Jared Medina
Jared Medina
Associate Professor, Emory University
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From maps to form to space: Touch and the body schema
J Medina, HB Coslett
Neuropsychologia 48 (3), 645-654, 2010
Neural substrates of visuospatial processing in distinct reference frames: evidence from unilateral spatial neglect
J Medina, V Kannan, MA Pawlak, JT Kleinman, M Newhart, C Davis, ...
Journal of cognitive neuroscience 21 (11), 2073-2084, 2009
No evidential value in samples of transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) studies of cognition and working memory in healthy populations
J Medina, S Cason
Cortex 94, 131-141, 2017
Mental motor imagery indexes pain: the hand laterality task
HB Coslett, J Medina, D Kliot, AR Burkey
European Journal of Pain 14 (10), 1007-1013, 2010
Inappropriate usage of the Brunner–Munzel test in recent voxel-based lesion-symptom mapping studies
J Medina, DY Kimberg, A Chatterjee, HB Coslett
Neuropsychologia 48 (1), 341-343, 2010
Finding the right words: transcranial magnetic stimulation improves discourse productivity in non-fluent aphasia after stroke
J Medina, C Norise, O Faseyitan, HB Coslett, PE Turkeltaub, RH Hamilton
Aphasiology 26 (9), 1153-1168, 2012
Mental motor imagery and chronic pain: the foot laterality task
HB Coslett, J Medina, D Kliot, A Burkey
Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society 16 (4), 603-612, 2010
Remodeling of somotasensory hand representations following cerebral lesions in humans
B Rapp, SK Hendel, J Medina
Neuroreport 13 (2), 207-211, 2002
The influence of embodiment on multisensory integration using the mirror box illusion
J Medina, P Khurana, HB Coslett
Consciousness and cognition 37, 71-82, 2015
Two-component models of reaching: Evidence from deafferentation in a Fitts’ law task
J Medina, SA Jax, HB Coslett
Neuroscience letters 451 (3), 222-226, 2009
Reperfusion of specific cortical areas is associated with improvement in distinct forms of hemispatial neglect
S Khurshid, LA Trupe, M Newhart, C Davis, JJ Molitoris, J Medina, ...
Cortex 48 (5), 530-539, 2012
Phantom tactile sensations modulated by body position
J Medina, B Rapp
Current Biology 18 (24), 1937-1942, 2008
Somatotopic representation of location: Evidence from the Simon effect.
J Medina, M McCloskey, H Coslett, B Rapp
Journal of Experimental Psychology - Human Perception & Performance 40 (6 …, 2014
What can errors tell us about body representations?
J Medina, HB Coslett
Cognitive Neuropsychology 33 (1-2), 5-25, 2016
Towards a unified perspective of object shape and motion processing in human dorsal cortex
G Erlikhman, GP Caplovitz, G Gurariy, J Medina, JC Snow
Consciousness and Cognition 64, 106-120, 2018
The role of the right superior temporal gyrus in stimulus-centered spatial processing
PP Shah-Basak, P Chen, K Caulfield, J Medina, RH Hamilton
Neuropsychologia 113, 6-13, 2018
Domain-general biases in spatial localization: Evidence against a distorted body model hypothesis.
J Medina, C Duckett
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 43 (7 …, 2017
Contributions of efference copy to limb localization: evidence from deafferentation
J Medina, SA Jax, MJ Brown, HB Coslett
Brain research 1355, 104-111, 2010
Single-case cognitive neuropsychology in the age of big data
J Medina, S Fischer-Baum
Cognitive neuropsychology 34 (7-8), 440-448, 2017
Influence of the body schema on multisensory integration: Evidence from the mirror box illusion
Y Liu, J Medina
Scientific reports 7 (1), 5060, 2017
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