Peter L. O'Brien
Peter L. O'Brien
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Thermal remediation alters soil properties–a review
PL O'Brien, TM DeSutter, FXM Casey, E Khan, AF Wick
Journal of Environmental Management 206, 826-835, 2018
Evaluation of soil function following remediation of petroleum hydrocarbons—a review of current remediation techniques
PL O’Brien, TM DeSutter, FXM Casey, AF Wick, E Khan
Current Pollution Reports 3, 192-205, 2017
Applications of vegetative indices from remote sensing to agriculture: Past and future
JL Hatfield, JH Prueger, TJ Sauer, C Dold, PL O’Brien, K Wacha
Inventions 4 (4), 71, 2019
Tillage practices alter the surface energy balance–A review
PL O’Brien, ALM Daigh
Soil and Tillage Research 195, 104354, 2019
Implications of using thermal desorption to remediate contaminated agricultural soil: physical characteristics and hydraulic processes
PL O'Brien, TM DeSutter, FXM Casey, NE Derby, AF Wick
Journal of Environmental Quality 45 (4), 1430-1436, 2016
Cropping pattern changes diminish agroecosystem services in North and South Dakota, USA
PL O'Brien, JL Hatfield, C Dold, EJ Kistner‐Thomas, KM Wacha
Agronomy Journal 112 (1), 1-24, 2020
Agronomic approach to understanding climate change and food security
PL O'Brien, K Kral‐O'Brien, JL Hatfield
Agronomy Journal 113 (6), 4616-4626, 2021
Meta-analysis: Higher plant richness supports higher pollinator richness across many land use types
KC Kral-O’Brien, PL O’Brien, TJ Hovick, JP Harmon
Annals of the Entomological Society of America 114 (2), 267-275, 2021
Wheat growth in soils treated by ex situ thermal desorption
PL O'Brien, TM DeSutter, FXM Casey, AF Wick, E Khan
Journal of Environmental Quality 46 (4), 897-905, 2017
Dairy Manure and Synthetic Fertilizer: A Meta‐Analysis of Crop Production and Environmental Quality
PL O'Brien, JL Hatfield
Agrosystems, geosciences & environment 2 (1), 1-12, 2019
Nitrate losses and nitrous oxide emissions under contrasting tillage and cover crop management
PL O'Brien, BD Emmett, RW Malone, MR Nunes, JL Kovar, TC Kaspar, ...
Journal of Environmental Quality 51 (4), 683-695, 2022
Hydromulch application to bare soil: Soil temperature dynamics and evaporative fluxes
PL O'Brien, U Acharya, R Alghamdi, AR Niaghi, D Sanyal, J Wirtz, ...
Agricultural & Environmental Letters 3 (1), 180014, 2018
A large-scale soil-mixing process for reclamation of heavily disturbed soils
PL O’Brien, TM DeSutter, SS Ritter, FXM Casey, AF Wick, E Khan, ...
Ecological Engineering 109, 84-91, 2017
Simulating grassland prescribed fires using experimental approaches
KC Kral, RF Limb, TJ Hovick, DA McGranahan, AL Field, PL O’Brien
Fire Ecology 11, 34-44, 2015
Rye as an energy cover crop: Management, forage quality, and revenue opportunities for feed and bioenergy
S Herbstritt, TL Richard, SH Lence, H Wu, PL O’Brien, BD Emmett, ...
Agriculture 12 (10), 1691, 2022
Natural degradation of low-level petroleum hydrocarbon contamination under crop management
PL O’Brien, TM DeSutter, FXM Casey
Journal of soils and sediments 19, 1367-1373, 2019
Need for false spring research in the Northern Great Plains, USA
KC Kral‐O'Brien, PL O'Brien, JP Harmon
Agricultural & Environmental Letters 4 (1), 190025, 2019
Crop production on heavily disturbed soils following crude oil remediation
SJ Croat, PL O'Brien, CK Gasch, FXM Casey, TM DeSutter
Agronomy Journal 112 (1), 130-138, 2020
Rye-soybean double-crop: planting method and N fertilization effects in the North Central US
RW Malone, PL O'Brien, S Herbstritt, BD Emmett, DL Karlen, TC Kaspar, ...
Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems 37 (5), 445-456, 2022
Phosphorus sorption and desorption in soils treated by thermal desorption
SJ Croat, TM DeSutter, FXM Casey, PL O’Brien
Water, Air, & Soil Pollution 231, 1-9, 2020
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