Tino Polen
Tino Polen
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Genome-wide analysis of the general stress response network in Escherichia coli: σS-dependent genes, promoters, and sigma factor selectivity
H Weber, T Polen, J Heuveling, VF Wendisch, R Hengge
Journal of bacteriology 187 (5), 1591-1603, 2005
Toward biotechnological production of adipic acid and precursors from biorenewables
T Polen, M Spelberg, M Bott
Journal of biotechnology 167 (2), 75-84, 2013
LrhA as a new transcriptional key regulator of flagella, motility and chemotaxis genes in Escherichia coli
D Lehnen, C Blumer, T Polen, B Wackwitz, VF Wendisch, G Unden
Molecular microbiology 45 (2), 521-532, 2002
Biosensor-driven adaptive laboratory evolution of l-valine production in Corynebacterium glutamicum
R Mahr, C Gätgens, J Gätgens, T Polen, J Kalinowski, J Frunzke
Metabolic engineering 32, 184-194, 2015
Regulation of type 1 fimbriae synthesis and biofilm formation by the transcriptional regulator LrhA of Escherichia coli
C Blumer, A Kleefeld, D Lehnen, M Heintz, U Dobrindt, G Nagy, ...
Microbiology 151 (10), 3287-3298, 2005
DNA microarray analyses of the long-term adaptive response of Escherichia coli to acetate and propionate
T Polen, D Rittmann, VF Wendisch, H Sahm
Applied and environmental microbiology 69 (3), 1759-1774, 2003
Pushing product formation to its limit: Metabolic engineering of Corynebacterium glutamicum for l-leucine overproduction
M Vogt, S Haas, S Klaffl, T Polen, L Eggeling, J van Ooyen, M Bott
Metabolic engineering 22, 40-52, 2014
Global gene expression analysis of glucose overflow metabolism in Escherichia coli and reduction of aerobic acetate formation
A Veit, T Polen, VF Wendisch
Applied microbiology and biotechnology 74, 406-421, 2007
Miniaturized and automated adaptive laboratory evolution: Evolving Corynebacterium glutamicum towards an improved d-xylose utilization
A Radek, N Tenhaef, MF Müller, C Brüsseler, W Wiechert, J Marienhagen, ...
Bioresource technology 245, 1377-1385, 2017
A Whole Cell E. coli Display Platform for Artificial Metalloenzymes: Poly(phenylacetylene) Production with a Rhodium–Nitrobindin Metalloprotein
AR Grimm, DF Sauer, T Polen, L Zhu, T Hayashi, J Okuda, ...
ACS Catalysis 8 (3), 2611-2614, 2018
Corynebacterium glutamicum Chassis C1*: Building and Testing a Novel Platform Host for Synthetic Biology and Industrial Biotechnology
M Baumgart, S Unthan, R Kloß, A Radek, T Polen, N Tenhaef, MF Müller, ...
ACS synthetic biology 7 (1), 132-144, 2018
Characterization of citrate utilization in Corynebacterium glutamicum by transcriptome and proteome analysis
T Polen, D Schluesener, A Poetsch, M Bott, VF Wendisch
FEMS microbiology letters 273 (1), 109-119, 2007
Depletion of the non-coding regulatory 6S RNA in E. coli causes a surprising reduction in the expression of the translation machinery
T Neusser, T Polen, R Geissen, R Wagner
BMC genomics 11, 1-14, 2010
Combined fluxomics and transcriptomics analysis of glucose catabolism via a partially cyclic pentose phosphate pathway in Gluconobacter oxydans 621H
T Hanke, K Nï¿ ½h, S Noack, T Polen, S Bringer, H Sahm, W Wiechert, ...
Applied and environmental microbiology 79 (7), 2336-2348, 2013
Genomewide expression analysis in amino acid-producing bacteria using DNA microarrays
T Polen, VF Wendisch
Applied biochemistry and biotechnology 118, 215-232, 2004
Formation of volutin granules in Corynebacterium glutamicum
SR Pallerla, S Knebel, T Polen, P Klauth, J Hollender, VF Wendisch, ...
FEMS microbiology letters 243 (1), 133-140, 2005
The global gene expression response of Escherichia coli to l-phenylalanine
T Polen, M Krämer, J Bongaerts, M Wubbolts, VF Wendisch
Journal of biotechnology 115 (3), 221-237, 2005
α-Amylase from germinating soybean (Glycine max) seeds–Purification, characterization and sequential similarity of conserved and catalytic amino acid residues
A Kumari, VK Singh, J Fitter, T Polen, AM Kayastha
Phytochemistry 71 (14-15), 1657-1666, 2010
Adaptive laboratory evolution of Corynebacterium glutamicum towards higher growth rates on glucose minimal medium
E Pfeifer, C Gätgens, T Polen, J Frunzke
Scientific reports 7 (1), 1-14, 2017
Reversal of β-oxidative pathways for the microbial production of chemicals and polymer building blocks
N Kallscheuer, T Polen, M Bott, J Marienhagen
Metabolic engineering 42, 33-42, 2017
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