Soren Tvorup Christensen
Soren Tvorup Christensen
Department of Biology, University of Copenhagen
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Overview of structure and function of mammalian cilia
P Satir, ST Christensen
Annu. Rev. Physiol. 69 (1), 377-400, 2007
Cellular signalling by primary cilia in development, organ function and disease
Z Anvarian, K Mykytyn, S Mukhopadhyay, LB Pedersen, ST Christensen
Nature Reviews Nephrology, 2019
PDGFRαα signaling is regulated through the primary cilium in fibroblasts
L Schneider, CA Clement, SC Teilmann, GJ Pazour, EK Hoffmann, P Satir, ...
Current Biology 15 (20), 1861-1866, 2005
The primary cilium at a glance
P Satir, LB Pedersen, ST Christensen
Journal of cell science 123 (4), 499-503, 2010
Primary cilia and signaling pathways in mammalian development, health and disease
IR Veland, A Awan, LB Pedersen, BK Yoder, ST Christensen
Nephron Physiology 111 (3), p39-p53, 2009
TGFβ signaling is associated with endocytosis at the pocket region of the primary cilium
CA Clement, KD Ajbro, K Koefoed, ML Vestergaard, IR Veland, ...
Cell Reports 3 (5), 1-9, 2013
Sensory cilia and integration of signal transduction in human health and disease
ST Christensen, LB Pedersen, L Schneider, P Satir
Traffic 8 (2), 97-109, 2007
Directional cell migration and chemotaxis in wound healing response to PDGF-AA are coordinated by the primary cilium in fibroblasts
L Schneider, M Cammer, J Lehman, SK Nielsen, CF Guerra, IR Veland, ...
Cellular physiology and Biochemistry 25 (2-3), 279-292, 2010
Structure and function of mammalian cilia
P Satir, ST Christensen
Histochemistry and cell biology 129, 687-693, 2008
Assembly of primary cilia
LB Pedersen, IR Veland, JM Schrøder, ST Christensen
Developmental dynamics: an official publication of the American Association …, 2008
Ins and outs of GPCR signaling in primary cilia
KB Schou, LB Pedersen, ST Christensen
EMBO Reports, 2015
In human granulosa cells from small antral follicles, androgen receptor mRNA and androgen levels in follicular fluid correlate with FSH receptor mRNA
ME Nielsen, IA Rasmussen, SG Kristensen, ST Christensen, K Møllgård, ...
Molecular human reproduction 17 (1), 63-70, 2011
Primary cilia and coordination of receptor tyrosine kinase (RTK) signalling
ST Christensen, CA Clement, P Satir, LB Pedersen
The Journal of pathology 226 (2), 172-184, 2012
The primary cilium coordinates signaling pathways in cell cycle control and migration during development and tissue repair
ST Christensen, SF Pedersen, P Satir, IR Veland, L Schneider
Current topics in developmental biology 85, 261-301, 2008
Cell shrinkage as a signal to apoptosis in NIH 3T3 fibroblasts
MB Friis, CR Friborg, L Schneider, MB Nielsen, IH Lambert, ...
The Journal of physiology 567 (2), 427-443, 2005
Primary cilia as dynamic and diverse signalling hubs in development and disease
P Mill, ST Christensen, LB Pedersen
Nature Reviews Genetics, 2023
Expression and localization of the progesterone receptor in mouse and human reproductive organs
SC Teilmann, CA Clement, J Thorup, AG Byskov, ST Christensen
Journal of Endocrinology 191 (3), 525-535, 2006
Human embryonic stem cells in culture possess primary cilia with hedgehog signaling machinery
EN Kiprilov, A Awan, R Desprat, M Velho, CA Clement, AG Byskov, ...
Journal of Cell Biology 180 (5), 897-904, 2008
Inhibition of protein phosphatase 2A induces serine/threonine phosphorylation, subcellular redistribution, and functional inhibition of STAT3
A Woetmann, M Nielsen, ST Christensen, J Brockdorff, K Kaltoft, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 96 (19), 10620-10625, 1999
The primary cilium coordinates early cardiogenesis and hedgehog signaling in cardiomyocyte differentiation
CA Clement, SG Kristensen, K Møllgård, GJ Pazour, BK Yoder, ...
Journal of cell science 122 (17), 3070-3082, 2009
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