Xiangcou Zheng
Xiangcou Zheng
University of Durham
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Stability analysis of unlined elliptical tunnel using finite element upper-bound method with rigid translatory moving elements
F Yang, J Zhang, J Yang, L Zhao, X Zheng
Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 50, 13-22, 2015
An explicit stabilised material point method for coupled hydromechanical problems in two-phase porous media
X Zheng, F Pisano, PJ Vardon, MA Hicks
Computers and Geotechnics 135, 104112, 2021
Ultimate bearing capacity of a strip footing placed on sand with a rigid basement
F Yang, XC Zheng, LH Zhao, YG Tan
Computers and Geotechnics 77, 115-119, 2016
Upper bound analysis of stability of dual circular tunnels subjected to surcharge loading in cohesive-frictional soils
F Yang, X Zheng, J Zhang, J Yang
Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 61, 150-160, 2017
Upper-bound stability analysis of dual unlined elliptical tunnels in cohesive-frictional soils
J Zhang, F Yang, J Yang, X Zheng, F Zeng
Computers and Geotechnics 80, 283-289, 2016
Fully implicit, stabilised MPM simulation of large-deformation problems in two-phase elastoplastic geomaterials
X Zheng, F Pisanò, PJ Vardon, MA Hicks
Computers and Geotechnics 147, 104771, 2022
Upper-bound solution for stability number of elliptical tunnel in cohesionless soils
J Zhang, J Yang, F Yang, X Zhang, X Zheng
International Journal of Geomechanics 17 (1), 06016011, 2017
Performance of a deep excavation irregular supporting structure subjected to asymmetric loading
S Liu, J Yang, J Fu, X Zheng
International Journal of Geomechanics 19 (7), 05019007, 2019
Fully implicit, stabilised, three-field material point method for dynamic coupled problems
X Zheng, F Pisanò, PJ Vardon, MA Hicks
Engineering with Computers 38 (6), 5583-5602, 2022
An improved semi-implicit material point method for simulating large deformation problems in saturated geomaterials
WH Yuan, H Zheng, X Zheng, B Wang, W Zhang
Computers and Geotechnics 161, 105614, 2023
Stability analysis of a deep buried elliptical tunnel in cohesive–frictional (c–) soils with a nonassociated flow rule
F Yang, X Sun, X Zheng, J Yang
Canadian Geotechnical Journal 54 (5), 736-741, 2017
Application of geopolymer in synchronous grouting for reusing of the shield muck in silty clay layer
Z Ni, S Wang, X Zheng, C Qi
Construction and Building Materials 419, 135345, 2024
Material point method simulation of hydro-mechanical behaviour in two-phase porous geomaterials: A state-of-the-art review
X Zheng, S Wang, F Yang, J Yang
Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 16 (6), 2341-2350, 2024
A material point/finite volume method for coupled shallow water flows and large dynamic deformations in seabeds
X Zheng, M Seaid, F Pisanò, MA Hicks, PJ Vardon, N Huvaj, AS Osman
Computers and Geotechnics 162, 105673, 2023
Analysis of an elliptical tunnel affected by surcharge loading
F Yang, X Sun, J Zou, X Zheng
Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers-Geotechnical Engineering …, 2019
Upper-Bound Analysis of Nγ and Failure Mechanisms of Multiple Equally Spaced Strip Footings
F Yang, XC Zheng, XL Sun, LH Zhao
International Journal of Geomechanics 17 (9), 06017016, 2017
Unlined length effect on the tunnel face stability and collapse mechanisms in c-ϕ soils: a numerical study with advanced mesh adaptive strategies
X Zheng, F Yang, J Shiau, F Lai, D Dias
Computers and Geotechnics 161, 105576, 2023
Dynamic collapse characteristics of the tunnel face induced by the shutdown of earth pressure balance shields (EPB): A 3D material point method study
S Wang, T Liu, X Zheng, J Yang, F Yang
Underground Space 16, 164-182, 2024
Stabilised material point method for fluid-saturated geomaterials
X Zheng
On stress oscillation in MPM simulations involving one or two phases
JL González Acosta, X Zheng, PJ Vardon, MA Hicks, F Pisano
Proceedings of the Second International Conference on the Material Point …, 2019
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