Victor Shiramizu
Victor Shiramizu
Department of Psychological Sciences & Health, University of Strathclyde
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To Which World Regions Does the Valence-Dominance Model of Social Perception Apply?
B Jones, L DeBruine, J Flake, B Aczel, M Adamkovic, R Alaei, S Alper, ...
Nature Human Behaviour 5, 159-169, 2021
Hatha Yoga practice decreases menopause symptoms and improves quality of life: A randomized controlled trial
AMR Márcia P. Jorge, Danilo F. Santaella, Isabella M.O. Pontes, Victor K.M ...
Complementary Therapies in Medicine 26, 128-135, 2016
Examining the “attractiveness halo effect” across cultures
C Batres, V Shiramizu
Current Psychology 42 (29), 25515-25519, 2023
Effect of chronic stress during adolescence in prefrontal cortex structure and function
OAAC Folha, CP Bahia, GPS de Aguiar, AM Herculano, NLG Coelho, ...
Behavioural brain research 326, 44-51, 2017
Uma medida de apego: versão brasileira da Experiences in Close Relationship Scale - Reduzida (ECR-R-Brasil)
JC Natividade, VKM Shiramizu
Psicologia usp 26 (3), 484-494, 2015
Evidências de validade do Experience in Close Relationships (ECR) Inventory para o Brasil
VKM Shiramizu, JC Natividade, FA Lopes
Estudos de Psicologia (Natal) 18, 457-465, 2013
Does facial attractiveness really signal immunocompetence?
BC Jones, IJ Holzleitner, V Shiramizu
Trends in Cognitive Sciences 25 (12), 1018-1020, 2021
Are dark triad cues really visible in faces?
VKM Shiramizu, L Kozma, LM DeBruine, BC Jones
Personality and Individual Differences 139, 214-216, 2019
The evolutionary perspective on romantic relationships
VKM Shiramizu, FA Lopes
Psicologia USP 24, 55-76, 2013
The socio-communicative development of preterm infants is resistant to the negative effects of parity on maternal responsiveness
IFR Caldas, MF Garotti, VKM Shiramizu, A Pereira
Frontiers in psychology 9, 43, 2018
Devoted fans release more cortisol when watching live soccer matches
M Newson, V Shiramizu, M Buhrmester, W Hattori, J Jong, E Yamamoto, ...
Stress and Health, 2020
The role of valence, dominance, and pitch in perceptions of artificial intelligence (AI) conversational agents’ voices
VKM Shiramizu, AJ Lee, D Altenburg, DR Feinberg, BC Jones
Scientific Reports 12 (1), 22479, 2022
Hormones, ovulatory cycle phase and pathogen disgust: A longitudinal investigation of the Compensatory Prophylaxis Hypothesis
J Stern, V Shiramizu
Hormones and behavior 138, 105103, 2022
Sexual orientation predicts men’s preferences for sexually dimorphic face-shape characteristics: A replication study
V Shiramizu, C Docherty, LM DeBruine, BC Jones
Plos one 15 (11), e0242262, 2020
Perceptions of emotional functionality: Similarities and differences among dignity, face, and honor cultures
AT Maitner, J DeCoster, PA Andersson, K Eriksson, S Sherbaji, ...
Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology 53 (3-4), 263-288, 2022
The importance of face-shape masculinity for perceptions of male dominance depends on study design
J Dong, K Leger, VKM Shiramizu, UM Marcinkowska, AJ Lee, BC Jones
Scientific Reports 13 (1), 12620, 2023
What does women’s facial attractiveness signal? Implications for an evolutionary perspective on appearance enhancement
BC Jones, AL Jones, V Shiramizu, C Anderson
Archives of Sexual Behavior, 1-5, 2021
Estrogen levels modify scopolamine-induced amnesia in gonadally intact rats
A de Macêdo Medeiros, GS Izídio, DS Sousa, PT Macedo, AF Silva, ...
Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology and Biological Psychiatry 53, 99-108, 2014
Assessing the roles of shape prototypicality and sexual dimorphism in ratings of the trustworthiness of faces
K Leger, J Dong, LM DeBruine, BC Jones, VKM Shiramizu
Scientific reports 13 (1), 15662, 2023
Mapping physical characteristics in face images to social judgements
BC Jones, AL Jones, V Shiramizu
British Journal of Psychology 114 (2), 498-500, 2023
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