Anna Thomson
Anna Thomson
Agriculture Victoria Research
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The inclusion of forage mixtures in the diet of growing dairy heifers: Impacts on digestion, energy utilisation, and methane emissions
KJ Hammond, DJ Humphries, DB Westbury, A Thompson, LA Crompton, ...
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 197, 88-95, 2014
The fusion of spectral and structural datasets derived from an airborne multispectral sensor for estimation of pasture dry matter yield at paddock scale with time
S Karunaratne, A Thomson, E Morse-McNabb, J Wijesingha, D Stayches, ...
Remote Sensing 12 (12), 2017, 2020
Using multispectral data from an unmanned aerial system to estimate pasture depletion during grazing
PS Alvarez-Hess, AL Thomson, SB Karunaratne, ML Douglas, MM Wright, ...
Animal Feed Science and Technology 275, 114880, 2021
Assessing the accuracy of current near infra-red reflectance spectroscopy analysis for fresh grass-clover mixture silages and development of new equations for this purpose
AL Thomson, DJ Humphries, C Rymer, JE Archer, NW Grant, ...
Animal Feed Science and Technology 239, 94-106, 2018
Multi-site calibration and validation of a wide-angle ultrasonic sensor and precise GPS to estimate pasture mass at the paddock scale
AR Lawson, K Giri, AL Thomson, SB Karunaratne, KF Smith, JL Jacobs, ...
Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 195, 106786, 2022
Assessing suitability of Sentinel-2 bands for monitoring of nutrient concentration of pastures with a range of species compositions
SM Punalekar, A Thomson, A Verhoef, DJ Humphries, CK Reynolds
Agronomy 11 (8), 1661, 2021
Effect of substituting fresh‐cut perennial ryegrass with fresh‐cut white clover on bovine milk fatty acid profile
S Stergiadis, DN Hynes, AL Thomson, KE Kliem, CGB Berlitz, M Günal, ...
Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 98 (10), 3982-3993, 2018
Effects of replacing maize silage with lucerne silage and lucerne silage chop length on rumen function and milk fatty acid composition
AL Thomson, DJ Humphries, KE Kliem, MT Dittmann, CK Reynolds
Journal of Dairy Science 100 (9), 7127-7138, 2017
Effect of selected plant species within biodiverse pasture on in vitro fatty acid biohydrogenation and tissue fatty acid composition of lamb
KE Kliem, AL Thomson, LA Crompton, DI Givens
animal 12 (11), 2415-2423, 2018
The effect of varying proportion and chop length of lucerne silage in a maize silage-based total mixed ration on diet digestibility and milk yield in dairy cattle
AL Thomson, DJ Humphries, AK Jones, CK Reynolds
animal 11 (12), 2211-2219, 2017
Comparing the predictive ability of Sentinel-2 multispectral imagery and a proximal hyperspectral sensor for the estimation of pasture nutritive characteristics in an intensive …
A Thomson, J Jacobs, E Morse-McNabb
Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 214, 108275, 2023
Prediction of lignin content in ruminant diets and fecal samples using rapid analytical techniques
G Lyons, E Carmichael, C McRoberts, A Aubry, A Thomson, CK Reynolds
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 66 (49), 13031-13040, 2018
Use of traditional, modern, and hybrid modelling approaches for in situ prediction of dry matter yield and nutritive characteristics of pasture using hyperspectral datasets
AL Thomson, SB Karunaratne, A Copland, D Stayches, EM McNabb, ...
Animal Feed Science and Technology 269, 114670, 2020
Comparing how accurately four different proximal spectrometers can estimate pasture nutritive characteristics: effects of spectral range and data type
AL Thomson, S Vassiliadis, A Copland, D Stayches, J Jacobs, ...
Precision Agriculture 23 (6), 2186-2214, 2022
Evaluation of the relationship between cultivar, endophyte and environment on the expression of persistence in perennial ryegrass populations using high-throughput phenotyping
C Jayasinghe, J Jacobs, A Thomson, K Smith
Agronomy 13 (9), 2292, 2023
Paddock scale modelling and mapping of dry matter yield using UAV derived datasets: a case from dairy farming systems in Victoria.
S Karunaratne, E Morse-McNabb, A Thomson, D Stayches, J Jacobs
The effect of alfalfa (Medicago sativa) silage chop length and inclusion rate within a total mixed ration on the ability of lactating dairy cows to cope with a short-term feed …
AL Thomson, DJ Humphries, LA Crompton, CK Reynolds
Journal of Dairy Science 101 (5), 4180-4192, 2018
The influence of feeding canola oil steeped Asparagopsis armata on resulting fatty acid profile and dairy processing properties of cow’s milk
PS Alvarez-Hess, AL Thomson, SRO Williams, A Logan, C Taylor, T Singh, ...
Animal Feed Science and Technology 310, 115924, 2024
Forage plant mixture type interacts with soil moisture to affect soil nutrient availability in the short term
S Shepperd, A Thomson, D Beaumont, T Misselbrook, H Jones, ...
Experimental results 1, e42, 2020
a survey of grass-clover ley management and creation of a near infra-red reflectance spectroscopy equation to predict clover concentration
AL Thomson, DJ Humphries, JE Archer, NW Grant, CK Reynolds
Animal Feed Science and Technology 245, 48-53, 2018
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