Anthony Clare
Anthony Clare
Professor of Marine Science, Newcastle University
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Improvement of phylum-and class-specific primers for real-time PCR quantification of bacterial taxa
TB De Gregoris, N Aldred, AS Clare, JG Burgess
Journal of microbiological methods 86 (3), 351-356, 2011
Marine natural product antifoulants: status and potential
AS Clare
Biofouling 9 (3), 211-229, 1996
Species-specific engineered antifouling topographies: correlations between the settlement of algal zoospores and barnacle cyprids
JF Schumacher, N Aldred, ME Callow, JA Finlay, JA Callow, AS Clare, ...
Biofouling 23 (5), 307-317, 2007
Slippery liquid-infused porous surfaces showing marine antibiofouling properties
L Xiao, J Li, S Mieszkin, A Di Fino, AS Clare, ME Callow, JA Callow, ...
ACS applied materials & interfaces 5 (20), 10074-10080, 2013
Poly (ethylene glycol)-containing hydrogel surfaces for antifouling applications in marine and freshwater environments
T Ekblad, G Bergström, T Ederth, SL Conlan, R Mutton, AS Clare, ...
Biomacromolecules 9 (10), 2775-2783, 2008
The adhesive strategies of cyprids and development of barnacle-resistant marine coatings
N Aldred, AS Clare
Biofouling 24 (5), 351-363, 2008
Molecular approaches to nontoxic antifouling
AS Clare, D Rittschof, DJ Gerhart, JS Maki
Invertebrate Reproduction & Development 22 (1-3), 67-76, 1992
Preparation and characterisation of silicone-based coatings filled with carbon nanotubes and natural sepiolite and their application as marine fouling-release coatings
A Beigbeder, P Degee, SL Conlan, RJ Mutton, AS Clare, ME Pettitt, ...
Biofouling 24 (4), 291-302, 2008
Barnacle in vitro assays for biologically active substances: toxicity and settlement inhibition assays using mass cultured Balanus amphitrite amphitrite Darwin
D Rittschof, AS Clare, DJ Gerhart, SA Mary, J Bonaventura
Biofouling 6 (2), 115-122, 1992
Spread of the Chinese mitten crab (Eriocheir sinensis H. Milne Edwards) in Continental Europe: analysis of a historical data set
LM Herborg, SP Rushton, AS Clare, MG Bentley
Migrations and Dispersal of Marine Organisms: Proceedings of the 37 th …, 2003
RodA as the missing glycosyltransferase in Bacillus subtilis and antibiotic discovery for the peptidoglycan polymerase pathway
K Emami, A Guyet, Y Kawai, J Devi, LJ Wu, N Allenby, RA Daniel, ...
Nature microbiology 2 (3), 1-9, 2017
Eutrophication and warming-driven green tides (Ulva rigida) are predicted to increase under future climate change scenarios
G Gao, AS Clare, C Rose, GS Caldwell
Marine Pollution Bulletin 114 (1), 439-447, 2017
Seasonal variation of antifouling activities of marine algae from the Brittany coast (France)
C Hellio, JP Marechal, B Veron, G Bremer, AS Clare, Y Le Gal
Marine Biotechnology 6, 67-82, 2004
An α2-macroglobulin-like protein is the cue to gregarious settlement of the barnacle Balanus amphitrite
C Dreanno, K Matsumura, N Dohmae, K Takio, H Hirota, RR Kirby, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 103 (39), 14396-14401, 2006
Nature and perception of barnacle settlement pheromones
AS Clare, K Matsumura
Biofouling 15 (1-3), 57-71, 2000
On the antennular secretion of the cyprid of Balanus amphitrite amphitrite, and its role as a settlement pheromone
AS Clare, RK Freet, M McClary
Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 74 (1 …, 1994
Seasonal variation in antifouling activity of crude extracts of the brown alga Bifurcaria bifurcata (Cystoseiraceae) against cyprids of Balanus amphitrite and the marine …
JP Maréchal, G Culioli, C Hellio, H Thomas-Guyon, ME Callow, AS Clare, ...
Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 313 (1), 47-62, 2004
Activity of commercial enzymes on settlement and adhesion of cypris larvae of the barnacle Balanus amphitrite, spores of the green alga Ulva linza, and the diatom Navicula …
ME Pettitt, SL Henry, ME Callow, JA Callow, AS Clare
Biofouling 20 (6), 299-311, 2004
Prostaglandins in non-insectan invertebrates: recent insights and unsolved problems
AF Rowley, CL Vogan, GW Taylor, AS Clare
Journal of Experimental Biology 208 (1), 3-14, 2005
Fouling-release performance of silicone oil-modified siloxane-polyurethane coatings
TP Galhenage, D Hoffman, SD Silbert, SJ Stafslien, J Daniels, T Miljkovic, ...
ACS applied materials & interfaces 8 (42), 29025-29036, 2016
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