Jeff Standish
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Occurrence of QoI fungicide resistance in Cercospora sojina from Mississippi soybean
JR Standish, M Tomaso-Peterson, TW Allen, S Sabanadzovic, ...
Plant Disease 99 (10), 1347-1352, 2015
Widespread Occurrence of Quinone Outside Inhibitor Fungicide-Resistant Isolates of Cercospora sojina, Causal Agent of Frogeye Leaf Spot of Soybean, in the …
G Zhang, TW Allen, JP Bond, AM Fakhoury, AE Dorrance, L Weber, ...
Plant Health Progress 19 (4), 295-302, 2018
Clade-Specific Biosurveillance of Pseudoperonospora cubensis Using Spore Traps for Precision Disease Management of Cucurbit Downy Mildew
A Rahman, JR Standish, KN D’arcangelo, LM Quesada-Ocampo
Phytopathology® 111 (2), 312-320, 2021
Fantastic downy mildew pathogens and how to find them: advances in detection and diagnostics
AF Salcedo, S Purayannur, JR Standish, T Miles, L Thiessen, ...
Plants 10 (3), 435, 2021
Sensitivity of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. niveum to Prothioconazole and Pydiflumetofen In Vitro and Efficacy for Fusarium Wilt Management in Watermelon
NF Miller, JR Standish, LM Quesada-Ocampo
Plant Health Progress 21 (1), 13-18, 2020
Location of an Intron in the Cytochrome b Gene Indicates Reduced Risk of QoI Fungicide Resistance in Fusicladium effusum
JR Standish, HF Avenot, TB Brenneman, KL Stevenson
Plant Disease 100 (11), 2294-2298, 2016
Fungicide Resistance in Venturia effusa, Cause of Pecan Scab: Current Status and Practical Implications
JR Standish, TB Brenneman, CH Bock, KL Stevenson
Phytopathology® 111 (2), 244-252, 2021
Disease and yield response of a stem rot-resistant and–susceptible peanut cultivar under varying fungicide inputs
JR Standish, A Culbreath, W Branch, T Brenneman
Plant Disease 103 (11), 2781-2785, 2019
Dynamics of fungicide sensitivity in Venturia effusa and fungicide efficacy under field conditions.
JR Standish, T Brenneman, KL Stevenson
Plant Disease 102 (8), 1606-1611, 2018
Quantifying the Effects of a G137S Substitution in the Cytochrome bc1 of Venturia effusa on Azoxystrobin Sensitivity Using a Detached Leaf Assay
JR Standish, TB Brenneman, KL Stevenson
Plant Disease 103 (5), 841-845, 2019
Assessing Fitness Costs and Phenotypic Instability of Fentin Hydroxide and Tebuconazole Resistance in Venturia effusa
JR Standish, TB Brenneman, MT Brewer, KL Stevenson
Plant Disease 103 (9), 2271-2276, 2019
A Diagnostic guide for basil downy mildew
JR Standish, RN Raid, S Pigg, LM Quesada-Ocampo
Plant Health Progress 21 (2), 77-81, 2020
Development, Validation, and Utility of Species-Specific Diagnostic Markers for Detection of Peronospora belbahrii
JR Standish, E Góngora-Castillo, MJ Bowman, KL Childs, M Tian, ...
Phytopathology® 112 (8), 1667-1675, 2022
Spatial Variation and Temporal Dynamics of Fungicide Sensitivity in Venturia effusa Within a Pecan Orchard
JR Standish, TB Brenneman, CH Bock, KL Stevenson
Plant Disease 105 (2), 377-383, 2021
First Report of Downy Mildew, Caused by Peronospora effusa, on Spinach (Spinacia oleracea) in North Carolina
JR Standish, S Sharpe, S Butler, LM Quesada-Ocampo, I Meadows
Plant Health Progress 21 (3), 194-196, 2020
A comprehensive study into quinone outside inhibitor resistance in Cercospora sojina from Mississippi soybean
JR Standish
Mississippi State University, 2015
An investigation into mycotoxin production by different Fusarium species infecting sweetpotato
JR Standish, O Baars, F Trail, LM Quesada-Ocampo
PHYTOPATHOLOGY 112 (8), 10-10, 2022
A preliminary metabolomic analysis of potential mycotoxigenic Fusarium species infecting sweetpotato
JR Standish, O Baars, F Trail, LM Quesada
PHYTOPATHOLOGY 111 (10), 142-142, 2021
Developing a probe-based real-time quantitative PCR assay to detect Peronospora belbahrii using species-specific diagnostic markers
JR Standish, M Bowman, KL Childs, M Tian, LM Quesada
PHYTOPATHOLOGY 111 (10), 113-113, 2021
Development and validation of Peronospora belbahrii-specific diagnostic markers
JR Standish, M Bowman, KL Childs, M Tian, LM Quesada
PHYTOPATHOLOGY 111 (9), 2021
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