Bert L.A. Vermeersen
Bert L.A. Vermeersen
Professor TU Delft and Senior Researcher Royal NIOZ
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Reassessment of the potential sea-level rise from a collapse of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet
JL Bamber, REM Riva, BLA Vermeersen, AM LeBrocq
science 324 (5929), 901-903, 2009
Projecting twenty-first century regional sea-level changes
ABA Slangen, M Carson, CA Katsman, RSW Van de Wal, A Köhl, ...
Climatic Change 124, 317-332, 2014
Towards regional projections of twenty-first century sea-level change based on IPCC SRES scenarios
ABA Slangen, CA Katsman, RSW Van de Wal, LLA Vermeersen, ...
Climate dynamics 38, 1191-1209, 2012
Exploring high-end scenarios for local sea level rise to develop flood protection strategies for a low-lying delta—the Netherlands as an example
CA Katsman, A Sterl, JJ Beersma, HW Van den Brink, JA Church, ...
Climatic change 109, 617-645, 2011
Global dynamics of the Earth
R Sabadini, B Vermeersen, G Cambiotti
Springer Netherlands, 2016
Glacial isostatic adjustment over Antarctica from combined ICESat and GRACE satellite data
REM Riva, BC Gunter, TJ Urban, BLA Vermeersen, RC Lindenbergh, ...
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 288 (3-4), 516-523, 2009
Simultaneous estimation of global present-day water transport and glacial isostatic adjustment
X Wu, MB Heflin, H Schotman, BLA Vermeersen, D Dong, RS Gross, ...
Nature Geoscience 3 (9), 642-646, 2010
A benchmark study for glacial isostatic adjustment codes
G Spada, VR Barletta, V Klemann, REM Riva, Z Martinec, P Gasperini, ...
Geophysical Journal International 185 (1), 106-132, 2011
A new class of stratified viscoelastic models by analytical techniques
LLA Vermeersen, R Sabadini
Geophysical Journal International 129 (3), 531-570, 1997
Accuracy of the international terrestrial reference frame origin and earth expansion
X Wu, X Collilieux, Z Altamimi, BLA Vermeersen, RS Gross, I Fukumori
Geophysical Research Letters 38 (13), 2011
Search for an exosphere in sodium and calcium in the transmission spectrum of exoplanet 55 Cancri e
AR Ridden-Harper, IAG Snellen, CU Keller, RJ De Kok, E Di Gloria, ...
Astronomy & Astrophysics 593, A129, 2016
Glacial isostatic adjustment model with composite 3-D Earth rheology for Fennoscandia
W van der Wal, A Barnhoorn, P Stocchi, S Gradmann, P Wu, M Drury, ...
Geophysical Journal International 194 (1), 61-77, 2013
Ocean contribution to co-seismic crustal deformation and geoid anomalies: application to the 2004 December 26 Sumatra–Andaman earthquake
DBT Broerse, LLA Vermeersen, REM Riva, W van der Wal
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 305 (3-4), 341-349, 2011
Relative sea-level rise around East Antarctica during Oligocene glaciation
P Stocchi, C Escutia, AJP Houben, BLA Vermeersen, PK Bijl, H Brinkhuis, ...
Nature Geoscience 6 (5), 380-384, 2013
Compressible rotational deformation
LLA Vermeersen, R Sabadini, G Spada
Geophysical Journal International 126 (3), 735-761, 1996
Sea-level change in the Dutch Wadden Sea
BLA Vermeersen, ABA Slangen, T Gerkema, F Baart, KM Cohen, ...
Netherlands Journal of Geosciences 97 (3), 79-127, 2018
Observing coseismic gravity change from the Japan Tohoku‐Oki 2011 earthquake with GOCE gravity gradiometry
MJ Fuchs, J Bouman, T Broerse, P Visser, B Vermeersen
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 118 (10), 5712-5721, 2013
Ice-ocean exchange processes in the Jovian and Saturnian satellites
KM Soderlund, K Kalousová, JJ Buffo, CR Glein, JC Goodman, G Mitri, ...
Space Science Reviews 216, 1-57, 2020
Postseismic GRACE and GPS observations indicate a rheology contrast above and below the Sumatra slab
T Broerse, R Riva, W Simons, R Govers, B Vermeersen
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 120 (7), 5343-5361, 2015
Analytical visco‐elastic relaxation models
LLA Vermeersen, R Sabadini, G Spada
Geophysical research letters 23 (7), 697-700, 1996
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