Gamini Seneviratne
Gamini Seneviratne
Senior Research Professor, National Institute of Fundamental Studies, Kandy, Sri Lanka
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Interactions among endophytic bacteria and fungi: effects and potentials
WMMS Bandara, G Seneviratne, SA Kulasooriya
Journal of biosciences 31, 645-650, 2006
Litter quality and nitrogen release in tropical agriculture: a synthesis
G Seneviratne
Biology and fertility of soils 31, 60-64, 2000
Fungal-bacterial biofilms: their development for novel biotechnological applications
G Seneviratne, JS Zavahir, W Bandara, M Weerasekara
World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology 24, 739-743, 2008
Role of woody biochar and fungal-bacterial co-inoculation on enzyme activity and metal immobilization in serpentine soil
T Bandara, I Herath, P Kumarathilaka, M Seneviratne, G Seneviratne, ...
Journal of Soils and Sediments 17, 665-673, 2017
Importance of biofilm formation in plant growth promoting rhizobacterial action
G Seneviratne, M Weerasekara, K Seneviratne, JS Zavahir, ML Kecskés, ...
Plant growth and health promoting bacteria, 81-95, 2011
Polyethylene biodegradation by a developed Penicillium–Bacillus biofilm
G Seneviratne, NS Tennakoon, M Weerasekara, KA Nandasena
Current Science 90 (1), 20-21, 2006
Prediction of soil organic carbon across different land‐use patterns: A neural network approach
S Somaratne, G Seneviratne, U Coomaraswamy
Soil Science Society of America Journal 69 (5), 1580-1589, 2005
Developed microbial biofilms can restore deteriorated conventional agricultural soils
G Seneviratne, A Jayasekara, M De Silva, UP Abeysekera
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 43 (5), 1059-1062, 2011
Fungal solubilization of rock phosphate is enhanced by forming fungal–rhizobial biofilms
HS Jayasinghearachchi, G Seneviratne
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 38 (2), 405-408, 2006
Agronomic benefits of rhizobial inoculant use over nitrogen fertilizer application in tropical soybean
G Seneviratne, LHJ Van Holm, E Ekanayake
Field Crops Research 68 (3), 199-203, 2000
A bradyrhizobial-Penicillium spp. biofilm with nitrogenase activity improves N2 fixing symbiosis of soybean
HS Jayasinghearachchi, G Seneviratne
Biology and Fertility of Soils 40, 432-434, 2004
Mycelial colonization by bradyrhizobia and azorhizobia
G Seneviratne, HS Jayasinghearachchi
Journal of biosciences 28, 243-247, 2003
Nitrogen fixation in lichens is important for improved rock weathering
G Seneviratne, IK Indrasena
Journal of biosciences 31, 639-643, 2006
Developing beneficial microbial biofilms on roots of non legumes: a novel biofertilizing technique
G Seneviratne, R Thilakaratne, A Jayasekara, K Seneviratne, ...
Microbial strategies for crop improvement, 51-62, 2009
Plant growth promotion by Bradyrhizobium japonicum under heavy metal stress
M Seneviratne, S Gunaratne, T Bandara, L Weerasundara, N Rajakaruna, ...
South African Journal of Botany 105, 19-24, 2016
Reinstating soil microbial diversity in agroecosystems: the need of the hour for sustainability and health
G Seneviratne, SA Kulasooriya
Agriculture, ecosystems & environment 164, 181-182, 2013
A rhizobial biofilm with nitrogenase activity alters nutrient availability in a soil
G Seneviratne, HS Jayasinghearachchi
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 37 (10), 1975-1978, 2005
Role of rhizospheric microbes in heavy metal uptake by plants
M Seneviratne, G Seneviratne, H Madawala, M Vithanage
Agro-Environmental Sustainability: Volume 2: Managing Environmental …, 2017
Development of eco-friendly, beneficial microbial biofilms
G Seneviratne
Current Science 85 (10), 1395-1396, 2003
Can mushrooms fix atmospheric nitrogen?
HS Jayasinghearachchi, G Seneviratne
Journal of biosciences 29, 293-296, 2004
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