Anne Houles
Anne Houles
Doctorante en microbiologie et environnement, CIRAD
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Zitiert von
Lysozyme resistance of the ropy strain Pediococcus parvulus IOEB 8801 is correlated with beta-glucan accumulation around the cell
J Coulon, A Houlès, M Dimopoulou, J Maupeu, M Dols-Lafargue
International Journal of Food Microbiology 159 (1), 25-29, 2012
Ectomycorrhizal Communities Associated with the Legume Acacia spirorbis Growing on Contrasted Edaphic Constraints in New Caledonia
A Houles, B Vincent, M David, M Ducousso, A Galiana, F Juillot, ...
Microbial Ecology 76, 964-975, 2018
Principe de facilitation appliqué à la restauration écologique de sites miniers dégradés: suivi des communautés ectomycorhiziennes au cours de successions végétales assistée …
A Houlès
Université Montpellier, 2017
Acacia spirorbis a model plant to study the contribution of symbiotic root microorganisms in plant adaptation to soil constraints: news and prospects.
M Ducousso, A Galiana, Y Prin, A Houlès, L Hannibal, P Jourand, ...
Conference Sustaining the Future of Acacia Plantation Forestry, 2014
The Nurse Plant Acacia spirorbis Enriches Ectomycorrhizal Community Composition of a Target Species: Tristaniopsis calobuxus
A Houlès, K Gotty, F Joussemet, B Vincent, L Hannibal, M Patrois, ...
Diversity 14 (2), 107, 2022
Exploring the feasibility of sugarcane phenotyping using crop models with contrasted climatic conditions in Réunion Island
JF Martiné, E Gozé, D Luquet, A Thong-Chane, A Houles, JC Soulie, ...
Agropolis international, 2010
Mycorrhizal plant facilitation: a promising key tool for nickel mine site ecological restoration in Madagascar and New Caledonia
M Ducousso, C Henry, A Houles, A Razafimamonjy, ...
LSTM, 2015
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