Francisco Delgadillo-Hinojosa
Francisco Delgadillo-Hinojosa
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Cadmium enrichment in the Gulf of California
F Delgadillo-Hinojosa, JV Macıas-Zamora, JA Segovia-Zavala, ...
Marine Chemistry 75 (1-2), 109-122, 2001
Cadmium in the coastal upwelling area adjacent to the California–Mexico border
JA Segovia-Zavala, F Delgadillo-Hinojosa, S Alvarez-Borrego
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 46 (4), 475-481, 1998
The effect of vertical mixing on primary production in a bay of the Gulf of California
F Delgadillo-Hinojosa, G Gaxiola-Castro, JA Segovia-Zavala, ...
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 45 (1), 135-148, 1997
Influence of geochemical and physical processes on the vertical distribution of manganese in Gulf of California waters
F Delgadillo-Hinojosa, JA Segovia-Zavala, MA Huerta-Díaz, ...
Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers 53 (8), 1301-1319, 2006
Diagnosis of trace metal contamination in sediments: the example of Ensenada and El Sauzal, two harbors in Baja California, Mexico
MA Huerta-Diaz, F Delgadillo-Hinojosa, M Hernández-Ayón, ...
Marine Environmental Research 66 (3), 345-358, 2008
Macrobenthic community response to copper in Shelter Island Yacht Basin, San Diego Bay, California
C Neira, G Mendoza, LA Levin, A Zirino, F Delgadillo-Hinojosa, ...
Marine pollution bulletin 62 (4), 701-717, 2011
Dynamics of dissolved inorganic carbon in the Midriff Islands region of the Gulf of California: Influence of water masses
JM Hernández-Ayón, C Chapa-Balcorta, F Delgadillo-Hinojosa, ...
Ciencias Marinas 39 (2), 183-201, 2013
Anomalous hydrographic conditions off the northwestern coast of the Baja California Peninsula during 2013-2016
R Durazo, R Castro, LE Miranda, F Delgadillo-Hinojosa, A Mejía-Trejo
Ciencias marinas 43 (2), 81-92, 2017
Temporal variability of the physical and chemical water characteristics at a coastal monitoring observatory: Station ENSENADA
L Linacre, R Durazo, JM Hernández-Ayón, F Delgadillo-Hinojosa, ...
Continental Shelf Research 30 (16), 1730-1742, 2010
Cadmium and silver in Mytilus californianus transplanted to an anthropogenic influenced and coastal upwelling...
JA Segovia-Zavala, F Delgadillo-Hinojosa, A Muñoz-Barbosa, ...
Marine pollution bulletin 48, 458-464, 2004
Dissolved nutrient balance and net ecosystem metabolism in a Mediterranean-climate coastal lagoon: San Diego Bay
F Delgadillo-Hinojosa, A Zirino, O Holm-Hansen, JM Hernández-Ayón, ...
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 76 (3), 594-607, 2008
Iron and trace metals in microbial mats and underlying sediments: results from Guerrero Negro Saltern, Baja California Sur, Mexico
MA Huerta-Diaz, F Delgadillo-Hinojosa, XL Otero, JA Segovia-Zavala, ...
Aquatic Geochemistry 17, 603-628, 2011
Seasonal behavior of dissolved cadmium and Cd/PO4 ratio in Todos Santos Bay: A retention site of upwelled waters in the Baja California peninsula, Mexico
F Delgadillo-Hinojosa, V Camacho-Ibar, MA Huerta-Díaz, ...
Marine Chemistry 168, 37-48, 2015
Spatial distribution of copper in relation to recreational boating in a California shallow-water basin
C Neira, F Delgadillo-Hinojosa, A Zirino, G Mendoza, LA Levin, ...
Chemistry and ecology 25 (6), 417-433, 2009
The impact of marine shallow-water hydrothermal venting on arsenic and mercury accumulation by seaweed Sargassum sinicola in Concepcion Bay, Gulf of California
ML Leal-Acosta, E Shumilin, N Mirlean, F Delgadillo-Hinojosa, ...
Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts 15 (2), 470-477, 2013
Atmospheric input and concentration of dissolved iron in the surface layer of the Gulf of California
JA Segovia-Zavala, F Delgadillo-Hinojosa, ML Lares-Reyes, ...
Ciencias Marinas 35 (1), 75-90, 2009
Wintertime enrichment of inorganic nutrients in the Ballenas Channel, Gulf of California
EV Torres-Delgado, F Delgadillo-Hinojosa, VF Camacho-Ibar, ...
Ciencias Marinas 39 (2), 165-182, 2013
Mytilus californianus transplanted as upwelling bioindicators to two areas off Baja California, Mexico
JA Segovia-Zavala, F Delgadillo-Hinojosa, R Vidal-Talamantes, ...
Ciencias marinas 29 (4b), 665-675, 2003
High enrichment of molybdenum in hypersaline microbial mats of Guerrero Negro, Baja California Sur, Mexico
JA Valdivieso-Ojeda, MA Huerta-Diaz, F Delgadillo-Hinojosa
Chemical Geology 363, 341-354, 2014
Spatial and temporal variability of the sea surface temperature in the Ballenas‐Salsipuedes Channel (central Gulf of California)
A Martínez‐Díaz‐de‐León, I Pacheco‐Ruíz, F Delgadillo‐Hinojosa, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 111 (C2), 2006
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