Alexandra Millonig
Alexandra Millonig
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Developing landmark-based pedestrian-navigation systems
A Millonig, K Schechtner
IEEE Transactions on intelligent transportation systems 8 (1), 43-49, 2007
Review of public transport needs of older people in European context
BP Shrestha, A Millonig, NB Hounsell, M McDonald
Journal of population ageing 10, 343-361, 2017
Tangible futures: Combining scenario thinking and personas-A pilot study on urban mobility
F Vallet, J Puchinger, A Millonig, G Lamé, I Nicolaï
Futures 117, 102513, 2020
Identification of mobility-impaired persons and analysis of their travel behavior and needs
G Sammer, T Uhlmann, W Unbehaun, A Millonig, B Mandl, J Dangschat, ...
Transportation Research Record 2320 (1), 46-54, 2012
Promoting active mobility behavior by addressing information target groups: The case of Austria
K Markvica, A Millonig, N Haufe, M Leodolter
Journal of transport geography 83, 102664, 2020
What makes you bike? Exploring persuasive strategies to encourage low-energy mobility
M Wunsch, A Stibe, A Millonig, S Seer, C Dai, K Schechtner, RCC Chin
Persuasive Technology: 10th International Conference, PERSUASIVE 2015 …, 2015
Decision loads and route qualities for pedestrians—key requirements for the design of pedestrian navigation services
A Millonig, K Schechtner
Pedestrian and evacuation dynamics 2005, 109-118, 2005
Shadowing-Tracking-Interviewing: How to Explore Human Spatio-Temporal Behaviour Patterns.
A Millonig, G Gartner
BMI, 1-14, 2008
Monitoring Pedestrian Spatio-Temporal Behaviour.
A Millonig, G Gartner
BMI 296, 29-42, 2007
Gamification and social dynamics behind corporate cycling campaigns
A Millonig, M Wunsch, A Stibe, S Seer, C Dai, K Schechtner, RCC Chin
Transportation research procedia 19, 33-39, 2016
Fair mobility budgets: A concept for achieving climate neutrality and transport equity
A Millonig, C Rudloff, G Richter, F Lorenz, S Peer
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 103, 103165, 2022
Where autonomous buses might and might not bridge the gaps in the 4 A's of public transport passenger needs: a review
A Millonig, P Fröhlich
Proceedings of the 10th international conference on automotive user …, 2018
Sitting, waiting, wishing: Waiting time perception in public transport
A Millonig, M Sleszynski, M Ulm
2012 15th international IEEE conference on intelligent transportation …, 2012
Identifying motion and interest patterns of shoppers for developing personalised wayfinding tools
A Millonig, G Gartner
Journal of Location Based Services 5 (1), 3-21, 2011
Pedestrian behaviour monitoring: methods and experiences
A Millonig, N Brändle, M Ray, D Bauer, S Van der Spek
Behaviour monitoring and interpretation–BMI, 11-42, 2009
A navigation algorithm for pedestrian simulation in dynamic environments
K Teknomo, A Millonig
Proceedings 11th World Conference on Transport Research. Berkeley, California, 2007
Human-centred mobile pedestrian navigation systems
G Gartner, H Huang, A Millonig, M Schmidt, F Ortag
Mitteilungen der Österreichischen Geographischen Gesellschaft 153, 237-250, 2011
Gamification and social dynamics: insights from a corporate cycling campaign
M Wunsch, A Stibe, A Millonig, S Seer, RCC Chin, K Schechtner
Distributed, Ambient and Pervasive Interactions: 4th International …, 2016
Connected and automated vehicles: Chances for elderly travellers
A Millonig
Gerontology 65 (5), 571-578, 2019
Developing encouragement strategies for active mobility
N Haufe, A Millonig, K Markvica
Transportation research procedia 19, 49-57, 2016
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