Ricardo Ragel de la Torre
Ricardo Ragel de la Torre
Software Engineer / Technical Project Leader at Bertrandt
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Zitiert von
An architecture for robust UAV navigation in GPS‐denied areas
FJ Perez‐Grau, R Ragel, F Caballero, A Viguria, A Ollero
Journal of Field Robotics 35 (1), 121-145, 2018
Semi-autonomous teleoperation of UAVs in search and rescue scenarios
FJ Perez-Grau, R Ragel, F Caballero, A Viguria, A Ollero
2017 International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems (ICUAS), 1066-1074, 2017
Mobile unmanned aerial vehicle infrastructure and management system and method
DE Campillo, EJC Magaña, D Scarlatti, IM Alcañiz, FC Benitez, ...
US Patent 9,481,475, 2016
Comparison of motion planning techniques for a multi-rotor UAS equipped with a multi-joint manipulator arm
R Ragel, I Maza, F Caballero, A Ollero
2015 Workshop on research, education and development of unmanned aerial …, 2015
Multi-modal data fusion for people perception in the social robot haru
R Ragel, R Rey, Á Páez, J Ponce, K Nakamura, F Caballero, L Merino, ...
International Conference on Social Robotics, 174-187, 2022
Developing a robot’s empathetic reactive response inspired by a bottom-up attention model
R Gomez, Y Fang, S Thill, R Ragel, H Brock, K Nakamura, Y Vasylkiv, ...
International Conference on Social Robotics, 85-95, 2021
Plataforma para el Aterrizaje y el Intercambio de Baterıas Automático para un UAV de tipo VTOL
R Ragel, I Maza, F Caballero, A Ollero
Proceedings of the Actas de las XXXVI Jornadas de Automática, Bilbao, Spain, 2-4, 2015
Design and development of a teleoperation system for affective tabletop robot haru
Y Vasylkiv, R Ragel, J Ponce-Chulani, L Merino, E Sandry, H Brock, ...
International Conference on Social Robotics, 564-573, 2021
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