K K Balachandran
K K Balachandran
Principal Technical Officer, National Institute of Oceanography
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Monsoonal impact on planktonic standing stock and abundance in a tropical estuary (Cochin backwaters–India)
NV Madhu, R Jyothibabu, KK Balachandran, UK Honey, GD Martin, ...
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 73 (1-2), 54-64, 2007
Heavy metal accumulation in a flow restricted, tropical estuary
KK Balachandran, CML Raj, M Nair, T Joseph, P Sheeba, P Venugopal
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 65 (1-2), 361-370, 2005
Impact of freshwater influx on microzooplankton mediated food web in a tropical estuary (Cochin backwaters–India)
R Jyothibabu, NV Madhu, KV Jayalakshmi, KK Balachandran, CA Shiyas, ...
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 69 (3-4), 505-518, 2006
CO2 Supersaturation and Net Heterotrophy in a Tropical Estuary (Cochin, India): Influence of Anthropogenic Effect: Carbon Dynamics in Tropical Estuary
GVM Gupta, SD Thottathil, KK Balachandran, NV Madhu, P Madeswaran, ...
Ecosystems 12, 1145-1157, 2009
Fresh water influence on nutrient stoichiometry in a tropical estuary, southwest coast of India
GD Martin, JG Vijay, CM Laluraj, NV Madhu, T Joseph, M Nair, ...
Corvinus University of Budapest, 2008
Eutrophication induced changes in benthic community structure of a flow-restricted tropical estuary (Cochin backwaters), India
GD Martin, PA Nisha, KK Balachandran, NV Madhu, M Nair, P Shaiju, ...
Environmental monitoring and assessment 176, 427-438, 2011
Influence of allochthonous input on autotrophic–heterotrophic switch-over in shallow waters of a tropical estuary (Cochin Estuary), India
SD Thottathil, KK Balachandran, GVM Gupta, NV Madhu, S Nair
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 78 (3), 551-562, 2008
Dynamics of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in surface sediments of Cochin estuary, India
A Ramzi, KH Rahman, TR Gireeshkumar, KK Balachandran, C Jacob, ...
Marine Pollution Bulletin 114 (2), 1081-1087, 2017
Environmental analysis of heavy metal deposition in a flow-restricted tropical estuary and its adjacent shelf
KK Balachandran, CM Laluraj, GD Martin, K Srinivas, P Venugopal
Environmental Forensics 7 (4), 345-351, 2006
Bioaccumulation of toxic metals by fish in a semi-enclosed tropical ecosystem
M Nair, KV Jayalakshmy, KK Balachandran, T Joseph
Environmental Forensics 7 (3), 197-206, 2006
Modelling of tidal hydrodynamics for a tropical ecosystem with implications for pollutant dispersion (Cohin Estuary, Southwest India)
KK Balachandran, GS Reddy, C Revichandran, K Srinivas, PR Vijayan, ...
Ocean Dynamics 58, 259-273, 2008
Monsoon-induced changes in the size-fractionated phytoplankton biomass and production rate in the estuarine and coastal waters of southwest coast of India
NV Madhu, R Jyothibabu, KK Balachandran
Environmental monitoring and assessment 166 (1), 521-528, 2010
Heavy metals in fishes from coastal waters of Cochin, Southwest Coast of India
M Nair, KK Balachandran, VN Sankaranarayanan, T Joseph
NISCAIR-CSIR, India, 1997
Short-term variability of water quality and its implications on phytoplankton production in a tropical estuary (Cochin backwaters—India)
NV Madhu, KK Balachandran, GD Martin, R Jyothibabu, SD Thottathil, ...
Environmental monitoring and assessment 170 (1), 287-300, 2010
Distribution and contamination status of phthalic acid esters in the sediments of a tropical monsoonal estuary, Cochin–India
A Ramzi, TR Gireeshkumar, KH Rahman, M Manu, KK Balachandran, ...
Chemosphere 210, 232-238, 2018
Nitrification in Kochi backwaters
J Miranda, KK Balachandran, R Ramesh, M Wafar
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 78 (2), 291-300, 2008
Formation of anoxia and denitrification in the bottom waters of a tropical estuary, southwest coast of India
GD Martin, KR Muraleedharan, JG Vijay, G Rejomon, NV Madhu, ...
Biogeosciences Discussions 7 (2), 1751-1782, 2010
Mud Banks along the southwest coast of India are not too muddy for plankton
R Jyothibabu, KK Balachandran, L Jagadeesan, C Karnan, N Arunpandi, ...
Scientific reports 8 (1), 2544, 2018
Trichodesmium blooms and warm-core ocean surface features in the Arabian Sea and the Bay of Bengal
R Jyothibabu, C Karnan, L Jagadeesan, N Arunpandi, RS Pandiarajan, ...
Marine pollution bulletin 121 (1-2), 201-215, 2017
The world’s largest coastal deoxygenation zone is not anthropogenically driven
GVM Gupta, R Jyothibabu, CV Ramu, AY Reddy, KK Balachandran, ...
Environmental Research Letters 16 (5), 054009, 2021
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