Artikel mit Open-Access-Mandaten - Jaime A. MorenoWeitere Informationen
Nicht verfügbar: 10
Dissipative approach to sliding mode observers design for uncertain mechanical systems
WA Apaza-Perez, JA Moreno, LM Fridman
Automatica 87, 330-336, 2018
Mandate: European Commission
Application of super-twisting observers to the estimation of state and unknown inputs in an anaerobic digestion system
M Sbarciog, JA Moreno, A Vande Wouwer
Water science and technology 69 (2), 414-421, 2014
Mandate: National Fund for Scientific Research, Belgium
Super-twisting estimation of a virtual output for extremum-seeking output feedback control of bioreactors
A Vargas, JA Moreno, AV Wouwer
Journal of Process Control 35, 41-49, 2015
Mandate: National Fund for Scientific Research, Belgium
Finite‐time consensus of Euler‐Lagrange agents without velocity measurements via energy shaping
E Cruz‐Zavala, E Nuno, JA Moreno
International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control 29 (17), 6006-6030, 2019
Mandate: Government of Spain
Lyapunov‐based finite‐time control of robot manipulators
E Cruz‐Zavala, T Sanchez, E Nuño, JA Moreno
International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control 31 (8), 3090-3114, 2021
Mandate: Government of Spain
On the finite-time regulation of Euler–Lagrange systems without velocity measurements
E Cruz-Zavala, E Nuno, JA Moreno
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 63 (12), 4309-4316, 2018
Mandate: Government of Spain
Generalized super-twisting for control under time-and state-dependent perturbations: Breaking the algebraic loop
H Haimovich, L Fridman, JA Moreno
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 67 (10), 5646-5652, 2022
Mandate: Government of Argentina
Robust trajectory‐tracking in finite‐time for robot manipulators using nonlinear proportional‐derivative control plus feed‐forward compensation
E Cruz‐Zavala, E Nuño, JA Moreno
International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control 31 (9), 3878-3907, 2021
Mandate: Government of Spain
Trajectory-tracking in finite-time for robot manipulators with bounded torques via output-feedback
E Cruz-Zavala, E Nuño, JA Moreno
International Journal of Control 96 (4), 907-921, 2023
Mandate: Government of Spain
Minimizing the Homogeneous ℒp-Gain of the Continuous Super-Twisting-Like Algorithm Subject to Noise
B Calmbach, JA Moreno, J Reger
2024 17th International Workshop on Variable Structure Systems (VSS), 176-183, 2024
Mandate: European Commission
Verfügbar: 22
Implementation of super-twisting control: Super-twisting and higher order sliding-mode observer-based approaches
A Chalanga, S Kamal, LM Fridman, B Bandyopadhyay, JA Moreno
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 63 (6), 3677-3685, 2016
Mandate: Department of Science & Technology, India
Continuous terminal sliding-mode controller
S Kamal, JA Moreno, A Chalanga, B Bandyopadhyay, LM Fridman
Automatica 69, 308-314, 2016
Mandate: Department of Science & Technology, India
Higher order super-twisting algorithm
S Kamal, A Chalanga, JA Moreno, L Fridman, B Bandyopadhyay
2014 13th International Workshop on Variable Structure Systems (VSS), 1-5, 2014
Mandate: Department of Science & Technology, India
Fundamental limitations of network reconstruction from temporal data
MT Angulo, JA Moreno, G Lippner, AL Barabási, YY Liu
Journal of the Royal Society Interface 14 (127), 20160966, 2017
Mandate: European Commission
A dynamical interpretation of strong observability and detectability concepts for nonlinear systems with unknown inputs: application to biochemical processes
JA Moreno, E Rocha-Cózatl, AV Wouwer
Bioprocess and biosystems engineering 37, 37-49, 2014
Mandate: National Fund for Scientific Research, Belgium
How to implement Super-Twisting Controller based on sliding mode observer?
A Chalanga, S Kamal, L Fridman, B Bandyopadhyay, JA Moreno
2014 13th International Workshop on Variable Structure Systems (VSS), 1-6, 2014
Mandate: Department of Science & Technology, India
A weighted variable gain super-twisting observer for the estimation of kinetic rates in biological systems
A Vargas, JA Moreno, AV Wouwer
Journal of Process Control 24 (6), 957-965, 2014
Mandate: National Fund for Scientific Research, Belgium
Fixed-time parameter estimation in polynomial systems through modulating functions
M Noack, JG Rueda-Escobedo, J Reger, JA Moreno
2016 IEEE 55th Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 2067-2072, 2016
Mandate: Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung
State and input estimation of an anaerobic digestion reactor using a continuous-discrete unknown input observer
E Rocha-Cózatl, M Sbarciog, L Dewasme, JA Moreno, AV Wouwer
IFAC-PapersOnLine 48 (8), 129-134, 2015
Mandate: National Fund for Scientific Research, Belgium
A homogeneity property of discrete‐time systems: Stability and convergence rates
T Sanchez, D Efimov, A Polyakov, JA Moreno, W Perruquetti
International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control 29 (8), 2406-2421, 2019
Mandate: Agence Nationale de la Recherche
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