Heath Matheson
Heath Matheson
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Embodiment and grounding in cognitive neuroscience
HE Matheson, LW Barsalou
The Stevens’ handbook of experimental psychology and cognitive neuroscience …, 2018
The role of the motor system in generating creative thoughts
HE Matheson, YN Kenett
NeuroImage 213, 116697, 2020
The development of social learning in interactive and observational contexts
H Matheson, C Moore, N Akhtar
Journal of Experimental Child Psychology 114 (2), 161-172, 2013
Photographs of manipulable objects are named more quickly than the same objects depicted as line-drawings: Evidence that photographs engage embodiment more than line-drawings
JP Salmon, HE Matheson, PA McMullen
Frontiers in psychology 5, 1187, 2014
Handles of manipulable objects attract covert visual attention: ERP evidence
H Matheson, AJ Newman, J Satel, P McMullen
Brain and cognition 86, 17-23, 2014
Accessing embodied object representations from vision: A review.
H Matheson, N White, P McMullen
Psychological bulletin 141 (3), 511, 2015
A test of the embodied simulation theory of object perception: Potentiation of responses to artifacts and animals
HE Matheson, NC White, PA McMullen
Psychological research 78, 465-482, 2014
Differential tuning of ventral and dorsal streams during the generation of common and uncommon tool uses
HE Matheson, LJ Buxbaum, SL Thompson-Schill
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 29 (11), 1791-1802, 2017
Testing the embodied account of object naming: A concurrent motor task affects naming artifacts and animals
HE Matheson, N White, PA McMullen
Acta psychologica 145, 33-43, 2014
A computer-generated face database with ratings on realism, masculinity, race, and stereotypy
HE Matheson, PA McMullen
Behavior Research Methods 43, 224-228, 2011
A novel coding scheme for assessing responses in divergent thinking: An embodied approach.
HE Matheson, YN Kenett
Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts 15 (3), 412, 2021
Neuropsychological dissociations between motion and form perception suggest functional organization in extrastriate cortical regions in the human brain
HE Matheson, PA McMullen
Brain and Cognition 74 (2), 160-168, 2010
Neural correlates of the production effect: An fMRI study
LM Bailey, GE Bodner, HE Matheson, BM Stewart, K Roddick, K O'Neil, ...
Brain and Cognition 152, 105757, 2021
Slow categorization but fast naming for photographs of manipulable objects
JP Salmon, HE Matheson, PA McMullen
Visual Cognition 22 (2), 141-172, 2014
Representing creative thought: A representational similarity analysis of creative idea generation and evaluation
HE Matheson, YN Kenett, C Gerver, RE Beaty
Neuropsychologia 187, 108587, 2023
Context-sensitive computational mechanistic explanation in cognitive neuroscience
MM de Wit, HE Matheson
Frontiers in Psychology 13, 903960, 2022
Theoretical strategies for an embodied cognitive neuroscience: Mechanistic explanations of brain-body-environment systems
D Mougenot, H Matheson
Cognitive neuroscience 15 (3-4), 85-97, 2024
Investigating grounded conceptualization: Stimulus-response compatibility for tool handles is due to spatial attention.
HE Matheson, SL Thompson-Schill
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 45 (4), 441, 2019
Investigating grounded conceptualization: motor system state-dependence facilitates familiarity judgments of novel tools
HE Matheson, AM Familiar, SL Thompson-Schill
Psychological research 83, 216-226, 2019
The effects of environmental scene and body posture on embodied strategies in creative thinking
M Sargent, A LePage, YN Kenett, HE Matheson
Creativity Research Journal 35 (4), 614-628, 2023
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