J Frederick Sarg
J Frederick Sarg
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An overview of the fundamentals of sequence stratigraphy and key definitions
JC Van Wagoner, HW Posamentier, RM Mitchum, PR Vail, JF Sarg, ...
Special Publications of SEPM, 1988
Mesozoic and Cenozoic chronostratigraphy and cycles of sea-level change
BU Haq, J Hardenbol, PR Vail, LE Stover, JP Colin, NS Ioannides, ...
Towards the standardization of sequence stratigraphy
O Catuneanu, V Abreu, JP Bhattacharya, MD Blum, RW Dalrymple, ...
Earth-Science Reviews 92 (1-2), 1-33, 2009
Carbonate sequence stratigraphy
JF Sarg
A new geochemical-sequence stratigraphic model for the Mahakam Delta and Makassar Slope, Kalimantan, Indonesia
KE Peters, JW Snedden, A Sulaeman, JF Sarg, RJ Enrico
AAPG bulletin 84 (1), 12-44, 2000
Basement structural controls on Mesozoic carbonate facies in northeastern Mexico—a review
JL Wilson
Carbonate Platforms: Facies, Sequences and Evolution, 235-255, 1986
Carbonate Sequence Stratigraphy: Recent Developments and Applications, AAPG Memoir 57
RG Loucks, JF Sarg
Aapg, 1983
Categorizing the morphologic variability of siliciclastic passive continental margins
DB O'Grady, JPM Syvitski, LF Pratson, JF Sarg
Geology 28 (3), 207-210, 2000
The sequence stratigraphy, sedimentology, and economic importance of evaporite–carbonate transitions: a review
JF Sarg
Sedimentary Geology 140 (1-2), 9-34, 2001
Evolution of an organic‐rich lake basin–stratigraphy, climate and tectonics: Piceance Creek basin, Eocene Green River Formation
K Tänavsuu‐Milkeviciene, J Frederick Sarg
Sedimentology 59 (6), 1735-1768, 2012
Lower-middle Guadalupian facies and stratigraphy, San Andres/Grayburg Formations, Permian Basin, Guadalupe Mountains, New Mexico
JF Sarg, PJ Lehmann, GE Moore, GL Wilde
Lower and Middle Guadalupian Facies, Stratigraphy, and Reservoir Geometries …, 1986
The second-order cycle, carbonate-platform growth, and reservoir, source, and trap prediction
JF Sarg, JR Markello, LJ Weber
Seismic Imaging of Carbonate Reservoirs and Systems: AAPG Memoir 81
GP Eberli, JL Masaferro, JF Sarg
Aapg, 2004
Sequence stratigraphy and reservoir delineation of the Middle Pennsylvanian (Desmoinesian), Paradox basin and Aneth field, southwestern USA
LJ Weber, JFR Sarg, FM Wright
Milankovitch sea-level changes, cycles and reservoirs on carbonate platforms in greenhouse and ice-house worlds
JF Read, C Kerans, LJ Weber, JF Sarg, FM Wright
SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology, 1995
Petrology of the carbonate-evaporite facies transition of the Seven Rivers Formation (Guadalupian, Permian), southeast New Mexico
JF Sarg
Journal of Sedimentary Research 51 (1), 73-96, 1981
Controls on carbonate platforms and basin development
PD Crevello, JL Wilson, JF Sarg, JF Read
SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology, 1989
Lithofacies, stable isotopic composition, and stratigraphic evolution of microbial and associated carbonates, Green River Formation (Eocene), Piceance Basin, Colorado
JF Sarg, Suriamin, K Tänavsuu-Milkeviciene, JD Humphrey
AAPG bulletin 97 (11), 1937-1966, 2013
The Bakken-An unconventional petroleum and reservoir system
J Sarg
Colorado School of Mines, Golden, CO (United States), 2011
Stratigraphic traps in Paleocene sands in the Balder area, North Sea
JF Sarg, LJ Skjold
AAPG Special Volumes 130, 197-206, 1982
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