Fletcher Warren-Myers
Fletcher Warren-Myers
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High prevalence of vaterite in sagittal otoliths causes hearing impairment in farmed fish
T Reimer, T Dempster, F Warren-Myers, AJ Jensen, SE Swearer
Scientific Reports 6 (1), 25249, 2016
Tag use to monitor fish behaviour in aquaculture: a review of benefits, problems and solutions
G Macaulay, F Warren‐Myers, LT Barrett, F Oppedal, M Føre, T Dempster
Reviews in Aquaculture 13 (3), 1565-1582, 2021
Submerged cage aquaculture of marine fish: A review of the biological challenges and opportunities
M Sievers, Ø Korsøen, F Warren‐Myers, F Oppedal, G Macaulay, ...
Reviews in Aquaculture 14 (1), 106-119, 2022
Otolith mass marking techniques for aquaculture and restocking: benefits and limitations
F Warren-Myers, T Dempster, SE Swearer
Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries 28, 485-501, 2018
Supersizing salmon farms in the coastal zone: A global analysis of changes in farm technology and location from 2005 to 2020
P McIntosh, LT Barrett, F Warren-Myers, A Coates, G Macaulay, A Szetey, ...
Aquaculture 553, 738046, 2022
Atlantic salmon cope in submerged cages when given access to an air dome that enables fish to maintain neutral buoyancy
F Oppedal, O Folkedal, LH Stien, T Vågseth, JO Fosse, T Dempster, ...
Aquaculture 525, 735286, 2020
Full production cycle, commercial scale culture of salmon in submerged sea-cages with air domes reduces lice infestation, but creates production and welfare challenges
F Warren-Myers, T Vågseth, O Folkedal, LH Stien, JO Fosse, T Dempster, ...
Aquaculture 548, 737570, 2022
Osmotic induction improves batch marking of larval fish otoliths with enriched stable isotopes
E De Braux, F Warren-Myers, T Dempster, PG Fjelldal, T Hansen, ...
Ices journal of marine science 71 (9), 2530-2538, 2014
Immersion during egg swelling results in rapid uptake of stable isotope markers in salmonid otoliths
F Warren-Myers, T Dempster, PG Fjelldal, T Hansen, SE Swearer
Canadian journal of fisheries and aquatic sciences 72 (5), 722-727, 2015
Stable isotope marking of otoliths during vaccination: a novel method for mass-marking fish
F Warren-Myers, T Dempster, PG Fjelldal, T Hansen, AJ Jensen, ...
Aquaculture Environment Interactions 5 (2), 143-154, 2014
Sentinels in salmon aquaculture: heart rates across seasons and during crowding events
F Warren-Myers, M Hvas, T Vågseth, T Dempster, F Oppedal
Frontiers in Physiology 12, 755659, 2021
Variability in size-selective mortality obscures the importance of larval traits to recruitment success in a temperate marine fish
HM Murphy, FW Warren-Myers, GP Jenkins, PA Hamer, SE Swearer
Oecologia 175, 1201-1210, 2014
Increased larval planktonic duration and post‑recruitment competition influence survival and growth of the bryozoan Watersipora subtorquata
MA Sams, F Warren-Myers, MJ Keough
Marine Ecology Progress Series 531, 179-191, 2015
An industry-scale mass marking technique for tracing farmed fish escapees
F Warren-Myers, T Dempster, PG Fjelldal, T Hansen, SE Swearer
PloS one 10 (3), e0118594, 2015
Novel tag-based method for measuring tailbeat frequency and variations in amplitude in fish
F Warren-Myers, E Svendsen, M Føre, O Folkedal, F Oppedal, M Hvas
Animal Biotelemetry 11 (1), 12, 2023
Stocking density and rearing environment affect external condition, gonad quantity and gonad grade in onshore sea urchin roe enhancement aquaculture
F Warren-Myers, SE Swearer, K Overton, T Dempster
Aquaculture 515, 734591, 2020
The balancing act: Protein, lipid and seaweed dietary levels to maximize gonad quantity in a wild‐caught sea urchin
F Warren‐Myers, G Turchini, SE Swearer, D Francis, T Dempster
Aquaculture Nutrition 27 (4), 1019-1030, 2021
Harvest method does not affect survival and condition during gonad enhancement of an overabundant sea urchin
F Warren-Myers, SE Swearer, DS Francis, GM Turchini, T Dempster
Aquaculture Environment Interactions 11, 143-148, 2019
Mass marking farmed Atlantic salmon with transgenerational isotopic fingerprints to trace farm fish escapees
F Warren-Myers, T Dempster, PG Fjelldal, T Hansen, SE Swearer
Aquaculture Environment Interactions 7 (1), 75-87, 2015
Enriched stable isotope marking of hatchery trout via immersion: a method to monitor restocking success
F Warren-Myers, BA Ingram, T Dempster, SE Swearer
Fisheries Research 197, 78-83, 2018
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