paolo quintana
paolo quintana
investigador, universidad Catolica de Santa Maria
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Comparison of Dye-Sensitized ZnO and TiO2 Solar Cells:  Studies of Charge Transport and Carrier Lifetime
M Quintana, T Edvinsson, A Hagfeldt, G Boschloo
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 111 (2), 1035-1041, 2007
Highly efficient solid‐state dye‐sensitized solar cells based on triphenylamine dyes
X Jiang, KM Karlsson, E Gabrielsson, EMJ Johansson, M Quintana, ...
Advanced Functional Materials 21 (15), 2944-2952, 2011
The impact of epidemic violence on the prevalence of psychiatric disorders in Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
WS Ribeiro, JJ Mari, MI Quintana, ME Dewey, S Evans-Lacko, LMP Vilete, ...
PloS one 8 (5), e63545, 2013
Synthesis of selenium nanoparticles by pulsed laser ablation
M Quintana, E Haro-Poniatowski, J Morales, N Batina
Applied surface science 195 (1-4), 175-186, 2002
Structural validity and reliability of the Positive and Negative Affect Schedule (PANAS): Evidence from a large Brazilian community sample
HW Carvalho, SB Andreoli, DR Lara, CJ Patrick, MI Quintana, RA Bressan, ...
Revista Brasileira de Psiquiatria 35 (2), 169-172, 2013
Prevalence of mental disorders among prisoners in the state of Sao Paulo, Brazil
SB Andreoli, MM Dos Santos, MI Quintana, WS Ribeiro, SL Blay, ...
PloS one 9 (2), e88836, 2014
Predicting the revolving door phenomenon among patients with schizophrenic, affective disorders and non-organic psychoses
FL Gastal, SB Andreoli, MIS Quintana, MA Gameiro, SO Leite, J McGrath
Revista de saúde pública 34, 280-285, 2000
Adaptação transcultural da versão brasileira da Escala do Impacto do Evento-Revisada (IES-R)
AVS Caiuby, SS Lacerda, MI Quintana, TS Torii, SB Andreoli
Cadernos de Saúde Pública 28, 597-603, 2012
Validity and limitations of the Brazilian version of the Composite International Diagnostic Interview (CIDI 2.1)
MI Quintana, FL Gastal, MR Jorge, CT Miranda, SB Andreoli
Brazilian Journal of Psychiatry 29 (1), 18-22, 2006
Sexual trauma is more strongly associated with tonic immobility than other types of trauma–A population based study
J Kalaf, ESF Coutinho, LMP Vilete, MP Luz, W Berger, M Mendlowicz, ...
Journal of affective disorders 215, 71-76, 2017
Surface Molecular Quantification and Photoelectrochemical Characterization of Mixed Organic Dye and Coadsorbent Layers on TiO2 for Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells
T Marinado, M Hahlin, X Jiang, M Quintana, EMJ Johansson, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 114 (27), 11903-11910, 2010
Spray pyrolysis deposited zinc oxide films for photo-electrocatalytic degradation of methyl orange: influence of the pH
M Quintana, E Ricra, J Rodrıguez, W Estrada
Catalysis Today 76 (2-4), 141-148, 2002
Conditional risk for posttraumatic stress disorder in an epidemiological study of a Brazilian urban population
MP Luz, ESF Coutinho, W Berger, MV Mendlowicz, LMP Vilete, MF Mello, ...
Journal of psychiatric research 72, 51-57, 2016
Violence and post-traumatic stress disorder in Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro, Brazil: the protocol for an epidemiological and genetic survey
SB Andreoli, WS Ribeiro, MI Quintana, C Guindalini, G Breen, SL Blay, ...
BMC psychiatry 9, 1-9, 2009
The reliability of the Brazilian version of the Composite International Diagnostic Interview (CIDI 2.1)
MI Quintana, SB Andreoli, MR Jorge, FL Gastal, CT Miranda
Brazilian journal of medical and biological research 37, 1739-1745, 2004
Epidemiology of psychotropic drug use in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil: gaps in mental illness treatments
MI Quintana, SB Andreoli, FG Moreira, WS Ribeiro, MM Feijo, RA Bressan, ...
PloS one 8 (5), e62270, 2013
Weight gain, dyslipidemia and altered parameters for metabolic syndrome on first episode psychotic patients after six-month follow-up
C Attux, MI Quintana, AC Chaves
Brazilian Journal of Psychiatry 29, 346-349, 2007
Anxiety and depressive disorders in elderly with chronic dizziness of vestibular origin
ÉTP Peluso, MI Quintana, FF Ganança
Brazilian Journal of Otorhinolaryngology 82 (2), 209-214, 2016
Síntesis y caracterización de nanopartículas de plata por la ruta sol-gel a partir de nitrato de plata
J Morales, J Morán, M Quintana, W Estrada
Revista de la Sociedad Química del Perú 75 (2), 177-184, 2009
The effect of alkali treatment on chemical and physical properties of ichu and cabuya fibers
C Tenazoa, H Savastano, S Charca, M Quintana, E Flores
Journal of Natural Fibers 18 (7), 923-936, 2021
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