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Impact of ambulance dispatch policies on performance of emergency medical services
CS Lim, R Mamat, T Braunl
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 12 (2), 624-632, 2011
Refine PID tuning rule using ITAE criteria
AEA Awouda, RB Mamat
2010 The 2nd International conference on computer and automation engineering …, 2010
Modelling and simulation for industrial DC motor using intelligent control
AAA Emhemed, RB Mamat
Procedia Engineering 41, 420-425, 2012
A path tracking algorithm using future prediction control with spike detection for an autonomous vehicle robot
MA Zakaria, H Zamzuri, R Mamat, SA Mazlan
International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems 10 (8), 309, 2013
Method for on-line identification of a first order plus dead-time process model
R Mamat, PJ Fleming
Electronics Letters 31 (15), 1297-1298, 1995
Techniques for vibration control of a flexible robot manipulator
Z Mohamed, AK Chee, AWIM Hashim, MO Tokhi, SHM Amin, R Mamat
Robotica 24 (4), 499-511, 2006
Dynamic characterisation of a two-link flexible manipulator: theory and experiments
M Khairudin, Z Mohamed, AR Husain, R Mamat
Advances in robotics research 1 (1), 61, 2014
A component-oriented programming for embedded mobile robot software
DNA Jawawi, R Mamat, S Deris
International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems 4 (3), 40, 2007
Dynamic characterisation of a flexible manipulator system: theory and experiments
MO Tokhi, Z Mohamed, SHM Amin, R Mamat
2000 TENCON Proceedings. Intelligent Systems and Technologies for the New …, 2000
Market-based approach for multi-team robot cooperation
CS Lim, R Mamat, T Braunl
2009 4th International Conference on Autonomous Robots and Agents, 62-67, 2009
Nurturing secondary school student computational thinking through educational robotics
D Jawawi, N Jamal, SA Halim, N Sa'adon, R Mamat, M Isa, R Mohamad, ...
International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (iJET) 17 (3 …, 2022
Introducing computer programming to secondary school students using mobile robots
DNA Jawawi, R Mamat, F Ridzuan, M Khatibsyarbini, MZM Zaki
2015 10th Asian Control Conference (ASCC), 1-6, 2015
Enhancements of PECOS embedded real-time component model for autonomous mobile robot application
DNA Jawawi, S Deris, R Mamat
IEEE International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications, 2006 …, 2006
A new tuning method for two-degree-of-freedom internal model control under parametric uncertainty
R Mamat
Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering 21 (9), 1030-1037, 2013
Mechanical design of a quadruped robot for horizontal ground to vertical wall movement
AASI Alsalameh, SHM Amin, R Mamat
2000 TENCON Proceedings. Intelligent Systems and Technologies for the New …, 2000
Dynamic curvature path tracking control for autonomous vehicle: Experimental results
MA Zakaria, H Zamzuri, R Mamat, SA Mazlan, MA Abd Rahman, ...
2014 International Conference on Connected Vehicles and Expo (ICCVE), 264-269, 2014
Service based meta-model for the development of distributed embedded real-time systems
MW Aziz, R Mohamad, DNA Jawawi, R Mamat
Real-Time Systems 49, 563-579, 2013
Design and development of control system for Internet-based telerobotics
MF Zakaria, SHM Amin, R Mamat
2000 TENCON Proceedings. Intelligent Systems and Technologies for the New …, 2000
The effectiveness of pole placement method in control system design for an autonomous helicopter model in hovering flight
AA Wahab, R Mamat, SS Shamsudin
International Journal of Integrated Engineering 1 (3), 2009
Early-life cycle reuse approach for component-based software of autonomous mobile robot system
DNA Jawawi, S Deris, R Mamat
2008 Ninth ACIS International Conference on Software Engineering, Artificial …, 2008
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