Robert Merideth
Robert Merideth
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Global sustainability: toward definition
BJ Brown, ME Hanson, DM Liverman, RW Merideth
Environmental management 11 (6), 713-719, 1987
Assessment of climate change in the southwest United States: a report prepared for the National Climate Assessment
G Garfin, A Jardine, R Merideth, M Black, S LeRoy
Island Press/Center for Resource Economics, 2013
Global sustainability: toward measurement
DM Liverman, ME Hanson, BJ Brown, RW Merideth
Environmental management 12, 133-143, 1988
Ecosystem services from transborder migratory species: implications for conservation governance
L Lopez-Hoffman, CC Chester, DJ Semmens, WE Thogmartin, ...
Annual Review of Environment and Resources 42 (1), 509-539, 2017
Climate and society in the US Southwest: The context for a regional assessment
DM Liverman, R Merideth
Climate Research 21 (3), 199-218, 2002
Desalination and water security in the US–Mexico border region: Assessing the social, environmental and political impacts
MO Wilder, I Aguilar-Barajas, N Pineda-Pablos, RG Varady, SB Megdal, ...
Water International 41 (5), 756-775, 2016
The US‐Mexican Border Environment Cooperation Commission: Collected perspectives on the First Two years
RG Varady, D Colnic, R Merideth, T Sprouse
Journal of Borderlands Studies 11 (2), 89-119, 1996
Multi-country willingness to pay for transborder migratory species conservation: A case study of northern pintails
MA Haefele, JB Loomis, AM Lien, JA Dubovsky, RW Merideth, KJ Bagstad, ...
Ecological Economics 157, 321-331, 2019
Public–private partnerships as catalysts for community-based water infrastructure development: The Border WaterWorks program in Texas and New Mexico colonias
MC Lemos, D Austin, R Merideth, RG Varady
Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy 20 (2), 281-295, 2002
Water management options for the Upper San Pedro Basin: Assessing the social and institutional landscape
RG Varady, MA Moote, R Merideth
Nat. Resources J. 40, 223, 2000
Metrics for assessing adaptive capacity and water security: common challenges, diverging contexts, emerging consensus
GM Garfin, CA Scott, M Wilder, RG Varady, R Merideth
Current opinion in environmental sustainability 21, 86-89, 2016
… to the Sea of Cortés: nature, water, culture, and livelihood in the Lower Colorado River basin and delta—an overview of issues, policies, and approaches to environmental …
RG Varady, KB Hankins, A Kaus, E Young, R Merideth
Journal of Arid Environments 49 (1), 195-209, 2001
Willingness to pay for conservation of transborder migratory species: A case study of the Mexican free-tailed bat in the United States and Mexico
MA Haefele, JB Loomis, R Merideth, A Lien, DJ Semmens, J Dubovsky, ...
Environmental management 62, 229-240, 2018
A primer on climatic variability and change in the southwest
RW Merideth
Udall Center for Studies in Public Policy, University of Arizona, 2001
Climate variability and change in the Southwest
R Merideth, D Liverman, R Bales, M Patterson
Udall Center for Studies in Public Policy, University of Arizona, Tucson, 1998
Do economic values and expenditures for viewing waterfowl in the US differ among species?
J Loomis, M Haefele, J Dubovsky, AM Lien, WE Thogmartin, J Diffendorfer, ...
Human Dimensions of Wildlife 23 (6), 587-596, 2018
``Climate variability and social vulnerability in the US^ Mexico border region: an integrated assessment of the water resources of the San Pedro River and Santa Cruz River Basins''
DM Liverman, R Merideth, A Holdsworth
United States Geological Survey (USGS). The Impact of Climate Change and …, 1997
Conserving transborder migratory bats, preserving nature's benefits to humans: the lesson from North America's bird conservation treaties
L López-Hoffman, CC Chester, R Merideth
Bioscience 67 (4), 321-322, 2017
Inter basin water transfers: in the south-western United States: the case of the San Pedro River
R Varady, L Evans, R Merideth, A Moote
Proceedings of the International Workshop on Interbasin Water Transfer, 25-27, 1999
Using role-play simulations to teach environmental decision making and conflict resolution techniques
R Merideth, R Yaseen
Environmental Practice 2 (2), 139-145, 2000
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