Amy S. Desroches
Amy S. Desroches
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Distinct representations of subtraction and multiplication in the neural systems for numerosity and language
J Prado, R Mutreja, H Zhang, R Mehta, AS Desroches, JE Minas, ...
Human brain mapping 32 (11), 1932-1947, 2011
Investigating the time course of spoken word recognition: Electrophysiological evidence for the influences of phonological similarity
AS Desroches, RL Newman, MF Joanisse
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 21 (10), 1893-1906, 2009
Categorical speech perception deficits distinguish language and reading impairments in children
EK Robertson, MF Joanisse, AS Desroches, S Ng
Developmental Science 12 (5), 753-767, 2009
Specific phonological impairments in dyslexia revealed by eyetracking
AS Desroches, MF Joanisse, EK Robertson
Cognition 100 (3), B32-B42, 2006
Children with reading difficulties show differences in brain regions associated with orthographic processing during spoken language processing
AS Desroches, NE Cone, DJ Bolger, T Bitan, DD Burman, JR Booth
Brain research 1356, 73-84, 2010
Learning rule-described and non-rule-described categories: A comparison of children and adults.
JP Minda, AS Desroches, BA Church
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition; Journal …, 2008
An electroencephalographic examination of the autonomous sensory meridian response (ASMR)
BK Fredborg, K Champagne-Jorgensen, AS Desroches, SD Smith
Consciousness and Cognition 87, 103053, 2021
The role of the ventral and dorsal pathways in reading Chinese characters and English words
Y Sun, Y Yang, AS Desroches, L Liu, D Peng
Brain and Language 119 (2), 80-88, 2011
Orthographic facilitation in Chinese spoken word recognition: an ERP study
L Zou, AS Desroches, Y Liu, Z Xia, H Shu
Brain and language 123 (3), 164-173, 2012
Past-tense morphology and phonological deficits in children with dyslexia and children with language impairment
EK Robertson, MF Joanisse, AS Desroches, A Terry
Journal of learning disabilities 46 (3), 230-240, 2013
Multimodal lexical processing in auditory cortex is literacy skill dependent
C McNorgan, N Awati, AS Desroches, JR Booth
Cerebral Cortex 24 (9), 2464-2475, 2014
ERPs reveal the temporal dynamics of auditory word recognition in specific language impairment
JG Malins, AS Desroches, EK Robertson, RL Newman, LMD Archibald, ...
Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience 5, 134-148, 2013
Electrophysiological indices of phonological impairments in dyslexia
AS Desroches, RL Newman, EK Robertson, MF Joanisse
American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, 2013
Neural deficits in auditory phonological processing in Chinese children with English reading impairment
X Meng, H You, M Song, AS Desroches, Z Wang, NA Wei, M Tian, N Gaab, ...
Bilingualism: Language and cognition 19 (2), 331-346, 2016
The dynamic nature of assimilation and accommodation procedures in the brains of C hinese–E nglish and E nglish–C hinese bilinguals
Y Sun, D Peng, G Ding, T Qi, AS Desroches, L Liu
Human brain mapping 36 (10), 4144-4157, 2015
Theta–gamma coupling reflects the interaction of bottom-up and top-down processes in speech perception in children
J Wang, D Gao, D Li, AS Desroches, L Liu, X Li
Neuroimage 102, 637-645, 2014
Developmental differences in the influence of phonological similarity on spoken word processing in Mandarin Chinese
JG Malins, D Gao, R Tao, JR Booth, H Shu, MF Joanisse, L Liu, ...
Brain and Language 138, 38-50, 2014
The dynamics of spoken word recognition in bilinguals
AS Desroches, DC Friesen, M Teles, CA Korade, EW Forest
Bilingualism: Language and cognition 25 (4), 705-710, 2022
An event-related potential (ERP) examination of the neural responses to emotional and movement-related images
CE MacKay, AS Desroches, SD Smith
Cognitive Neuroscience 15 (1), 1-11, 2024
Neural Correlates of Visual Attention and Short-Term Memory in Children with Reading Difficulty
AF Koffman, E Flaten, AS Desroches, RS Kruk
Developmental Neuropsychology 48 (2), 65-80, 2023
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