Rodrigo Wilkens
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The brWaC corpus: A new open resource for Brazilian Portuguese
JA Wagner Filho, R Wilkens, M Idiart, A Villavicencio
Proceedings of the eleventh international conference on language resources …, 2018
Is attention explanation? an introduction to the debate
A Bibal, R Cardon, D Alfter, R Wilkens, X Wang, T François, P Watrin
Proceedings of the 60th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational …, 2022
How naked is the naked truth? a multilingual lexicon of nominal compound compositionality
C Ramisch, S Cordeiro, L Zilio, M Idiart, A Villavicencio, R Wilkens
Proceedings of the 54th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational …, 2016
Challenging social media threats using collective well-being-aware recommendation algorithms and an educational virtual companion
D Ognibene, R Wilkens, D Taibi, D Hernández-Leo, U Kruschwitz, ...
Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence 5, 654930, 2023
Fabra: French aggregator-based readability assessment toolkit
R Wilkens, D Alfter, X Wang, A Pintard, A Tack, KP Yancey, T François
Proceedings of the Thirteenth Language Resources and Evaluation Conference …, 2022
French coreference for spoken and written language
R Wilkens, B Oberle, F Landragin, A Todirascu
Language Resources and Evaluation Conference (LREC 2020), 80-89, 2020
Size does not matter. Frequency does. A study of features for measuring lexical complexity
R Wilkens, AD Vecchia, MZ Boito, M Padró, A Villavicencio
Advances in Artificial Intelligence--IBERAMIA 2014: 14th Ibero-American …, 2014
Coreference-based text simplification
R Wilkens, B Oberle, A Todirascu
Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Tools and Resources to Empower People …, 2020
Transformations syntaxiques pour une aide à l'apprentissage de la lecture: typologie, adéquation et corpus adaptés
N Gala, A Todirascu, D Bernhard, R Wilkens, JP Meyer
SHS Web of Conferences 78, 14006, 2020
Crawling by readability level
JAW Filho, R Wilkens, L Zilio, M Idiart, A Villavicencio
Computational Processing of the Portuguese Language: 12th International …, 2016
Linguistic corpus annotation for automatic text simplification evaluation
R Cardon, A Bibal, R Wilkens, D Alfter, M Norré, A Müller, W Patrick, ...
Proceedings of the 2022 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language …, 2022
Mb-courage@ exist: Gcn classification for sexism identification in social networks?
R Wilkens, D Ognibene
Passport: A dependency parsing model for portuguese
L Zilio, R WILkENS, C Fairon
International Conference on Computational Processing of the Portuguese …, 2018
Using NLP for Enhancing Second Language Acquisition.
L Zilio, R Wilkens, C Fairon
RANLP, 839-846, 2017
Similarity measures for the detection of clinical conditions with verbal fluency tasks
F Paula, R Wilkens, M Idiart, A Villavicencio
Proceedings of the 2018 Conference of the North American Chapter of the …, 2018
B2SG: a TOEFL-like task for Portuguese
R Wilkens, L Zilio, E Ferreira, A Villavicencio
Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Language Resources and …, 2016
Sw4all: a cefr classified and aligned corpus for language learning
R Wilkens, L Zilio, C Fairon
Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference on Language Resources …, 2018
HECTOR: A hybrid TExt SimplifiCation TOol for raw texts in French
A Todirascu, R Wilkens, E Rolin, T François, D Bernhard, N Gala
12th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC), 2022
Automatic construction of large readability corpora
JA Wagner Filho, R Wilkens, A Villavicencio
Proceedings of the Workshop on Computational Linguistics for Linguistic …, 2016
MWE for essay scoring English as a foreign language
R Wilkens, D Seibert, X Wang, T François
Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Tools and Resources to Empower People …, 2022
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