Julia Behrman
Julia Behrman
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A review of empirical evidence on gender differences in nonland agricultural inputs, technology, and services in developing countries
A Peterman, JA Behrman, AR Quisumbing
Gender in agriculture: Closing the knowledge gap, 145-186, 2014
Gender in agriculture
AR Quisumbing, R Meinzen-Dick, TL Raney, A Croppenstedt, ...
Springer 102072 (630.717), 444, 2014
Understanding the complexities surrounding gender differences in agricultural productivity in Nigeria and Uganda
A Peterman, A Quisumbing, J Behrman, E Nkonya
Journal of Development Studies 47 (10), 1482-1509, 2011
The gender implications of large-scale land deals
J Behrman, R Meinzen-Dick, A Quisumbing
Journal of Peasant Studies 39 (1), 49-79, 2012
Gender, assets, and agricultural development programs: A conceptual framework
RS Meinzen-Dick, N Johnson, AR Quisumbing, J Njuki, JA Behrman, ...
International Food Policy Research Institute, 2011
Engendering agricultural research, development and extension
R Meinzen-Dick, A Quisumbing, J Behrman, P Biermayr-Jenzano, V Wilde, ...
Intl Food Policy Res Inst, 2011
Engendering agricultural research
RS Meinzen-Dick, AR Quisumbing, JA Behrman, P Biermayr-Jenzano, ...
International Food Policy Research Institute, 2010
Does schooling affect women’s desired fertility? Evidence from Malawi, Uganda, and Ethiopia
JA Behrman
Demography 52 (3), 787-809, 2015
Gender: A key dimension linking agricultural programs to improved nutrition and health
R Meinzen-Dick, J Behrman, P Menon, A Quisumbing
Reshaping agriculture for nutrition and health 16, 135-144, 2012
The effect of increased primary schooling on adult women's HIV status in Malawi and Uganda: Universal Primary Education as a natural experiment
JA Behrman
Social science & medicine 127, 108-115, 2015
The gender implications of large-scale land deals
JA Behrman, RS Meinzen-Dick, AR Quisumbing
International Food Policy Research Institute, 2011
Do shocks affect men's and women's assets differently? Evidence from Bangladesh and Uganda
AR Quisumbing, N Kumar, JA Behrman
Development Policy Review 36 (1), 3-34, 2018
Effects of the 2010 Haiti earthquake on women's reproductive health
JA Behrman, A Weitzman
Studies in family planning 47 (1), 3-17, 2016
Disaster, disruption to family life, and intimate partner violence: The case of the 2010 earthquake in Haiti
A Weitzman, JA Behrman
Sociological science 3, 167-189, 2016
The gender asset gap and its implications for agricultural and rural development
R Meinzen-Dick, N Johnson, AR Quisumbing, J Njuki, JA Behrman, ...
Gender in agriculture: Closing the knowledge gap, 91-115, 2014
Community–based adaptation to climate change: A theoretical framework, overview of key issues and discussion of gender differentiated priorities and participation
E Bryan, JA Behrman
International Food Policy Research Institute, 2013
Global family change: Persistent diversity with development
LM Pesando
Population and Development Review 45 (1), 133, 2018
Gender equity and land: Toward secure and effective access for rural women
S Lastarria-Cornhiel, JA Behrman, R Meinzen-Dick, AR Quisumbing
Gender in agriculture: Closing the knowledge gap, 117-144, 2014
Women’s employment and fertility in a global perspective (1960–2015)
J Behrman, P Gonalons-Pons
Demographic Research 43, 707, 2020
Learning inequality in Francophone Africa: School quality and the educational achievement of rich and poor children
RJ Gruijters, JA Behrman
Sociology of Education 93 (3), 256-276, 2020
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