Robert F. Smith
Robert F. Smith
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The United States and revolutionary nationalism in Mexico, 1916-1932
RF Smith
Focusing on public value: Something new and something old
RFI Smith
Australian journal of public administration 63 (4), 68-79, 2004
Benthic macroinvertebrates as indicators of water quality: The intersection of science and policy
MA Kenney, AE Sutton-Grier, RF Smith, SE Gresens
Terrestrial Arthropod Reviews 2 (2), 99, 2009
Dispersal by terrestrial stages of stream insects in urban watersheds: a synthesis of current knowledge
RF Smith, LC Alexander, WO Lamp
Journal of the North American Benthological Society 28 (4), 1022-1037, 2009
Structural basis for the inhibition of RNase H activity of HIV-1 reverse transcriptase by RNase H active site-directed inhibitors
HP Su, Y Yan, GS Prasad, RF Smith, CL Daniels, PD Abeywickrema, ...
Journal of virology 84 (15), 7625-7633, 2010
Comparison of insect communities between adjacent headwater and main-stem streams in urban and rural watersheds
RF Smith, WO Lamp
Journal of the North American Benthological Society 27 (1), 161-175, 2008
Oxabicyclooctane-linked novel bacterial topoisomerase inhibitors as broad spectrum antibacterial agents
SB Singh, DE Kaelin, J Wu, L Miesel, CM Tan, PT Meinke, D Olsen, ...
ACS medicinal chemistry letters 5 (5), 609-614, 2014
Assay development for histone methyltransferases
KY Horiuchi, MM Eason, JJ Ferry, JL Planck, CP Walsh, RF Smith, ...
Assay and drug development technologies 11 (4), 227-236, 2013
Urban stream renovation: incorporating societal objectives to achieve ecological improvements
RF Smith, RJ Hawley, MW Neale, GJ Vietz, E Diaz-Pascacio, J Herrmann, ...
Freshwater Science 35 (1), 364–379, 2016
Structural basis of human p70 ribosomal S6 kinase-1 regulation by activation loop phosphorylation
T Sunami, N Byrne, RE Diehl, K Funabashi, DL Hall, M Ikuta, SB Patel, ...
Journal of Biological Chemistry 285 (7), 4587-4594, 2010
Heterogeneity in proliferative potential of ovine mesenchymal stem cell colonies
NP Rhodes, JK Srivastava, RF Smith, C Longinotti
Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine 15 (4), 397-402, 2004
Urbanization and stream ecology: diverse mechanisms of change
AH Roy, KA Capps, RW El-Sabaawi, KL Jones, TB Parr, A Ramírez, ...
Freshwater Science 35 (1), 272-277, 2016
Metabolic and histological analysis of mesenchymal stem cells grown in 3-D hyaluronan-based scaffolds
NP Rhodes, JK Srivastava, RF Smith, C Longinotti
Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine 15 (4), 391-395, 2004
Behavioral effects of exposure to halothane during early development in the rat: sensitive period during pregnancy.
RF Smith, RE Bowman, J Katz
Anesthesiology 49 (5), 319-323, 1978
Tricyclic 1, 5-naphthyridinone oxabicyclooctane-linked novel bacterial topoisomerase inhibitors as broad-spectrum antibacterial agents-SAR of left-hand-side moiety (Part-2)
SB Singh, DE Kaelin, J Wu, L Miesel, CM Tan, T Black, R Nargund, ...
Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters 25 (9), 1831-1835, 2015
Synthesis and evaluation of heterocyclic catechol mimics as inhibitors of catechol-O-methyltransferase (COMT)
ST Harrison, MS Poslusney, JJ Mulhearn, Z Zhao, NR Kett, JW Schubert, ...
ACS medicinal chemistry letters 6 (3), 318-323, 2015
Probabilistic well-time estimation revisited
AJJ Adams, C Gibson, R Smith
SPE Drilling & Completion 25 (04), 472-499, 2010
Habitat filtering and adult dispersal determine the taxonomic composition of stream insects in an urbanizing landscape
RF Smith, PD Venugopal, ME Baker, WO Lamp
Freshwater Biology 60 (9), 1740-1754, 2015
Effects of stream temperature and substrate type on emergence patterns of Plecoptera and Trichoptera from northeastern United States headwater streams
KN Cheney, AH Roy, RF Smith, RE DeWalt
Environmental entomology 48 (6), 1349-1359, 2019
Characterization of Non-Nitrocatechol Pan and Isoform Specific Catechol-O-methyltransferase Inhibitors and Substrates
RG Robinson, SM Smith, SE Wolkenberg, M Kandebo, L Yao, CR Gibson, ...
ACS chemical neuroscience 3 (2), 129-140, 2012
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