil type and soil phosphorus content
F Djodjic, K Börling, L Bergström
Journal of environmental quality 33 (2), 678-684, 2004
Future agriculture with minimized phosphorus losses to waters: Research needs and direction
AN Sharpley, L Bergström, H Aronsson, M Bechmann, CH Bolster, ...
Ambio 44, 163-179, 2015
Challenges of reducing phosphorus based water eutrophication in the agricultural landscapes of Northwest Europe
R Bol, G Gruau, PE Mellander, R Dupas, M Bechmann, E Skarbøvik, ...
Frontiers in Marine Science 5, 276, 2018
Topsoil and subsoil properties influence phosphorus leaching from four agricultural soils
H Andersson, L Bergström, F Djodjic, B Ulén, H Kirchmann
Journal of environmental quality 42 (2), 455-463, 2013
Mode of transport of surface‐applied phosphorus‐33 through a clay and sandy soil
F Djodjic, L Bergström, B Ulen, A Shirmohammadi
Journal of Environmental Quality 28 (4), 1273-1282, 1999
Turnover and losses of phosphorus in Swedish agricultural soils: Long‐term changes, leaching trends, and mitigation measures
L Bergström, H Kirchmann, F Djodjic, K Kyllmar, B Ulén, J Liu, ...
Journal of environmental quality 44 (2), 512-523, 2015
Review of indexing tools for identifying high risk areas of phosphorus loss in Nordic catchments
G Heckrath, M Bechmann, P Ekholm, B Ulén, F Djodjic, HE Andersen
Journal of Hydrology 349 (1-2), 68-87, 2008
A decision support system for phosphorus management at a watershed scale
F Djodjic, H Montas, A Shirmohammadi, L Bergström, B Ulén
Journal of Environmental Quality 31 (3), 937-945, 2002
Temporal and spatial variations of phosphorus losses and drainage in a structured clay soil
F Djodjic, B Ulén, L Bergström
Water Research 34 (5), 1687-1695, 2000
Identification and quantification of organic phosphorus forms in soils from fertility experiments
J Ahlgren, F Djodjic, G Börjesson, L Mattsson
Soil Use and Management 29, 24-35, 2013
Phosphorus management in balanced agricultural systems
F Djodjic, L Bergström, C Grant
Soil Use and Management 21 (1), 94-101, 2005
Phosphorus losses from a structured clay soil in relation to tillage practices
F Djodjic, L Bergström, B Ulen
Soil use and Management 18 (2), 79-83, 2002
The role of subsoil as a source or sink for phosphorus leaching
H Andersson, L Bergström, B Ulén, F Djodjic, H Kirchmann
Journal of Environmental Quality 44 (2), 535-544, 2015
Particulate phosphorus and suspended solids losses from small agricultural catchments: Links to stream and catchment characteristics
S Sandström, MN Futter, K Kyllmar, K Bishop, DW O'Connell, F Djodjic
Science of the Total Environment 711, 134616, 2020
Conditional phosphorus index as an educational tool for risk assessment and phosphorus management
F Djodjic, L Bergström
AMBIO: A Journal of the Human Environment 34 (4), 296-300, 2005
A sub-field scale critical source area index for legacy phosphorus management using high resolution data
IA Thomas, PE Mellander, PNC Murphy, O Fenton, O Shine, F Djodjic, ...
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 233, 238-252, 2016
Phosphorus losses from arable fields in Sweden—effects of field-specific factors and long-term trends
F Djodjic, L Bergström
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 102, 103-117, 2005
Displacement of phosphorus in structured soils
F Djodjic
Acta Universitatis Agriculturae Sueciae. Agraria, 2001
Land use, geology and soil properties control nutrient concentrations in headwater streams
F Djodjic, M Bieroza, L Bergström
Science of the total environment 772, 145108, 2021
Distributed, high-resolution modelling of critical source areas for erosion and phosphorus losses
F Djodjic, A Villa
Ambio 44, 241-251, 2015
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