Wayne Aubrey
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The automation of science
RD King, J Rowland, SG Oliver, M Young, W Aubrey, E Byrne, M Liakata, ...
Science 324 (5923), 85-89, 2009
Towards robot scientists for autonomous scientific discovery
A Sparkes, W Aubrey, E Byrne, A Clare, MN Khan, M Liakata, M Markham, ...
Automated experimentation 2, 1-11, 2010
Cheaper faster drug development validated by the repositioning of drugs against neglected tropical diseases
K Williams, E Bilsland, A Sparkes, W Aubrey, M Young, LN Soldatova, ...
Journal of the Royal society Interface 12 (104), 20141289, 2015
The robot scientist Adam
RD King, J Rowland, W Aubrey, M Liakata, M Markham, LN Soldatova, ...
Computer 42 (8), 46-54, 2009
The EXACT description of biomedical protocols
LN Soldatova, W Aubrey, RD King, A Clare
Bioinformatics 24 (13), i295-i303, 2008
Yeast-based automated high-throughput screens to identify anti-parasitic lead compounds
E Bilsland, A Sparkes, K Williams, HJ Moss, M de Clare, P Pir, J Rowland, ...
Open biology 3 (2), 120158, 2013
No one tool to rule them all: prokaryotic gene prediction tool annotations are highly dependent on the organism of study
NJ Dimonaco, W Aubrey, K Kenobi, A Clare, CJ Creevey
Bioinformatics 38 (5), 1198-1207, 2022
On the complexity of haplotyping a microbial community
SM Nicholls, W Aubrey, K De Grave, L Schietgat, CJ Creevey, A Clare
Bioinformatics 37 (10), 1360-1366, 2021
The analysis of yeast cell morphology features in exponential and stationary Phase
Y Liu, W Aubrey, K Martin, A Sparkes, C Lu, RD King
Journal of Biological Systems 19 (04), 561-575, 2011
Make way for robot scientists
RD King, J Rowland, SG Oliver, M Young, W Aubrey, E Byrne, M Liakata, ...
Science 325 (5943), 945-945, 2009
Pd5: A general purpose library for primer design software
MC Riley, W Aubrey, M Young, A Clare
PloS one 8 (11), e80156, 2013
An integrated laboratory robotic system for autonomous discovery of gene function
A Sparkes, RD King, W Aubrey, M Benway, E Byrne, A Clare, M Liakata, ...
JALA: Journal of the Association for Laboratory Automation 15 (1), 33-40, 2010
Recovery of gene haplotypes from a metagenome
S Nicholls, W Aubrey, A Edwards, K de Grave, S Huws, S Leander, ...
Eve: Integration of machine learning with compound testing in a robot scientist
K Williams, E Bilsland, A Sparkes, W Aubrey, M Young, LN Soldatova, ...
Antenna Live: Robot Scientist, Location: London, 2015
No one tool to rule them all: Prokaryotic gene prediction tool performance is highly dependent on the organism of study
NJ Dimonaco, W Aubrey, K Kenobi, A Clare, CJ Creevey
BioRxiv, 2021.05. 21.445150, 2021
Probabilistic recovery of cryptic haplotypes from metagenomic data
SM Nicholls, W Aubrey, K De Grave, L Schietgat, CJ Creevey, A Clare
bioRxiv, 117838, 2017
Advances in the recovery of haplotypes from the metagenome
SM Nicholls, W Aubrey, K De Grave, L Schietgat, CJ Creevey, A Clare
bioRxiv, 067215, 2016
StORF-Reporter: Finding genes between genes
NJ Dimonaco, A Clare, K Kenobi, W Aubrey, CJ Creevey
Nucleic Acids Research 51 (21), 11504-11517, 2023
Computational haplotype recovery and long-read validation identifies novel isoforms of industrially relevant enzymes from natural microbial communities
SM Nicholls, W Aubrey, A Edwards, K de Grave, S Huws, L Schietgat, ...
bioRxiv, 223404, 2017
Uncovering the dark matter of the metagenome one read at a time
N Dimonaco, C Creevey, R Hoehndorf, M Kulmanov, W Liuwei, A Clare, ...
Access Microbiology 1 (1A), 864, 2019
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