Christopher J. Pugh
Christopher J. Pugh
Newman Theological College
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Airborne demonstration of a quantum key distribution receiver payload
CJ Pugh, S Kaiser, JP Bourgoin, J Jin, N Sultana, S Agne, E Anisimova, ...
Quantum Science and Technology 2 (2), 024009, 2017
Free-space quantum key distribution to a moving receiver
JP Bourgoin, BL Higgins, N Gigov, C Holloway, CJ Pugh, S Kaiser, ...
Optics Express 23 (26), 33437-33447, 2015
Experimental three-photon quantum nonlocality under strict locality conditions
C Erven, E Meyer-Scott, K Fisher, J Lavoie, BL Higgins, Z Yan, CJ Pugh, ...
Nature photonics 8 (4), 292-296, 2014
Genuine time-bin-encoded quantum key distribution over a turbulent depolarizing free-space channel
J Jin, JP Bourgoin, R Tannous, S Agne, CJ Pugh, KB Kuntz, BL Higgins, ...
Optics express 27 (26), 37214-37223, 2019
The NanoQEY mission: ground to space quantum key and entanglement distribution using a nanosatellite
T Jennewein, C Grant, E Choi, C Pugh, C Holloway, JP Bourgoin, ...
Emerging technologies in security and defence II; and quantum-physics-based …, 2014
Adaptive optics benefit for quantum key distribution uplink from ground to a satellite
CJ Pugh, JF Lavigne, JP Bourgoin, BL Higgins, T Jennewein
Advanced Optical Technologies 9 (5), 263-273, 2020
Towards correcting atmospheric beam wander via pump beam control in a down conversion process
CJ Pugh, P Kolenderski, C Scarcella, A Tosi, T Jennewein
Optics Express 24 (18), 20947-20955, 2016
Geometrical entanglement of highly symmetric multipartite states and the Schmidt decomposition
D Buhr, ME Carrington, T Fugleberg, R Kobes, G Kunstatter, D McGillis, ...
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 44 (36), 365305, 2011
Experimental three-particle quantum nonlocality under strict locality conditions
C Erven, E Meyer-Scott, K Fisher, J Lavoie, BL Higgins, Z Yan, CJ Pugh, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1309.1379, 2013
Free Space Quantum Key Distribution to Moving Platforms
CJ Pugh
University of Waterloo, 2017
Experimental Investigation into Spatial Quantum Optical Properties for Satellite Targeting through the Turbulent Atmosphere
C Pugh
University of Waterloo, 2013
Microscopy with heralded Fock states
M Gieysztor, J Nepinak, CJ Pugh, P Kolenderski
Optics Express 31 (13), 20629-20640, 2023
Theoretical and experimental investigations into spatial correlations in spontaneous parametric downconversion
C Pugh, P Kolenderski, C Scarcella, S Bellisai, A Tosi, T Jennewein
Single Photon Workshop 2013-Book of abstracts, 102, 2013
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