Md. Khalid Hasan
Md. Khalid Hasan
Institute of Diasater Management and Vulnerability Studies, University of Dhaka
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Water pollution in Bangladesh and its impact on public health
MK Hasan, A Shahriar, KU Jim
Heliyon 5 (8), 2019
Climate change adaptation in Bangladesh: current practices, challenges and way forward
MA Chowdhury, MK Hasan, SLU Islam
The Journal of Climate Change and Health, 100108, 2022
Climate change impacts and adaptations on health of Internally Displaced People (IDP): An exploratory study on coastal areas of Bangladesh
MA Chowdhury, MR Hasan, Md. Khalid, Hasan, TB Younos
Heliyon 6 (9), 2020
Nurses' knowledge, skills and preparedness for disaster management of a Megapolis: Implications for nursing disaster education
MK Hasan, TB Younos, ZI Farid
Nurse education today 107, 105122, 2021
Safety culture among Bangladeshi university students: A cross-sectional survey
MK Hasan, TB Younos
Safety science 131, 104922, 2020
Trace metals contamination in riverine captured fish and prawn of Bangladesh and associated health risk
MK Hasan, A Shahriar, N Hossain, IK Shovon, A Hossain, YN Jolly, ...
Exposure and Health 13 (2), 237-251, 2021
Are nurses ready? Bangladeshi nurses' perceived preparedness for disasters: A mixed-methods approach
TB Younos, MK Hasan, M Nasreen
International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 58, 102195, 2021
Exploring disaster preparedness of students at university in Bangladesh
MK Hasan, M Moriom, SIM Shuprio, TB Younos, MA Chowdhury
Natural Hazards 111 (1), 817-849, 2022
Analysis of water quality using chemical parameters and metal status of Balu River at Dhaka, Bangladesh
MK Hasan, MRI Khan, MK Nesha, MA Happy
Open J. Water Pollut. Treat 1 (2), 58-74, 2014
Pollution status of Balu river due to industrial input at Dhaka, Bangladesh
MK Hasan, MA Happy, MK Nesha, KR Karim
Open Journal of water pollution and treatment 1 (1), 34-42, 2014
People’s perception in relation to climate change and its adverse effects in Rural Bangladesh
K Nesha, AA Rahman, MK Hasan, Z Ahmed
Journal of Environment and Human 1 (3), 23-33, 2014
Bangladeshi nursing students' perceived preparedness and readiness for disaster management
MK Hasan, H Uddin, TB Younos
International journal of disaster risk reduction 81, 103303, 2022
Impacts of textile dyeing industries effluents on surface water quality: A study on Araihazar Thana in Narayanganj District of Bangladesh
MK Hasan, MM Miah
Journal of environment and human 1 (3), 8-22, 2014
Hospital surge capacity preparedness in disasters and emergencies: a systematic review
MK Hasan, SM Nasrullah, A Quattrocchi, P Arcos González, ...
Public Health 225, 12-21, 2023
Hospital surge capacity preparedness in disasters and emergencies: protocol for a systematic review
MK Hasan, SM Nasrullah, A Quattrocchi, P Arcos González, ...
International journal of environmental research and public health 19 (20), 13437, 2022
A Comparative Study of Water Quality in the Peripheral Rivers of Dhaka City
MK Hasan, MK Hasan, A Hossain
Dhaka University Journal of Biological Sciences 22 (2), 145-154, 2013
Family resilience and neighborhood factors affect the association between digital media use and mental health among children: does sleep mediate the association?
H Uddin, MK Hasan
European Journal of Pediatrics, 1-14, 2023
Determinants of anxiety and depression among Bangladeshi adults during COVID-19 lockdown: an online survey
MR Haque, MSU Islam, MK Hasan, MS Hossain, MAH Khan, F Islam
Heliyon 8 (5), 2022
Effects of mass casualty incidents on anxiety, depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder among doctors and nurses: a systematic review
H Uddin, MK Hasan, T Cuartas-Alvarez, R Castro-Delgado
Public health 234, 132-142, 2024
Prevalence of truancy among school-going adolescents in three South Asian countries: association with potential risk and protective factors
MK Hasan, H Uddin, TB Younos, NAH Mukta, D Zahid
International Journal of Adolescence and Youth 28 (1), 2242480, 2023
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