Fabien Moullec
Fabien Moullec
PhD, Marine Biodiversity Exploitation and Conservation (MARBEC), University of Montpellier
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An end-to-end model reveals losers and winners in a warming Mediterranean Sea
F Moullec, N Barrier, S Drira, F Guilhaumon, P Marsaleix, S Somot, ...
Frontiers in Marine Science 6, 345, 2019
Trophic models: What do we learn about Celtic Sea and Bay of Biscay ecosystems?
F Moullec, D Gascuel, K Bentorcha, S Guénette, M Robert
Journal of Marine Systems 172, 104-117, 2017
Using species distribution models only may underestimate climate change impacts on future marine biodiversity
F Moullec, N Barrier, S Drira, F Guilhaumon, T Hattab, MA Peck, YJ Shin
Ecological Modelling 464, 109826, 2022
Effects of nutrient management scenarios on marine food webs: a Pan-European Assessment in support of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive
C Piroddi, E Akoglu, E Andonegi, JW Bentley, I Celić, M Coll, ...
Frontiers in Marine Science 8, 596797, 2021
Capturing the big picture of Mediterranean marine biodiversity with an end-to-end model of climate and fishing impacts
F Moullec, L Velez, P Verley, N Barrier, C Ulses, P Carbonara, A Esteban, ...
Progress in Oceanography 178, 102179, 2019
Contrasted patterns in climate change risk for Mediterranean fisheries
I Pita, D Mouillot, F Moullec, YJ Shin
Global Change Biology 27 (22), 5920-5933, 2021
Identifying and addressing the anthropogenic drivers of global change in the North Sea: a systematic map protocol
F Moullec, R Asselot, D Auch, AM Blöcker, G Börner, L Färber, C Ofelio, ...
Environmental Evidence 10, 1-11, 2021
Mistaking plastic for zooplankton: Risk assessment of plastic ingestion in the Mediterranean sea
S Fabri-Ruiz, A Baudena, F Moullec, F Lombard, JO Irisson, ML Pedrotti
Science of the Total Environment 856, 159011, 2023
Climate change induces bottom-up changes in the food webs of the Mediterranean Sea
F Moullec, F Benedetti, C Saraux, E VAN BEVEREN, YJ Shin
The Mediterranean region under climate change, 219, 2016
Rebuilding Mediterranean marine resources under climate change
F Moullec, N Barrier, F Guilhaumon, MA Peck, C Ulses, YJ Shin
Marine Ecology Progress Series 708, 1-20, 2023
Catching the big picture of the Mediterranean Sea biodiversity with an end-to-end model of climate and fishing impacts
F Moullec, L Velez, P Verley, N Barrier, C Ulses, P Carbonara, A Esteban, ...
BioRxiv, 593822, 2019
Climate change impacts on marine resources: From individual to ecosystem responses
F Moullec, FBR Lasram, M Coll, F Guilhaumon, G Halouani, T Hattab, ...
The Mediterranean region under climate change: a scientific update, 229-248, 2016
La modélisation trophique au service de la gestion écosystémique des pêches: Le cas du golfe de Gascogne et de la mer Celtique
F Moullec
éditeur inconnu, 2015
Co‐benefits of and trade‐offs between natural climate solutions and Sustainable Development Goals
G Mariani, F Moullec, TB Atwood, B Clarkson, RT Conant, ...
Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 22 (10), e2807, 2024
Impacts du changement global sur la biodiversité en mer Méditerranée: Une approche par modélisation End-to-End
F Moullec
Université Montpellier, 2019
Temperature and prey density drive growth and otolith formation of the world's most valuable fish stock
C Ofelio, M Moyano, M Sswat, F Rioual, F Moullec, A Aguirre-Velarde, ...
Scientific Reports 13 (1), 16001, 2023
Stakeholder engagement in participatory research in French marine and freshwater social‐ecological systems: A systematic map protocol
A Chevallier, H Balti, S Gourguet, C Macher, Y Shin, F Moullec
Ecological Solutions and Evidence 5 (1), e12304, 2024
Food for thought from French scientists for a revised EU Common Fisheries Policy to protect marine ecosystems and enhance fisheries performance
H Drouineau, F Moullec, D Gascuel, F Laloë, S Lucas, N Bez, ...
Marine Policy 148, 105460, 2023
Scénarios prospectifs: la pêche et l’aquaculture française en 2050
M Doray, A Chevallier, F Daures, JF Dewals, B Ernande, R Girardin, ...
Quels chemins pour une exploitation équitable et durable des ressources halieutiques?
N Bez, S Mahévas, F Moullec
16ème colloque de l'AFH, 2024
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